
Hunter x Hunter: Infinity

Killian, the fourth born of the Zoldyck Family of Assassins, was born with eyes that looked through secrets blessed with exceptional talent. Fearsome monsters... exotic creatures... vast riches... hidden treasures.... evil enclaves... unexplored lands.... The world unknown holds magic, and some people are drawn to it.

TheUnwritten · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Into the Swindler's Swamp

The run started again with all that didn't drop out or fail at the last stage. They couldn't be seen at the first sight with the grass, and puddles of muddy water that splattered with the first step. They splashed and went into shoes, making it all wet, more so the socks inside which were soaking wet. Wet mud and dirt stuck to their clothing from their knees below. More than a hundred came down from left and right, they crossed the land making high muddy water splashes everywhere as they descended from the high land except Satotz who marched without making much sound or splash similar to Killian and Killua, but they were trained hard achieve that feat with light steps.

There there were few others in the crowd who also had this skill through training or hard experience, this also included Hisoka and Number 301 who may or may not be Illumi. Something else was also going on with Hisoka. He was leaking bloodlust which Killian could detect since they started running again - it was like the dreadful feeling when someone suddenly pulls a knife in front of you. Killian was sure from the rumours that Hisoka was going to kill again.

Killian dodged the muddy splashes made by other participants and made his way to Kurapika and Leorio.

"How are you guys doing?" Killian asked.

Leorio gasped while running, cutting through the cold air, "Surviving."

"Surviving may be what this part of the test is all about," Kurapika remarked with a serious face.

Leorio turned his face towards him as he pulled out his feet from the squishy dirty ground. "What does that mean?"

"Think about it, the first part of the test inside the tunnel was mainly about endurance - both mental and physical," Kurapika replied, "this part takes us into these dangerous lands, filled with obstacles and dangers as the examines said, the stable ground below may collapse or creatures from the swamp jumped at you where you are tired. This is a test of mind and body in the face of deceitful mortal danger."

"Whatever," Leorio shook his head, "Whatever comes, I will face it."

Killian looked at him and advised, "Before you do that; throw away that tie around your neck away."

"What! Why?"

"It will make it easier for someone to grab, take you down and strangle you to death. Someone like that man-faced ape from earlier."

Leorio's eyes winded at the realisation and he quickly tried to take off the tie while Killian picked up his pace as he left.

When they reached the treeline, Satotz marched towards a clear trail which was a few feet in width, forcing the hundreds of participants to run in straight lines within the narrow path. Of course not everyone followed it, some split over to the sides into woods on the sides, weaving between large trees to keep up with the rest. To them, it was a lot better than the crammed lines where everyone was hitting each other with knees and elbows.

"The fog is getting thicker." Gon said.

Killua nodded, "Let's get to the front."

"Yeah, if we lost sight of the examiner -"

"That's not what I am worried about," Killua said cutting off Gon mid-sentence, "It's Hisoka."

"Why Hisoka?"

"Because he is a Killer, Gon!" Killua said, "He leaking out bloodlust since he killed those two earlier. Fighting directly against him seems hopeless, so let's stay away from him and not become his target."

"That's not the only one you should be worrying about," Killian said coming up from behind.

"Who else?" Killua asked.

"Number 301 seems to be Hisoka's companion and they might be planning something which may also involve us."

Killua looked surprised. "Us? What do you mean?"

Killian paused for a moment then replied, "I think Number 301 is Illumi."

Killua's stoic face broke away so did his balance, he tumbled forward and almost fell face first but Gon and Killian pulled him back. Killua turned towards Killian in a snap.

"Are you serious?!"


"How sure are you?"

"Around eighty to ninety percent."

Killua glanced at Number 301 between the trees, who running not far away from Hisoka. Then he looked back at Killian.

"What is he here for? For us?" Killua asked.

"I don't know," Killian replied, "but for now, let's just stay away from him."

Killua nodded and then looked at Gon who was listening to him. "Gon, don't tell this anyone or even talk about it? alright?"

Gon looked confused but replied with a long, "Okay...."

"You guys go ahead," Killian said, "I'll be on the lookout."

