
Hunter X Hunter: Royal Guard

Of the Royal Guard and of no more. The king’s whim theirs, theirs the king’s. However, a faint sensation. Like a fly in the ear. He often wishes for something more than that duty, though it be forbidden by instinct.

jliziki · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Redemption x Enlightenment

Knov woke up, still feeling groggy. Now, the final phase. He entered a separate floor of his 'room'. He looked down at a pile of explosives. The only grace this change of plans afforded us. Knov exited, returning to the lowest floor of the skyscraper. Methodically, he planted explosives on each floor, increasing the concentration at key points in its structure. In his hand, a grooved cylindrical detonator with the trigger being teased by his thumb. Good riddance. Knov sighed. Click. He re-entered his 'room'. The low rumble of the approaching explosion destabilised the building.

At the topmost floor, Imhokepri and the king. In that meagre duration of time, fractions of a second at most, the king disappeared. Soundless, his footsteps. Overlapping breaths. Where he reappeared was by Komugi's side, crouched on a knee. Fragile thing, still sleeping even when death is upon you. He scooped up her limp body, leaping through a nearby wall and out into the air, raising his free arm expectantly as they entered free-fall. Woosh. They stopped; the king caught one of Imhokepri's talons. The building collapsed, falling in on itself, kicking up a dense plume of dust. Komugi violently coughed herself awake, clutching at her chest.

He covered her mouth which was about to speak with his hand. "Komugi," It's not fair. An odd but transformative notion. How one's existence can be solely defined by weakness. His face wrinkled, an expression unseen. For the second time. I'm a brute, yet weak in all areas. "Don't waste your breath." With his hand now raised, he saw the face of a quivering Komugi. "Know that if you are with me, no harm can come to you." Rather, I cannot allow it. It's some force which compels me. To Komugi who lied cradled by his arms, the king's breath took on a different quality. Imhokepri's breath left in chilly vapour, Komugi's too. The king's was invisible. More than one's intuition, less than intellectual. There's a way of expressing this, surely.

"I'm not worthy of such kindness, your highness." The king let out a stifled laugh at that remark. Highness. What is it that I am above? A lofty title, all that it is. "I'd rather you not call me that." Komugi's eyes opened. "What would you prefer to be called?" He was left silenced in astonishment at this simple thing eluding him. My name. To Komugi, I'm another voice entering her conscious, disembodied. No name, no title. I 'am', nothing. Anything more is arrogance. "Frankly, Komugi. I am no one." Inhale then exhale. "So, bestow onto me any name you wish." A name doesn't change one's status, It's I who is unworthy.

Imhokepri took in the sudden spurt of wisdom from the king. No one.

Before Komugi could respond. "100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva." An inaudible voice originating from somewhere in the thick clouds. Golden streaks washed over the trio below. In the sky, hung there, was a marionette like structure resembling a statue. Innumerable arms, with pairs of hands clapped together in prayer and others facing outwards at various angles. Dressed in creased robes alongside a weary face layered with tears.

I am nothing, but I cannot bring myself to part with this being in my arms. For when I part, I won't know how this world shall treat her. Those unfeeling violet eyes reflected the tears of that statue. "Imhokepri, I'm entrusting Komugi to you." He said the following line without a trace of malice. "Your life and hers are equal. If she perishes, you shall also." He smiled. "With that being said, you get your wish, head east, south, west, anywhere but here." Imhokepri was handed Komugi.

Bodhisattva. On the road to enlightenment. Hindered by compassion. Imhokepri dropped the king. It drew closer, basking all in its light. It is my time. Step. Step, stepping into the glow, his body disappeared. "Humans," It seemed to glow, the piece. A divine move, one so inspired, and ingenious. "I wish to speak, not for forgiveness." There are only two reasons one approaches their death so casually. They must have some means of terminating me.

Prior to, "Fine, Zeno. I'll see what I can do. Man, you're killing me! I should've asked Silva." Netero performed a series of stretches, hopping from side to side then swinging his arms. Zeno shot a sidelong glance his way. "This isn't Silva's sort of thing." He grunted. This may be the first contract of mine which does not involve killing. Not out of stipulation. My incapability. "I'm taking us down." Zeno stomped on the bird's back, beginning their sharp descent toward the ground.

