
Hunter X Hunter - The Unknown Fate

- fanfiction - Marcus was a man in his twenties, one day he opened his eyes on a city that he did not know at first But after some time later with a ding sound in his head he understand that he was in the world of Hunter X Hunter and he had a system on his side for making things easier for himself. - For Early Chapters & Advanced Chapters, please support my writing here patreon.com/Krizantem

Krizantem · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Confrontation - Chapter 53

Day 17 – 10:00 -

Marcus first took a bath before going out, he needed to eat something before going out and training.

His training will be in the same place as the last night, as he marked that place it is easy for him to just teleport there finish his training, and then came back to the house.


After Marcus went outside he noticed that there are a lot of people on the outside and most of them are talking about the Hunter Exam, it is a known fact that Hunter Exam will start in a short time so it was normal people are talking about it.

Of course, finding it is place is not that hard and there are not many ordinary people who wanted to be a hunter because of to mortality rate of the hunter exam.

Marcus just walked down the clothes shop and bought himself two sets of black gloves made up of leather.

He paid 100.000 Jenny for two sets of gloves, it may look like it is pricey but the actual price was not like this.

It was clear to the people on Whale Island that Marcus was a tourist, so they just rising the prices for earning more,

Marcus just smiled and he did not say anything. He was not going to create problems for a small amount of money.

"Now, let find a place to eat"

Marcus thought and went towards to nearest cafe-like place, there are not many cafes and places on Whale Island that someone could sit and eat, most of the people who eat outside was people that came to Island for sightseeing, there are not manly locals eat in the outside of their home because for them it is not worth the price they paid for.


After Marcus entered a cafe he ordered basic breakfast and ate his food, when he was eating he thought about the abilities he has.

Right now, his hatsu was Mark Of Transmigrator and his ability was En Playground, he thought that adding one ability to the inside of Mark Of Transmigrator and then create a new hatsu that different than normals

He at first thought of creating something like "The Cat Who Lived a Million Times" this nen ability was a counter-active type "Nen" ability which activates after death.

The creator of ability and user is "Camillia" Second Prince Of Kakin Empire, for activating the ability she first enters the state of "zetsu"

And then after she killed by the attacker a creature of nen emerges from herself and kills the attacker and murderer of "Camillia" and uses it is aura to save the "Camillia" the conjured "nen" cat was strong because of the "Post Mortem" nen itself.

It may look strong at first but in the original series after the nature of the ability was learned. It was easy for the user "Camillia" to be controlled and kept in place.

In the end ability itself only worked after the user "Camillia" was killed.

Marcus was not going to copy the ability of others but he can still take inspiration from the others.

After these thoughts, Marcus finished his food and looked at the dor noticed similar faces from the night.

There are two-person entered the cafe, one of them was the muscled man and another one was Lynar.

Marcus just smiled as he looked at them and the two nen-user from the Skull Hunters frowned their face and at that time, The muscled man slowly walked towards Marcus and after there are only 10 meters between him and Marcus

Ragna spoke.

"I have no ill intentions just wanted to talk to you for showing my sincerity, I will put down my "nen" my name is Ragna"

Marcus did not say anything and just smiled as he thought from within his mind.

"Some of nen abilities require the user to first use "Zetsu" before activation. He is trying to fulfill his conditions" (Prince Camillia - Cat)

Marcus was ready to attack Muscled-Man in seconds.

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