
Heaven's Arena

[ I edit chapter 1 tmr, let me know if there's any grammar errors or incorrect information I may have put, enjoy your read!}

Six years has passed since I was born and Killua was just recently born, Milluki was born a month after me but I never paid much attention to him although I do play with him from time to time to keep up friendly relations since he be helpful later on, most of the time we're training so I never have much time now and days.

Although right now I'm quite angry. Right before Killua was born, my dad took me and put me on a blimp heading towards somewhere which will probably be heaven's arena. I heard Illumi had to do the same thing when he was six so I guess it's a tradition.

A woman in a waiters suit pushing a cart came by and bowed before the two of us.

"Greetings Master Silva and Young Master Zen, would the two of you like something to drink or eat?"

I stopped staring at the view and turned towards the waiter.

'Oh it's Jen, I guess butlers accompany dad sometimes, it does make traveling easier I suppose, don't know why she's wearing that horrible fake mask though'

"No thank you and Zen doesn't need anything either, right Zen?"

Silva stared at me with half closed eyes, he really wants me to do everything by myself. I even had to buy the ticket to get here with the money from my first job, the job went well. So well in fact that the skull from my target was not harmed in any way, just his heart was harmed

I nodded before turning back to the view and watched as the blimp flew past the land, it was an interesting sight given I don't get out often.

'I want to learn nen soon, so I might as well see if I can learn it now. I'm pretty sure Illumi has either already learned it or is starting to learn it so I want to get a head start'

I faced my dad and coughed to get his attention.

He turned my way with raised eyebrows.

"Dad, can I learn nen after we are done with whatever we're doing?"

His eyes showed surprise, then he smiled and released a frightening pressure that made me feel so small, like a bug that can be squashed at any time.

"Where did you hear of nen? Did Illumi tell you?"

He asked after releasing the pressure off of me.

My whole body was sweating and I could barely breathe.

'So that was an aura just now mixed with a little bit of malice, it's so powerful, I want that power!'

I thought excitedly before calming myself down and relying on dad's question.

"I simply heard some stuff here and there"

I said vaguely before smiling, there are nen users everywhere and there's over ten in the house, so saying this makes it easy to just think I overheard someone talking about it, plus I'm one of his sons and possibly the heir which means I have to learn it sooner or later.

He interlocked his arms before looking at me and smiling.

"Alright, I will teach you if you make it to the 200th floor in Heaven's arena. Heaven's arena is where we heading, you know which tower is it when we get there, just sign up and you know what to do, also don't come back until you reach the 200th floor and you be all on your own, even if your about to die"

He said in a serious tone before looking out the window and mumbling something to himself.

'Nice! I get to learn nen pretty early, but that makes wonder why Silva never taught Killua at a young age like Zushi that one kid, it could be because they want to train Killua in everything before teaching him nen but it just seems weird not to start early'

I kept thinking for a little while as Silva watched me carefully with half closed eyes.

***Silva's pov***

'Heard it here and there huh, that's not possible. I made sure no one in the household talks about nen in the open, only in secure locations is anyone allowed to talk about nen in the house in case an intruder gets in and gets information on us. Should I get Kikyo to hypnotize him into saying how he heard it? No, too much trouble for something he will learn later, plus he has prodigy level talent so it would be best to start early, I usually want them to learn everything about assassination first but this also works out'

I thought in my head as I watched Zen watch the building fly past, his eyes contained darkness I had never seen before, they were like small dark pupils which contain death. Perfect for my heir.

'I'm bothered by his personality though, he almost killed a butler for bringing him the wrong drink a week ago, it was one of the new ones so I couldn't care less about their life but still. He was not even mad. Plus when he killed his first target, he hid the body and perfectly took the skull out of his head and hung it on his wall like an experienced hunter.'

That hunt did go well, his mother was so happy she threw a feast for him and got him a knife made out of human bones which he loved.

I looked at the buildings before us and smiled. It seems like my second child will become someone interesting in the future. I have Tsubone keep tabs on him, although she hates it since he reminds her of my wife.

