
Chapter 40

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

[42 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]

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Chapter 40

Title: Two Roads…


Terror grips at my heart, a fear that I haven't felt in a long… long time flows through my body. I know that one wrong move and I am dead, but I have no other choice now. I either do this or I die…

Slowly Nen flows through my body, enveloping it. I have never done anything like this. But I am ready to do everything now, even if it means I will have to end up crushed beneath the earth.

Accompany Cards don't work while I am underground. This is a rule so players can't get certain underground cards and just escape the traps.

Damn… I just realized that I was truly outplayed in every move that I have made. In the end, I haven't even seen the face of my enemy, is it a person mentioned in the cannon timeline? Or is it someone else completely? Someone that wasn't even involved in the plot?

If it's the latter then I am double fu*ked. I have no idea who they even are or what their Special Abilities are.

Still, as the stressful situation develops, my heartbeat starts slowing down by now. I am calmer than ever in my life before, I am not panicked at all. After all, what use would panicking be? Nothing, it would be nothing.

So with my surprisingly calm disposition, I control my Nen. Turn it hard and make it in the form of a translucent drill. I then used Manipulation to make it spin, at first I was unsure if I would be able to do it. Even though I have trained it, Manipulation is on the opposite side of the Nen Ring, meaning that I have only 40% compatibility with it. But I have used it to make a water propeller, water doesn't have the hardness earth has.

I take a deep breath at this, and as I go to dig the earth. For some reason my mind goes back to my first life, I was just another student studying to be a Civil Engineer, I worked as a Construction Worker in order to pay for my bills and college. I worked so much overtime that at the age of 20 and I already had some back problems. But I was eating healthy and stretching so I wouldn't have them after I finish college. 

I don't know if I died in my sleep because I just went to sleep and woke up here, I am no doctor.

But I know one thing, I know dirt, rock, and earth in general. It's not as useful as knowing medicine, poisons, or any special martial arts. This skill of mine is mostly useless out of a very specific line of profession.

...and that is the reason <Dirt Cheap> is my special ability. I am connected to dirt, both physically and figuratively. In both worlds I was born as trash, one as an abandoned baby in a trash city, and the previous one… as an abandoned child at birth. Unwanted in both lives, but it doesn't matter at all. I have myself, and my ambition, that is all I truly need.

I can feel it, my Nen resonating with my emotions. C'mon now… my earthly Nen, change for me, become stronger. 



It felt like an explosion hit my body, like a door I didn't even know existed was opened. I wondered if this was what Buddha experienced in enlightenment. Many thoughts went through my head in that split second, hundreds… no… THOUSANDS of thoughts. Time almost felt like it was going at a standstill, I couldn't even hear my heart beating anymore.

The world around me had darkened, Karla was no longer there with me. It was just me and my Nen, my earthly Nen… responding to my own feelings. Bending to my will and stretching itself beyond its limits. 

All that happened in a split second, as my Nen got stronger, instead of digging slowly through the dirt, I held one drill with one hand and created a translucent shovel with the other.

So that is when I started digging a tunnel-like I am cutting butter with a hot knife. Dirt was easily taken off, and rock was easily crushed.

I was at the high of my Nen, I dug so far that I didn't even know how far I was. I didn't use EN to sense anything around me as that can be sensed by any Nen user in the vicinity. I keep making sure to use the rocks in order to keep the structure of the building stable.


That is when I hear a cough… and remember that I have Karla with me. She is injured, but her bandages hold around my ankles tightly, healing and recuperating them.

"Karla, what is wrong?" I ask her, frowning slightly at this. 

"My wounds… they are not healing…" Says Karla, her voice so weak that I have difficulty hearing her in this quiet underground place.

Immediately my heart drops as I hear that. I know what this means, Karla's body doesn't have any more energy to heal itself. After all, the Healing Bandages are not miracle workers. They can't create miracles, only speed up the healing process by using the patient's own stamina and energy.

"Old on for a bit will you." I tell her as my Nen overflows into my hands and I keep digging forward.

"Sub… I am really happy that I met you." Says Karla, her voice quiet but I can hear the happiness in her voice. That stupid girl doesn't know how to shut the fu*k up… maybe then she might survive this sh*t. 

"You know… I hated my life… I always did." Karla continues talking with long breaks along with her words, she is slowing down tremendously. "That is until I met you, honestly… you are too nice."

I wince a little as I hear her say that, fu*k, she is too honest with her words here. I was never nice, I was only looking out for myself and if she actually outgrew me, then I was gonna kill her. 

"I always wondered what a family might be like. I think I have an idea of what it is now. Me and you… always together forever. Kinda romantic doesn't ya think so?" Confesses Karla, but I don't say anything to her. "Ya know, we can be together even after death. My Nen would stay with you when I put a condition on it… always heal and protect you."

"Shut up." I calmly tell her, getting her attention finally. "Shut the hell up, you aren't dying here today. Don't say such stupid sh*t Karla, I will get your Nen exercised out of me as soon as I can if you die."

"Ahhh… that is troublesome then." Says Karla, before I feel her body slump… hopefully unconscious and not dead.

I grit my teeth at this, it is no longer just our play now. I have two decisions in front of me. I keep digging forward, guaranteeing Karla's death, or do something that I would usually consider dumb… dig up right now and use an Accompany Card to take Karla to a City's healer, which would mean a high possibility of the enemy noticing me and doing side along Accompany and follow me along with the cities.

Choices… choices… FU*K...



The MC has two choices in front of him. We will see which one he will take.