With that, they parted ways. The mist rolled around the forest floor, it grew denser the deer further they went, opaque white fog blocking the vision. At this rate, soon no one would be able to see the person in front of them. Killian started to lose track of everyone but himself and the trail made by the rest. Soon after an hour, through wanted or unwanted reasons, everyone formed into small groups, it was easier to navigate with the others participants that way. Killian ran alone until a group of other participants approached him.

"Hey, Kid, aren't you the one who destroyed the tunnel wall," A man in his twenties said approaching him. Behind him were two brunette women and another man, all of similar age. All carrying light traveller backpacks.

"Yeah," Killian simply spoke.

"You got more of those explosives," He asked.

Killian said nothing.

"Well, you can join our group if you want," He offered with a smile.

Killian looked at the man in his brown eyes, there was greed in it. He tried to include him for the same reason, most groups around the world are made, just for security and Killian had bombs for that.

"Fine," Killian said, "I am Killian and I am still waiting for your introductions."

They made introductions, and small talk and continued the run together after that. The darkness below the tree cover grew larger so did the fog. Killian was the first to notice an extra person had joined the group as he counted the sounds of their footsteps the for the fiftieth time. He counted footsteps of six this time, but the group had started with five. The sixth person had joined them somewhere along the way, but where and when exactly he could not be sure.

All the glowing faces looked familiar from the time they started. He had to go through the faces one by one. He went through his little history with them, recounting how had met them, their introductions. To see If he finds someone odd.

First, there was Mark. He was running next to Sarah, chatting her up as always. Mark and Sarah were from the same town, one of them previously mentioned it. Then there was Ben, who was an athlete trying to become a Hunter. He had his arm around his long-time girlfriend, Justine. And then there was the sixth face, the piece that did not fit. Killian stared at him, and his name escaped his mind. That is if he ever had it in my memory banks in the first place. He looked familiar like he knew him for some time, but Killian could not place him in his memories. But why? If he recognized him, why could he not remember the man's name? Had he missed noticing one of them despite his hard training? Why did he run among them, acting as if he belonged? The man stared at Mark and Sarah as they chatted. He laughed when they laughed and smiled when they smiled.

Killian couldn't figure it out. The question burned in his head. How had he--a stranger--joined their little group without any of us noticing something amiss?

"Hey, Killian!" Ben pulled me from my thoughts. "Your head up in the clouds or something?"

"It's nothing," Killian said.

Ben shrugged. They chatted again, and Killian joined in half-heartedly. When he glanced the strange man's way, he was watching them, grinning. He was always watching, always on the periphery, never partaking. Part of the reason he had flown under the radar. Killian was struck with the sense that the man was studying them.

"Wait for a second, I gotta take a leak," he said and walked into the woods, swallowed up by the mist.

"Really now?" Justine said.

"I'll catch up, just a second."

Killian shrugged. He was having trouble focusing on the conversation. The weight of the situation, the reality of it, was starting to hit him.

A strange man had attached himself to the group unnoticed. And who the fuck knew what his motivations were? How did he not notice him? Questions raced through Killian's mind. None that he could answer.

How had no one else noticed yet? Why had it taken me so long to notice? Was he going insane? Did he have amnesia and forgot this one? Some weird drug effect? What in the hell was going on here? Or most likely, it's a trick of the wetlands.

The strange man moved away with jerkiness. "I gotta take a leak," he said. It was the first time Killian heard him talk. He spoke with an odd lisp. It sounded as if he had to force the words from his throat. He walked with an awkward gate, and like Ben, disappeared behind the white veil.

No one else flinched.

Justine kept talking. "Ben has always been this way... always during a conversation."

"Don't you see what's going on here?" Killian spoke up.


"You're telling me you haven't noticed?"

"Notice what? What are you talking about?"

"Who was that guy?" Killian gestured to the vacated spot the strange man left behind.

"Oh him, he's uh. . ." she trailed off. She frowned into the fire. Killian could see her mind ticking over, and her eyes twinged with concern. Killian now knew for sure he wasn't going suddenly crazy.

"I don't know," she said. "Who is it?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

We stared at each other.