Soon Zen fell asleep as I watched the sun set.

'We be there tomorrow morning, I leave at the next stop and go back home'

Just like that I left the next morning leaving Zen alone.

*** Zen's pov ***

I opened my eyes slowly to the bright sun shining on my face, I looked over to see Silva already disappeared.

"All passengers, please be ready to get off if you're set to leave at the next destination, please and thank you for riding Blimp Express"

The lady over the intercom said loudly. I jumped up and watched as the blimp slowly descended on an open runway.

It slowly came to a halt and stopped as everyone near me got up and started getting off. I followed and got off along with them and soon the whole place was empty.

Suddenly a bag fell on top of my head containing a flip phone and a note.

I opened the folded note and read it.

"Call the listed number on the phone when you completed the task and want to go home, you also can stay for up to a year after completing the task if you wish to train at heaven's arena"

After reading it I went to a nearby trash can and threw it away. Looking at the tallest tower I started walking towards it.

It took a while before I reached it, a line was waiting but since it was early morning, it wasn't that long. It took only around twenty minutes before I got to the receptionist.

"Hello there! Please sign up here if you want to participate in fighting, if you want to watch then you can go in free of charge for the first hundred floors, after the first hundred floors you have to pay for tickets for special fight within the 200 floor or pay for view time on floor 100-200"

The receptionist then took a deep breath after explaining everything. She did not give me any weird looks even though I was a child which means she used to or doesn't care, probably a mix of both.

I grabbed the paper and wrote down a fake name since I want to come here in the future.

'After all if I leave then when I come back, they kick me out if I leave again which is annoying to do but oh well'

I thought as I wrote down Koroko on the paper and pushed it towards her.

"Alright, thank you for joining Heaven's Arena! Enjoy your stay Koroko, they call a number when you are picked to fight, your number is 598, go down the hallway to the first arena, the side hallways lead to staff rooms and the elevator to get to the higher floors, after the arena is a lobby where another elevator lays and tv screens for upper floors, there's also another receptionist there to give you your cash prize, enjoy your stay!"

'Will everyone here explain everything in one breath?'

I chuckled a bit before I started heading to the arena.

"Also! No weapons allowed!"

The receptionist said loudly as I walked away.

I slowly made my way to the arena where cheering could be heard and stopped right before the entrance.

'Killua, I will beat your record by half, that's my goal and no matter what I will complete it'

I thought before looking at the mirror along the walls which laid right before the entrance.

I was only 4'4 and had scruffy black hair with bangs which covered my eyes. I cover my eyes since the first person on the outside I showed them to was frightened which annoyed me so I hid them so as not to attract useless attention.

I was just wearing a normal black t-shirt which was about an extra size too big and some shorts which matched them. I was thin enough to be called malnourished but I'm healthy, I like being thin since my agility is what I want for now.

I sucked in a breath of fresh air before preparing myself, now I'm ready.

I walked inside to see nine platforms with multiple people fighting on them, people were in the stands cheering while others waited on the front lines presumably waiting for their number to be called.

I sat down and waited. I watched the people here carefully and could tell most of them were amateurs, some had some experience. One guy was good at fighting, about equal to an average martial artist and that was the only thing worthy enough to be said about him.

I looked down at my hand as I transformed my finger into a claw-like state.

'Does this count as a weapon? It shouldn't considering it's my body'

I kept switching the state of my hand before stopping, I only use it if I need to, I just use other techniques for now.

I have an arsenal of techniques I can use, but vein extraction and Assassin's step are among my favorite. Echo rhythm is quite good too but I don't like using it since it requires me to slow down to use it and that can leave me unguarded if the person is all out on offense.

"Number 598 and 567 please come up"

A voice said loudly over the intercom, I jumped up out of my seat and walked down to the open arena, on the other stands, a fit guy jumped over some railings and started walking over too.

We both stepped on stage as a man in a suit came up.

"Alright, first to get knocked out loses, fight!"