Currently. Netero's voice boomed. "…Would you like to know your name? Little ant." Elderly, muscular. Lusting for something more beneath that condescending veneer. Meruem, you don't even look interested. He stood suspended in air, hands clapped together.

"No." Eyes cast to the ground. One's designation, meaningless. "I have no use for such a thing, I can observe the qualities of my being. One's name is a destiny." The king beckoned Netero forward with his index. "I defy that." Closed eyes. "Step forward or fall back, either is of no consequence to me." A small infiltration team in the face of our threat. 'Threat.' I see, we were no threat at all.

Meanwhile, Imhokepri held a fidgeting Komugi as he flew toward the west. "Let me go! I can't just leave him!" This human. He grabbed A.P.R, shoving it into her chest. "Hold onto that, it'll keep you safe." Since it can survive one of my attacks it should be an effective shield. "If you don't, you'll fall." He released an apprehensive Komugi, allowing her to float on the back of A.P.R. And where I go, it goes. She'll always be nearby. Perhaps I'll experience what it is the king does when she's around. "You heard him yourself; he does not wish for you to be harmed." Komugi begrudgingly settled down, leaning into A.P.R's squishy body.

His wide eyes caught sight of a body. Neferpitou's. Mangled and oozing blood. They'd have to be at least as strong as the king! He restrained the urged to land lest he encountered whatever ended Neferpitou, not only out the fear latching onto him, but the potential threat posed to Komugi. Flight continued for some time until he saw another dot on the ground, white spiked hair, and arcs of electricity. It couldn't have been that one. They have immense speed I can barely keep up; I don't detect any great strength though.

Killua felt a pair of eyes watching him. I'm being tailed, they're not even bothering to hide their presence. He clicked his tongue. If I can't defeat them, I'll just continue fleeing. His speed gradually fell off until Imhokepri caught up. Imhokepri dove straight down toward Killua, Komugi barely held onto A.P.R's neck as her feet dangled. Upon Killua entering his range, Imhokepri swiped at his neck with his talons. Nothing but air, Killua had already ducked, having placed down Gon in the same instant.

"Shippū Jinrai." Bzzt.

In a set stance. Clasped hands and swinging his body, Killua drove an elbow into Imhokepri's torso, eluding even his honed reflexes. This sensation, it's strange. Killua's elbow was glossy and slick with some substance picked up from Imhokepri. Oil. An unexpected inconvenience. Instead of being ravaged by electrical current, Imhokepri stood unfazed by the attack, his alarmed expression relaxing into something neutral. Underwhelming, to disappear and deliver such a petty counter. Even he appears to be surprised by this development, it must've not have had the intended effect. After that split second of thought, Killua became a vanished body once more. Then, in an instant, Imhokepri found himself tightly bound by thin metal wire drawn across his torso.

What's that girl doing with it? No, my hands are already full with Gon, I don't have the luxury of dealing with other people. Killua stood to his rear with his back facing Imhokepri's, with arms outstretched to the utmost as his hands tugged on the glinting wires wrapped around his stressed fingers. The wire slid into the gaps between Imhokepri's feathers cooling the skin which lied beneath. A crack in its armour. Current delivered itself along the expressway of wire. Bzzt."Shippū Jinrai, Seido (Precision)".

Shippū Jinrai, Seido. The use of 'Godspeed' in conjunction with Killua's weighted wires. These wires were composed of a metal which took on elastic properties when heated, contracting upon cooling. On the ends of them, a spiked tip to latch onto targets. Developed specifically for confronting opponents with which prolonged physical contact or close proximity could prove to be fatal. And as extending his En would prove exhaustive, he'd maintain a thin stream of aura between the tips of the wires to detect entities.

Arcs of electricity spiralled around the wire as it travelled along its length. Now, the typical Enhancer response would be to enhance the non-conductivity of their feathers and its oil to mitigate my attack, but I won't even let it think. The wire's grip on Imhokepri loosened. "The bird fights its way out of the egg." Still facing away as a sweeping wind rolled through, prompting him to turn around to Imhokepri. "The egg is the world." Woosh. Graceful direction of his weighted wires only using the slightest shifts of his fingers, moving with precise motions to inflict the finest pain. "You things seem to be under the influence of someone or something." Thwack, Thwack. Wires delivering a verbal lashing. "Take a moment and think on your miserable existences." Venom.

