
Hunter x Hunter: Six Paths of Nen

A middle aged man dies and find himself in the world of hunters! He will do all that needs to be done to live his best Life.

JustAMan · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Author's note

Hello, dear readers! And welcome to my HxH fanfic, The Six Paths Of Nen!

I'm the humble author, Just_A_Man, your pilot on what will become a memorable ride, and also a 20-something guy who hopes to write a best seller one day—for the fun of it and for the money!

However, before getting on board, there are a number of things you need to know about me, the pilot, and about our first stop, the following volume.

About me;

I mentioned earlier that I aspired to be a best-selling author. That's why I started this fic—to learn about writing and storytelling. The best way to learn how to write is to write! As I'm a new author, things won't be perfect, so please cut me some slack. Grammatical errors, bad spelling, plot holes, and inconsistencies could happen. I will be relying on you to point out those flaws in my writing and to help me in my learning with mature and objective critics.

critics, not your wants and preferences.

Another thing you also have to know is that I'm a young adult who began building his life, a.k.a. job, lodging, girl (still searching), and taxes. I've got responsibilities in real life, and I won't jeopardize them by prioritizing the writing of this fic. What does it mean? I won't have an updated schedule for the time being. I will post a chapter whenever I am ready, but I will try my best to update at least once every two weeks. That's, of course, the worst case.

Now, about the following volume:

The first volume of this fic will follow two timelines. Usually, some novels are a mix of many character arcs, and through them we follow the global plot of the story. I'm going to do something similar, but instead of another main character, we will still follow the MC, Chang-Lee.

So while the first timeline will be focused on the Hunter Exam he will undertake, the second one will be about his beginning, when he got reincarnated. If I'm doing this, it's because I want to show all the facades of the MC. Chang Lee on one hand and Takeda Tatsuo on the other.

As you will discover, Lee is a skilled Nen user with a calm mind in stressful situations, never shying away from taking mortal risks. But he wasn't born like that. In his past life, he was your regular Neet who was wasting his life away. So how has he changed so much? I want to write about it.

Contrary to many Isekai authors on this platform who have their MC orphaned or amnesic, with nothing to live for, I believe that a MC with a clear, developed past who holds onto it to make himself better brings more substance to the story.

I know many don't like boy MC—me too—and want to get right to the action. That's why I'll be jumping between timelines. You will have your action, and I will get to write about Lee's beginnings.

For all who think the second timeline is useless, I assure you there will be good stuff, *cough* MilfXshota, and its chapters will be short. I'll be brief about it. They will be recognizable from the first timeline by the iconic X in the middle of their title.

Ok, that's all I wanted to share. Now, it's time to turn on the engine. Put on your sea belt and let's go!