

In a post-apocalyptic world lost to human greed, a world ravaged by deadly radiation and overrun by mutated monsters, humanity clings to survival in scattered safe zones. Among the survivors is Hob, a determined young man who dreams of a safer world. As he rises to the ranks of a “HUNT”, Hob begins to uncover secrets about the cataclysm that shattered the Earth. But will he achieve his goals, or will the wild show him the harsh reality of the world? Only time will tell.

Gamers_House · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7- Food

In the morning, when Hob woke up, he found Friz already up and reading the monster booklet they got yesterday. "Quite serious about the hunt, aren't you?" Hob said teasingly as he got up to sit on the bed.

"Can't waste my second chance at life that you gave me, now can I?" Friz said without lifting her head.

"You look as beautiful as yesterday, even in the morning. How the hell do you even do that?" Hob said, grinning.

"You aren't half bad yourself. You look even better with your messed-up hair right now, if I must say," Friz said, looking up from the booklet.

"Nah, in front of your thin black hair, that slender neck, and that brown skin, I don't stand a chance. Not to mention you are agile despite being so healthy," Hob said self-deprecatingly.

"No need to sell yourself short. Looking at you right now, I can already see how slim you are. Besides, it's the fast that survive in the hunt, not the boorish muscleheads. Your hair isn't bad either, even though it's cut short right now. And don't even get me started on how your height is almost 5'11". Hob, we don't get that height anymore. You're gonna be contested over by the girls," Friz said seriously.

"Now now, you yourself are 5'7". That's basically the most height girls get nowadays, and you're telling that to me? You have no idea of the competition guys will have over you. Not to mention, girls barely survive unless they marry a 'HUNTED' selected by the government. Those assholes!" Hob said, gritting his teeth.

"Well, that's indeed true, but I'd still say you're much better looking than me," Friz said fawningly.

"Alright, I'll go get some food for us. Wait for me here a bit," Hob said calmly.

"Alright, I'll wait for you here," Friz said, assuring Hob.

Hob went outside the room and back down to the reception and found that the robust man wasn't there anymore. Instead, there was now a tall thin man standing behind the reception.

"Where's that big muscle guy who was here yesterday?" Hob asked casually.

"Oh, Gordon is not here today. It's my duty today. After all, he can't stay here all the time, now can he?" the thin man said.

"So his name was Gordon. What's your name, though? I came by to ask about the food arrangements here," Hob asked the tall man.

"I should make sure to ask names from now on," Hob thought to himself.

"Well, my name's Dell. As for food, you can just tell us when to deliver and for how many people, and we'll deliver it to your room in 15 minutes. You just have to choose what to eat from this list, but you can only ask for one dish per person. Water will be provided to everyone, of course."

"Alright, get us this chicken meat along with the thick mushroom gravy. There are two of us, so two portions will be enough," Hob said after giving it some thought.

"Alright, your food will be delivered to your room as soon as possible," Dell said.

Hob nodded and went back to the room, telling Friz about the food arrangement while she was still reading the booklet.

"Hmm, you ordered good food. Well done!" Friz said, salivating at the mention of food.

"We also have to visit that training facility next door today, so make sure to be prepared for that. We still don't know what it'll be like," Hob said, reminding Friz of his discovery yesterday.

"You forgot the list we had to choose from. Let's decide what weapon to choose today. The rest can be chosen right before the hunt based on our plan," Friz said, reminding him teasingly.

"Alright, I had forgotten about it, I admit. Now let's get ready to eat. I'll go get fresh by the time the food arrives, and I suppose you already did that before I woke up," Hob said doubtfully.

"Yeah, I already got fresh before you woke up. Now go get fresh quick. Don't be late for the food, or I'll eat your part too," Friz said, laughing.

Hob went to get fresh hurriedly and came out right before the food arrived.

"Well, it seems like you made it in time," Friz said, teasing Hob.

"Yeah, I'm thankful for that," Hob said, smiling.

After that, Hob and Friz ate food together, and to their surprise, the food was very tasty in contrast to the food they usually got inside the shelters or what they could buy in the safe zone.

"It should be a perk of being a 'HUNTED'. Such taste can't be found where I used to live at all," Hob said, eating as fast as he could.

"Yes, this meat can't be found in the safe zone at all. This should be reserved for the "HUNTED" ." Friz nodded in agreement, eating fast as well, disregarding her appearance.

Soon they were done eating and more full than they thought they'd be. It was to the extent that they couldn't even move.

"Well, let's lay down for a while. We'll think of other stuff later. What do you say?" Hob said, moving towards the bed with considerable effort.

"Yeah, let's make sure to control how much we eat from now on and take a nap," Friz said, moving towards the bed with effort as well.

Soon, they were both lying on the bed, unable to move, and then they looked at each other and laughed at how funny they looked.