The stunning effect compensated for his wires which were slower than himself. Bzzt. Killua looked down to Gon. I won't be too long. As though the wires were sentient, they moved in delicately co-ordinated sequences, over and under, intertwining in a fatal dance. Pop. A sound from the fresh memory of him removing Illumi's needle some time ago. Breaking free from my limits, I'll protect you this time, Gon. His arms sped up until the wires seemed to become one, producing the same sound at the same time with double the damage.

Speechless, without the facilities for it due to being electrocuted. Imhokepri's charred self was left knelt on one knee, taken aback. I'm being, I'm being lectured by a human? Shaken by things so mere as words. That messy slicked back hair hung over his eyes, casting a shadow concealing an intense brooding of an existential quality. Games. "Human, what did you mean by that?" Gone. Killua, in the manner of a cruel phantom, imparted onto him an unanswerable question. One obeys authority, yet I kneel to one with none. "True wisdom." This world is the most complex struggle and I've ignored it in favour of these petty things such as games.

He tidied his hair with a hand, opening his closed eyes. They contained something, awe. Perceiving the truths of his limited rank. One's station is not set in stone. Imhokepri soared off into the sky, spreading his wings wider than ever, as if attempting to reach escape velocity. Betraying the dull compulsion to serve his majesty. "Imhokepri! Wh-what just happened? Are you okay?" Komugi's voice barged into his reverie. "Yes. I feel like I've just woken up from a restful sleep."

At the same time, Killua ferried Gon off into the night which was yet to lift. The bird then flew to God. Cratered, glistening, with no glow of its own. A borrowed light. His gleaming eyes flitted up to the Moon, then back to Gon whose veiled body shone with light of equal brilliance. What am I meant to do now, Gon? The Moon, in the counterpart's absence is rendered nothing but a cold stone, though a moth to a flame otherwise. Killua's pace hastened.

In the south, Kurapika ventured further into the sprawling shopping mall which seemed to be inactive. Every corner of the complex was covered in dense bindings of white webbing strung across the ceilings, walls, and floors. "Meleoron, does any of this seem familiar to you?" No response for a few seconds. "Th-this place is Zazan's." The first time Meleoron's twitching eyes stood still. "Get us out of here. Now!" Kurapika gagged him with his hand. "Be quiet." Muted, just like that. "Being outside is too dangerous right now, we'll have to make do." With no room for argument. The two scoped out the storefronts, restaurants, beauty, clothing, shoes, food stalls, all amenities were found there.

"Meleoron, we'll hide out in here." Entering a small restaurant, they saw a place which looked as though it had been ransacked. Upturned chairs and tables scattered around the place. Likely, from everyone fleeing. "We need to keep ourselves in the best condition possible." Kurapika led Meleoron into the back of the restaurant, entering its kitchen and looking as though he were preparing to cook himself a meal. He inspected the ingredients with a keen eye. Nothing less than high quality. Meleoron watched Kurapika cook in silence. Clink. One bowl placed on the countertop. Clink. A second.

Meleoron's mouth opened, his eyes wide, eyebrows high. "Y-You're cooking for me too? You're supposed to hate me for what I've done! Though, at the same time, I don't want you to." A steaming bowl of broth slid over to Meleoron. "You weren't the one who killed all of these people." Anyone could see that. Kurapika, didn't look at him. "But you're not without sin. Your friend paid their due, will you?"

"Even though you beat me up, most of it deserved, you're alright." Meleoron, looked down at the bowl, transfixed by shame. I was just following orders. But I could've just left like Zazan. I'm just a coward. It was moving, building a newfound resolve in him. "I can't reimburse lives. Though, I can get you to wherever it is you need to go.


Kurapika's Dowsing Chain hung, frozen. Even those you don't expect have redeeming qualities. Clink. Meleoron freed from his chains. "I'd still rather that we don't touch, out of practicality." He lifted a seat, then sat down, reclining all the way back with a bowl in hand.

Meleoron gestured animatedly. "Are you serious? I could just disappear right now!" Kurapika wasn't concerned. "You wouldn't waste your breath telling me, you'd be holding it." His eyes moved back down to his bowl.

