
Hunter x Hunter: Burning Desire

Dude transmigrated into hxh with an interesting nen ability

Jaquaviontavious · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Andanarianolous Donkey Teeth

I dont know how to write a psychopath so im using American Psycho.


March 16th, 1985

2:31 AM

Pariston POV

"P-please, whatever I did, im sorry-"

The machete hits him midsentence, straight in the face, its thick blade chopping sideways into his open mouth, shutting him up… blood sprays out in twin brownish geysers, staining my scrubs. This is accompanied by a fabulous momentary hissing noise actually coming from the wounds in the child's skull, places where bone and flesh no longer connect, and this is followed by a rude farting noise caused by a section of his brain, which due to pressure forces itself out, pink and glistening, through the wounds in his face.

"How wonderful." I still didn't get exactly why the body did these things but they were fascinating. The others didn't get it. They never would. They could separate them from morality to look at the facts. I had to be very careful, Beyond wanted me, and I need Beyond. If it came down to it, I am disposable, and how do I make myself undisposable? Break through expectations. Beyond wanted a way to enhance humans and I'd give him more.

After all, I know the world would be a better place with me gone.

Thats why I must keep living.

I laugh maniacally, then take a deep breath and touch my chest- expecting a heart to be thumping quickly, impatiently, but there's nothing there, not even a beat.


Revy couldn't stand that fuckin freak. Anytime she went near him alarm bells rung, her gut said dont trust him, and she trusted her gut.

When she had seen….'it'. She couldn't stomach it. The very idea of sharing that cunt bags oxygen made her queasy. When in times of crisis like this she often consoled her twin pistols.

'Proliferator of the corrupt and Avenger of the Innocent' and....'Bob'. She called the first P.A.I for short.

They were fully customized. P.A.I was Titanium Gold with brushed chrome mags. Bob was a little flashier. He was Pink and Black tiger stripe with purple glitter lacing the entire gun. Its mag release was a pink, white and black face of a plush toy panda with hearts for dimples. Safe to say Bob was pretty girly.

That didn't stop Bob from obliterating heads and limbs away though. Bob just liked being a little flamboyant, she joked. She often joked about that.

Right now she wanted to liberate Pariston's head from his body. And that was no joke. If not for Jogo, restraining her when her right frame of mind returned, that little bitch would've been dead.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her anger with the kid causing her to lash out at Jogo, who was currently blocking her way. "GET OUTTA THE WAY!" She clenched her best friends tightly. She wouldn't let them go until Pariston looked like those innocent children he destroyed.

"Stop. We have a-"


The argument had continued for hours. To the various bystanders, its appeal quickly ran dry. Now it was just annoying.


Finally, someone intervened. Ghislaine had shown her face for the first time in days. "What is this ruckus about, you're disrupting my sleeping?"

"OI, THAT KID IS A MONSTER IM GONNA KILL HIM!" She turned to her potential ally. "Aren't you a Beast Hunter? Huh? Go kill that fuck!" She tried to play to her career.

"I heard of his activities…but that doesn't matter, we are being paid to pro-"


Revy's eyes teared up. Obviously what she saw hit a little but too close to home. "We're professionals" Jogo tried to state for the umpteenth time. "And we have a job to do. Separate yourself from emotion and embrace your job." He tried to seem warming but failed miserably….ironic.

"Oh please…you really gonna let that monster off-" Revy looked around hopelessly. "WELL IM NOT-"

"How about you settle this another way." The newest voice made Revy's aura explode outwardly, she charged the newcomer, her fist poised to punch theough his face and splatter his brains against a wall, what she met, however, was steel, or better yet, diamond.

Jogo took the punch to his body, his expert use of Ryu, negating the damage. "Calm down, Revy." He stated.

Pariston stood behind his protector, smirking at the woman.

"Lets hear what he has to say." Ghislaine said as her battle ready body relaxed, in her right hand, a card facing downwards. What caught Pariston's attention was the object covering her left arm. It was metallic although he wasn't sure what type of metal. It was thick, with a circular top. The part nearest her hands was a clip which held a small deck of cards. Only about 10 or so.

After she relaxed, both the card in her hand and the object on her left arm disappeared, broken into motes of light.

'Impossible. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed…..so where-' he was rudely interrupted by dark skinned woman, her eyes glaring at him. "Ah! I meant a simple bout. If my protector wins, I am safe, if he loses, you are free to do whatever you please to me." His cheery smile pissed the three hunters off, yet Revy was the only one to let it be known.

"I agree." Jogo said, stunning Beast Hunter.

"Why wou-"

"Fuck it, lets go. Im gonna kick your ass….waisting my time." She huffed. "When you wanna do this, rookie?"

"Now, you need to blow of steam." Jogo removed his chains, as he unlinked them, they fell to the floor resulting in a huge bang that cracked a dent into the steel floor. Pariston's smirk widened at the two women's shock.

His upper robe slipped off. They first noticed his rather tan skin color. It was light brown. They thought he would be pale.

His tattoo slid into their sight. On his entire right arm was a tattoo of differentiating swirl's of black ink. In the center of them were a number of beautifully inked red flowers.

"Shall we begin?" He asked.


Thinking about an organization name, came up with Crimson Lotus Brigade. Tell me what you think.