
Hunter x Hunter: Infinity

Killian, the fourth born of the Zoldyck Family of Assassins, was born with eyes that looked through secrets blessed with exceptional talent. Fearsome monsters... exotic creatures... vast riches... hidden treasures.... evil enclaves... unexplored lands.... The world unknown holds magic, and some people are drawn to it.

TheUnwritten · Anime & Comics
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Killian silently moved behind Killua. They went further into the darkness where they suddenly came face to face with Tonpa. He had a shocked expression when he saw them and Killua came near him.

Killua said with a blank expression, "You seem to be nervous about something."

"Who me?!" Tonpa exclaimed, "I am not..."

"-Yes, you are. You lead them into a trap." Killua said cutting Tonpa's words mid-sentence.

"What! How can you say that?!" Tonpa moved back, already flustered, trembling a bit. Signs of a liar.

"We don't like liars, loser," Killian remarked.

Killua continued, "My father always says that lying clients deserve death."

Tonpa back off and raised his fists. Killian smirked, this man really thought he could give them a fight.

"Let's not waste our time," Killian said, "we don't have much of it to spare."

Killua nodded and moved past Tonpa without giving him another look followed by Killian. Tonpa sighed in relief before smirking.

When they reached the deep dark tunnels, Killian's suspicions were proven right, the tunnel was dark with next to no light but Killian's senses were able to make sense of it. They heard sound sounds of struggles and shouts coming from ahead.


"What's going on Kurapika?" Gon screamed as Kurapika's arms tightened around his neck. Gon tried to carry Kurapika on his back but he wouldn't stay still, he shook violently, left-right and started choking Gon while screaming something incoherent. When Gon looked over his shoulder he saw Kurapika's eyes had turned to glowing scarlet red instead his usual grey as he kept screaming.


Gon tried to keep a balance but tumbled to the side as someone jumped on him and knocked Kurapika off his back. He dug his feet and turn to see the white-haired boys from earlier and Kurapika knocked on the floor while groaning.

"What happened?" Kurapika groaned as slowly opened his eyes which were back to the usual grey.

Gon snapped at Killua. "What did you do that for?"

Killua sighed, "There is no Healing Seeder Tree."

"What?!" Gon was taken aback.

"What do you mean?" Kurapika groaned as he got up.

Killua looked around and said, "These branches crept on the tunnel walls and the scent they leak the sap of Tree of Hallucination as it's commonly called."

"The scent could paralyze victims and make them experience their worst nightmares, in some cases, they even go mad," Killian further explained, "for that reason, it's quite popular among assassins."

"How do you even know all that?" Kurapika asked with suspicion as he recovered.

"I just read a lot." Killian shrugged his shoulders. "But that aside, you need to hurry and help your friend before the scent makes a permanent effect on him."

Kurapika's eyes widened. "That's right, Leorio!"

"If you want us to help, we have a plan to save your friend and catch up to the group," Killua added, "but we can't waste any more time."

Kurapika nodded and looked towards the deeper parts of the tunnel and nodded. They were all ready to move but then Gon suddenly shouted from behind, "Wait a second?!"

They all turned towards him. "What?!"

Gon said wryly, "We don't even your names."

Killua sighed, "I am Killua."

"And I am his brother, Killian," Killian added.

They took a moment to register all this then Kurapika spoke, "Okay, what's your plan?"

Killian looked as Killua pulled a Black Click Bomb out of his pocket, a cylindrical black explosive which matched the size of a pen. "It's a bomb, small but potent."

"That's a bomb!" Gon looked at it.

Killua continued, "Let's blow up the wall and disgusting sap covering it using these. I have quite a few of them."

Killian then further added, "These two tunnels look to be running parallel to each other, but one is probably closed. We won't be able to catch up if we get your friend and try to backtrack..."

Kurapika paused for a bit adding the hints, "So we get Leorio and destroy the wall to create a shortcut. But we could accidentally be buried if the structure collapses on us."

"Relax... I know my way around demolitions, it's either this or you got two options," Killian said, "forget that guy and turn back towards the exam or forget about clearing the first phase and go further into this tunnel to rescue your friend."

Kurapika took a moment then snorted. "Fine... I am trusting you with this."


The dreams kept haunting him, his late friend's ghost telling him to kill himself. That ghost of his old friend suggesting suicide, a painless death instead of struggle and Leorio truly considered the options for a moment.

"No." Leorio shouted in his unconscious state

Leorio once promised himself that he wouldn't give up on something until he gave it his all, even if it kills him. The dream dissipated, then a loud bang shook him out of his dreams as he felt a fiery heat on his face. As Leorio opened his eyes he saw blinding flames and was thrown onto a wall by another force.

"Aaaghhh...!" Leorio groaned as his back hit the wall. With blurry vision, he again opened his eyes and saw a blurry hand.

"How many fingers can you see?" He heard Kurapika's voice say.