"This is a delicacy, courtesy of my," Clan. "Family." Kurapika parted a set of wooden chopsticks. "Eat up." Dying here isn't part of the plan. If I die, who else. Who else will answer to those voices? Unshakeable stress. The ends of his chopsticks tremored; he dipped them into the food to conceal it.

Somewhere else in that mall. Bandaging around his forehead, partially hidden by his hair. Bulbous jade earrings piercing his earlobes. He sat in the chilly stockroom of a grocery store. I suppose this was my last gift from Neon Nostrade. Reciting the quatrain from memory was no bother. It was an irrelevant forecast at the time, but fate is not to be ignored.


A long moon hung beside the mournful Cruxian star.

Shining on the bloody Scarlet Eyes, that star fell not afar.

Where it all lies in abundance, consumed in excess by the soulless.

Retribution in redundance, consumed in excess by the goalless.


The Cruxian star is only visible on certain days and from certain points. Yorknew was a gamble considering the light pollution, but now I'm certain. His face brightened with pleasure. This city being destroyed. It's just like home.

The low hum of a vacuum cleaner soothed the area. Turtlenecked, in blue jeans. Her golden jewellery shone in the dim light. "That's the last of it." An insectoid arm was slurped up by the vacuum. She adjusted her large rimless glasses which rested as low as her cheekbones. "Oh, I missed a spot." Humming filled the air once again, hers this time.

"Quiet, Shizuku." Flowing pink hair, curtains over her delicate face. Leant against a pile of crates, she helped herself to an apple. Crunch. Yanking the flesh from it. "I'm tired of listening to your humming and that damn vacuum."

"Sorry, Phinks." She knocked on her head, whether or not she was chiding. Unknown. "I mean, Machi. It's just with you wearing your tracksuit and all, I thought you looked similar." Unblinking eyes, and an incongruent tone of innocence. "Also, leave Blinky out of it." Blinky, the googly-eyed vacuum by her side.

'Retribution in redundance,' I'm sure that means what I think it does. "I know I don't have to re-educate you two in regard to the rules." Their bickering ended by this call to attention. Machi silenced, Shizuku also. "Moving on, you're wondering why I chose you two out of everyone. A subtle approach was best." His eyes softened. "You're my guardians, as it were." Though unneeded. Lingering his gaze on Shizuku for a moment longer than he did with Machi. "Well, it seems we'll be waiting for some time. Get comfortable."

Shuffle. Clothes slid across a clothing rack. Zazan held a T-Shirt to her chest, inspecting her figure in a mirror. "How do I look, Riesa?" Her hand stretched out. Mwah. Curled horns brushed against her arm. "An unnecessary question, Zazan. There's nothing one can say to shake you, or please you." Double-breasted tailcoat, cropped to reveal a bare mid-riff. Black trousers, bare hooves. Riesa. "It seems we've some visitors to our little sanctuary. Surveillance caught five humans entering, all at separate times." Adjusting his cufflink. " And I've lost contact with some of the others." Riesa's rectangular eyes scanned the clothing store. "Don't worry, I've sent some refreshments their way." He moved forward, picking out a dress, holding it up to Zazan's figure. "I think this one suits you more."

Back in the restaurant, Kurapika sensed a presence standing just outside, placing down his bowl in response. "Meleoron, go and hide somewhere." At the same time, in the grocery store. Clap. Chrollo closed the book in his hand. "Machi, Shizuku. The hour is upon us." Machi and Shizuku nodded, moving out from the stockroom and onto the shop floor. Chrollo followed. Machi and Shizuku gave each other a look. What does he plan on doing in that state? Chrollo's expression was neutral, he retook the lead.

Upon reaching the shop floor, a blur ran to Chrollo. Dodged. He seemed pleased with himself, skipping around the thing desperately chasing him like a bull. "It seems like I still have it." Whatever was attacking him stopped. It was an anthropomorphic ant.

Suicidal fool. Machi was crouched down on a knee, brandishing a sewing needle attached to the threads now binding the creature. "Sit this one out, boss." Irritation in her eyes. Shizuku followed Machi's lead, mercilessly clubbing the thing to death, promptly vacuuming up its remains with Blinky.

My death has not been willed, so it shall not happen. Chrollo looked to Machi. "I'd be lost without my legs." He walked out to the mall's main area, sticking close to the wall. Machi closely observed him. He really has no Nen? He's practically fighting in purest form of Zetsu.