
Hunter kills love story part 1

Hunter kills has a lot of feelings right now and I am not wanting people to now how I am feeling in side and I don't want anybody to worry about me so I keep my feelings inside. I want them to not worry about me and my feelings and I don't want them to know I am bottling up my feelings inside and not letting people know my real feelings about myself and a lot of other people in my life and people that I like and people not in my heart ,friends and family and my family friends kids ate school and myself. I love my family I like my friends but I do care about people I might want to be married to in my lifetime but I might want to be married to a girl are a boy so if it doesn't work with a boy it might work with a girl. I have a boyfriend and it is working right now but it can change and it might not like him but it might work but it might not Who knows if it does work I'll be happy. I am happy but I am not happy with both my sister's because they are sick but I am not sick so I will it drink after them So I will not have to worry about anything else in my life time and I will not worry if I am being cheated on by my boyfriend at all.

I will see if I am being cheated on by my boyfriend.