Leorio groaned and brushed the hand aside as his vision adjusted. "What the hell happened?"

"You were hallucinating," Kurapika said.


"Tonpa led you into a trap," He heard Gon's voice say.

Leorio just sat there and took a few moments to collect himself. Then he gritted his teeth and shouted, "TONPA! YOU BASTARD! WHERE IS HE?!"

"Quite yelling old man, the rest of the group is going further as we speak."

Leorio heard a different voice, when he turned his head he saw the white-haired rude twins from earlier.

"Who are you calling old man, brat?!" Leorio shouted.

"Who do you think I am calling, old man?" The white-haired boy on the roller skate retorted.

"Stop it, you both!" Kurapika said coming between them. "These two helped us rescue you, Leorio."

"Rescue me..." Leorio said confused by it, "What's exactly happening?"

"No time to explain," The other white-haired boy said pulling something out of his pocket and throwing it over him, deeper into the tunnel darkness. Moments later, a burst of sound, light and fire illuminated the scene.



Back with the other participants. Times passed, and the long straight tunnel toad beneath the surface participants was replaced by an incline going up, further the participants could see figures of long stairs which didn't seem to end in the dark tunnel. Many fell but the examiner never stopped, instead he increased his pace. The crowd of participants were slowly trimmed down, most of their pace getting slower with the coming exhaustion, the examiner didn't seem to stop anytime soon but then he suddenly did. The grey tunnel walls began trembling. Satotz looked turned to look.

" What? Are they digging a tunnel or something?" One of the participants said then suddenly one side of the walls exploded outwards, the participants shielded themselves as broken prices of concrete were sent flying at them, ranging from small pebbles sizes to the size of an adult fist.

A commotion rose in the crowd and a few participants jumped out of the gap of the broken wall from the other side.

"What's going on here?" Satotz asked.

"I am sorry," Gon said with an awkward apologetic expression, "but we had to destroy the wall to catch up."

"I never said you couldn't destroy the walls, but tell me how did you survive after wandering the tunnel of hallucinations?" Satotz asked. "I am actually quite impressed."

Kurapika, Killua and Killian came out while Leorio's eyes searched for one man.

"I can't believe it. Where did they get the rookies from for this year?"

Leorio then spotted Tonpa and strode towards him with an angry expression.

"Hey... aghhh..." Tonpa tried to say but then Leorio grabbed him by his neck. "I have got a score to settle with you."

"Stop it Leorio," Kurapika said from behind.

Leorio looked over his shoulder at him. "Don't tell me you want to forgive this guy?"

"The test always has obstacles," Kurapika said calmly.

Leorio gritted his teeth and released his hold around Tonpa's neck making him gasp for air, but not before swinging his fist hard into Tonpa's gut. The fat man folded over and Leorio looked down at him and said, "There is more from where that came from - waiting for you after the exam ends."

The examiner started marching again without any warning. The long straight tunnel road beneath the surface participants was replaced by steps stairs which seemed to lead nowhere in the dark. Killian took off his skates and now was running up the stair beside Kurapika. Gon and Killua were ahead of them.

"Hak-hak-hak-hak..." Leorio gasped for air as he came near them, climbing with newfound energy after the short rest in the cave. He had taken off the upper parts of his suit off and tied it around his waist. All he had remaining up there was the number badge sticking to his chest, the tie around his neck whose length waved behind his back like a flag and tea shade sunglasses which miraculously hadn't fallen off.

"Leorio, are you okay?" Kurapika asked without looking back.

"Sure! Just look at me!" Leorio shouted and ran past the blonde boy. "I realize that I can keep going if I don't worry about how stupid I look running without a suit."

Killian shrugged. A few kilometres of climb later, all the participants saw the light at end of the tunnel. The test was coming to an end. Gon and Killua increased their pace, there seem to be an unspoken race between them. They dashed for the tunnel exit with all force and leapt when reached it.


When they came out of the tunnel into the daylight, the participants found themselves on a high grassland from where they could see the tree line and woods beyond. High, ancient, and thick with green, the setting was draped in thick fog, and so were the mountains beyond. It was as though the mountains have reached the white clouds or the white clouds had descended on the mountain. Perhaps Killian could see beyond it if he used his vision, but he didn't.

The examiner looked at the crowd crawling out of the tunnel and collapsing onto the grass.

"Looks like we have reached our destination earlier than expected and time for the first part of phase one hasn't yet ended," Satz said addressing the crowd. "So until the tunnel gate closed please feel to take some rest or anything for the period."

The words seem to cause a huge relief in the crowd as most collapsed on the ground for rest, others took out water bottles they were carrying and gulped it all down. Killian looked around for Killua who was sitting with the group from earlier. Killian moved and sat next to Killua.

Leorio was finishing the water bottle in his briefcase before looking at Killian and Killua.

"Sorry for earlier, I owe you both now," Leorio laughed.

Gon added, "Yes, thanks a lot."