"Maybe-" Justine was cut off.

An ear-piercing screech came from the woods. It sounded like a shrill, injured cat. A large injured cat. The sound split the air and cut our conversations short. A blanket of silence fell over the four, only the sound of their footsteps persisted. The woods were still and quiet.

"The fuck was that?" Mark broke the silence.

"I don't know," Sarah said. "I've never quite heard an animal like that before."

"Sounded like --- I don't know," Justine said. "You ever heard anything like that before?"

Killian shook his head. His fingers tingled with adrenaline. Ben was still in the woods, and the strange man was out there with him.

"I don't know," Mark said. "Let's just stay away."

Sarah agreed. Justine bit her lip and scanned the woods.

"It's probably okay. I think Mark's right," Killian said to her.

Mark and Sarah had started up their conversation again when the strange man bumbled out of the woods. They paid him no mind. Killian was hoping something would have triggered them to notice, but they were oblivious.

The strange man now had a water bottle in hand. He fumbled with it, struggling to open it. It was as if had never opened a bottle before. When he finally had it open, he ran, bottle in hand, and continued to watch Mark and Sarah, a thin smile on his face. He never did take a sip.

Killian watched him from his spot. He touched on what made me uneasy about this strange man, aside from the fact he had managed to infiltrate our group without any including Killian noticing for a long time.

He moved with jerkiness and awkwardness, like a newborn animal. Nothing he did was smooth or well-practised. It made everything he did look like an act, an imitation. Killian made the connection, this man was not quite human. Killian just watched as minutes went by without any sign of Ben, he became convinced the strange man had done something to him.

Justine stopped running. "Where's Ben? I'm getting nervous."

"It's okay," Killian lied, "I'm sure he is not that far away "

"I am going back to look for him," Killian added as he moved back.

"Uh, okay dude," Mark said. They slowed their pace as Killian moved behind.

Speaking up was a mistake. Killian had drawn the attention of the strange man. He watched Killian the whole way. He maintained his glare as Killian reached the distance where the rest couldn't see him in the fog, and Killian looked back, the strange man's head rotated back unnaturally.

Killian was hoping he would turn around, look away and give an opening to attack. But he never did. Killian was not exactly sure what happened next. He blinked and saw the strange man walk over to him. He never even saw him move a single muscle. But in an instant, the man was standing in front of Killian, inches away from his face. It was as if he teleported.

A metallic smell stung Killian. The strange man stunk of the familiar scent of blood. Killian wanted to run or attack at that moment. Any thought of actually using it fled his mind. He was locked into place. Power radiated off him as the man spoke to Killian

"Go back to the rest," he said in his forced tone, and he smiled wide. At that moment, Ben emerged from the woods.

"Ben!" Justine cried.

"Damn," Ben said as Justine squeezed him. "Did you guys hear that cat thing?"

"We think it was an animal," Mark said.

"Where were you? Why did you take so long?" Justine asked.

"I guess I wandered too far off and I lost sight of the group. Took me a bit to find my way back. For a second I thought I was completely lost."

Killian looked for the strange man, but he was gone. He somehow slinked away while Killian was distracted. He was good at going undetected when he wanted to even though Killian was trained to detect such things. His thoughts turned to get out of there. Even though Ben was unharmed, that guy was still trouble and Killian knew that he couldn't beat him easily with that speed. Killian started back towards the group and caught the middle of their conversation.

"I don't know actually. Yeah, who was that guy?" Ben said.

"I thought he was with you guys," Sarah said.

"Yeah isn't he your friend?" Mark added. "I thought he drove over with you three."

"No," Ben said. "I don't know who he is."

The panic spread over everyone's faces. They were finally feeling what Killian was feeling. The realization had set in.

"We need to get out of here," Killian said. "Before he comes back."

"Yes please," Justine said. "We have to leave now. Where is the examiner?"

At that moment Killian noticed that couldn't hear the footsteps of any other group, the thick pale fog surrounding them made it difficult to see clearly even a foot beyond. Satotz's words rang in his head.

'If you are deceived by them then you are good as dead.'

They were deceived.

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