
Hunter x Hunter: Adventures of the Reborn

Strange beasts, hidden treasures, fantastical places, and unexplored frontiers. These mysterious wonders and others captivate a certain group of people in the world. Those people are known as Hunters. ---------------------- Our MC dies, but due to a twist in his fate he doesn’t go to the after-life but rather he gets a second chance at life in the world of Hunter x Hunter. A fact which he will not complain about in the slightest. No, not at all. ---------------------- Characters and locations from different anime, manga, comic, and television shows will be added to the Hunter x Hunter world since I don’t feel like creating everything myself. But they will be downgraded and their powers will be remade to function within the nen system of the world. If you don’t like this then don’t read it. ----------------- Also the MC will eventually have a harem. But it won't be mega. It will be three to five woman tops

ArifuretaForever · Fantasy
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8 Chs

MC's Hatsu Abilities

Nen type: Transmutation

Ability Name: White Out

Description: Soren transmute his aura, turning it into ice. But also gives it the properties of frost. Doing so he gains extra attack and defensive power from the ice, but when he hits opponents their bodies freeze over with frost. Making him deadly in close combat.

Ability Name: Winter Forge

Nen type: Conjuration/Transmutation

Description:Soren creates various constructs out of his ice from swords, to shields, to even daggers to use in battle against enemies or for general purposes. Since he can even use this power to make keys and the like.

Ability Name: Cocytus: Lord of Winter

Nen type: Enhancement/Transmutation/Conjuration

Description: Soren's trump card. He conjures forth an ice armor around himself which can generate and radiate immense cold energy, freezing almost anything it comes into contact with. The same for its weapons.

A/N: Armors appearance is based on Cocytus from the Overlord series

Ability Name: Ice Needles

Nen type: Transmutation/Emission

Description: Soren creates several ice-shaped javelins in the air around him and launches them toward his opponents.

Rules and Conditions for all abilities:

1. When in an area where it is snowing or the temperature is 32 degree Fahrenheit (0 Celsius) or below all of Soren's hatsu abilities become stronger.