Killian said nothing as Killua opened his mouth and said in his usual low calm voice.

"We weren't helping you," He said, "I told you, this is just a game to me."

Leorio sighed, "Whatever - thank you either way."

Killua looked to Gon who had a grin on his face since he came out of the tunnel. "You seem too happy, why?"

"What's wrong with it?" Gon said. "You aren't happy."

"No, that was just a boring long run," Killua said.

"Had to add some fire to make it fun," Killian added.

Gon shrugged, "But that would mean we are a step closer to becoming a Hunter."

"Why do you want to become a Hunter so badly?" Killua asked.

"My dad is a Hunter," Gon answered, "I heard that he is one of the best Hunter in the whole world."

"You heard?"

"You see - I was raised by my aunt. I only know him from a picture I have. But that doesn't bother me, I just want to become a Hunter just like him?"

"So you both are here just for a game," Kurapika said, rather annoyed. "To be a Hunter is a noble profession - To keep order and balance!"

"Order - Balance - blah! blah! blah!" Killian mocked. "As much as Hunters are revered around the world, in all actuality, they don't exist to serve the world like an organisation of Heroes. Hunters exist to serve themselves and the Association, and to do so they are given endless resources, and contacts - To do whatever they wish to do. If I truly could become a Hunter, I would because of the freedom of it."

Kurapika gritted his teeth. "THAT'S NOT IT...."

Leorio shrugged, "And I what to become a Hunter for the money?"

"You too... Are you so much shallow, Leorio," Kurapika said, "You really are doing this just for money."

Leorio snapped, "Why do you hate people who chase money? What's wrong with that?"

He kept looking forward. There was silence for a moment then Kurapika continued.

"Scarlet eyes- That's why my clan - Kurta clan were targeted."

Those words caught Killian's attention, especially the eyes. He ran closer to listen.

"We Kurta are known for our unique scarlet eyes. When our emotions are heightened, our eyes turn scarlet as though on fire. The eyes in that Scarlet state are considered one of the seven most beautiful colours in the world. They command high prices on the black market."

Leorio's face turned towards Kurapika. "That's why the Phantom Troupe attacked you?"

Kurapika nodded, calming down a bit. "They took every single eye from the corpses of my family. When I buried it all I swore to capture the Phantom Troupe and reclaim the eyes of my family."

"That's why you want to become a Hunter?" Leorio asked.

"Yes, if become a Hunter with rich clients, I will gain information on the black market, I'll find both my family's eyes and the ones that took them."

"You have to swallow your pride and become the kind of Hunter who runs after money for that - the kind you seem to despise! You know that right?"

"Pride is nothing against my clan's honour."

"Then stop being a hypocrite," Leorio said. "You hate the money-chasing system but you'll need its help for your goal and you are willing to accept it. But I am a shallow person if I do that! Sorry, but I have no noble cause or quest like you."


"I am just after the money."

"Don't lie!"

"I am not lying."

"You believe you can buy everything with money?"

"You bet! Fearsome monsters... exotic creatures. For the right price, you can not only buy treasures, but dreams, hearts, and even people's lives."

"Take that back! You are insulting my family!"

"Why? I am telling the truth." Leorio grew furious. "If I had enough money - my friend would still be alive!"

Kurapika turned silent with no reply. "What do you mean?"

"Yeah - He had a disease - an incurable one at that, the closest thing to a cure of it costs a fortune that I couldn't even dream of. And I was a naive kid - I promised him I would become a doctor to cure him, but do you know how much fortune becoming a doctor costs - well, researching for cures costs even more. Got it? Money is the world's life blood so I just want money."

Leorio shouted, "You understand now! Not everyone has the privilege to be noble. Even you don't."

Kurapika wanted to refute but he looked down solemnly. The argument could have been gone on longer but then suddenly the examiner whistled accompanied by the sound of the tunnel gate closing.

"Your brief time of respite has ended," Satotz announced, "gather up, the exam will now continue."

Many complained about the long length of the run and brief length of the rest, but Satotz's ears were deaf to them. He moved in front of the crowd, facing the crowd as started explaining.

"These are the Milsy Wetlands, also known as the Swindler's Swamp," He explained pointing to the scene behind him, "We have got to make it through there to reach the sight of the second phase. There are many creatures unique to these wetlands, they are crafty and voracious, and they will try to deceive you and make you their next meal. Follow me and stay focused, if you are deceived by them then you are good as dead."

"That doesn't make much sense. How can they deceive us if we already know what they are trying to do?" Leorio spoke up.

"HE IS LYING!" A man's voice shouted from the side. Everyone turned towards it, a man approached them, he was bleeding red fresh wounds, draped in torn white clothes while carrying a brown sack with a figure's head sticking out of it - with a face and hair which resembled that of Satotz.

The unknown man pointed a finger at Satotz. "He is not an examiner - He is an imposter -The real examiner is me."

'What's going on now?' Killian thought.

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