
Hunter DxD

Marco Oslov was a normal highschool student studying at Faith academy until he meets a new student named Yuki, who came from overseas. After his father Jin leaves for his job appointment in Dubai. He discovers that Yuki was sent by the hunters, a group of humans who hunt devils and other supernatural beings that threaten humanity to observe his friend Rebecca as a potential threat. He soon realizes his peaceful school days are numbered. Is he prepared for the changes in his life for the better or worse?

NinjaKilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 5

The next day, Marco carried on with his day like he usually does and he's currently on his way to school. After Jin came back last night, Marco told him about what happened yesterday and the fact the Hunter faction sent a hunter to his school but Jin told him not to worry about it.

He considered the whole situation to be quite strange. They had cut ties with Hunter faction so they shouldn't be their enemies but they weren't allies as well. So he suspected that they went her to spy on him while continuing her studies.

Conditioning what he did six years ago, the possibility is still there but he felt like he was missing an important piece of information and he couldn't ask Yuki about it either.

He decided not to think about it and continued walking down the path. This morning, Jin had already left for his trip to Dubai and told him to take care of the house while he's gone. It appears he is going to be lonely for a bit.

His gaze shifted to the alley on his left and spotted a girl feeding a stray cat. She is a beautiful young girl with a voluptuous body, white skin, green eyes and a buxom figure. Her most distinctive feature is her shoulder-length crimson red hair which is tied by black ribbons in a small ponytail.

She could be seen wearing the Faith academy school uniform. He instantly recognized this girl. Marco sighed and walked towards the innocent looking second year.

"Yo, Rebecca what are you doing here." Marco asked while he raised his brows.

"Oh, Marco." Rebecca suddenly stood up, surprised to the black haired young man.

Rebecca is one of his close friends, Marco had a few friends whom he can be himself around and Rebecca happens to be one of them. He met her two weeks after he moved to Night city. They attended the same middle school together and have been friends ever since. She is quite popular at school so he doesn't talk to her at school to avoid unnecessary attention.

"If you like cats so much, why don't you get one already."

"You know my aunt is allergic, she will never allow him."

Rebecca had been living with her aunt ever since she and her parents got involved in a tragic accident. Although she came out with minor injuries, her parents wasn't so fortunate and died shortly after they were taken to the hospital.

"I have an idea, why don't you." Marco cut her off before she could finish that sentence.

"No." Marco said so firmly, leaving no room for arguments.

"I can't get through you, huh." Rebecca sighed in disappointment.

Rebecca had been trying to make Marco get a cat but always get the same response. She even thought he didn't like animals.

"Anyway, we should get going or we'll be late." Marco said as he turned around to leave.

"Marco wait." Rebecca suddenly said. Marco turned his head to look at her, wondering why she called him .

"I lost my necklace yesterday, can you help me it. It's really important so I can't lose it." Rebecca said with a sour expression. Without saying anything, Marco help look for the necklace. He figured it might been given to her by late parents since she said she can't lose it.

After twenty minutes of constant searching, they couldn't find the necklace and proceeded their walk to school. Marco told her that he will help her find it after school.

They especially got to school and quickly rushed to their class since they were late due to searching the necklace.


Time went by quickly and the bell chimed, ending of the fourth period. On her seat by the window, Rebecca sighed in relief.

Now it's lunch break.

Just a bit longer, she said to herself. She was feeling bitter because she hadn't been able to find her necklace. Her necklace was given to her by late mother on her birthday eight years ago.

When the necklace was given to her, her mother warned her to never take it off no matter what. She didn't understand why her mother told her to never take it off but she did what as she was instructed. Even after the accident, she never took it off. The necklace served as a momento of her late parents.

Thinking back to now Marco told her, he would help her look for it. She felt a bit better. Two hands are better than one after all. She couldn't wait for school to be over and go back to searching for it but she had to be patient.

"Yo, Mark Let's go grab some food." Suddenly she saw her classmate Jack approach Marco in her field of vision.

"Sure, gimme a sec." Marco gave a reply, then put away his textbook and notebook inside his deck and stood up.

"Where to today?" "Cafeteria, I say. I have a hunch that the A-Set will be richer than usual today."

"What makes you say that?"

While having a natural conservation, Marco and jack left the classroom.

On his first year at faith academy, Marco didn't make an enemy out of just the seniors, but out of half of the boys in school. Rebecca was partly responsibility for that, so she was a bit worried, but apparently he managed to make some friends just fine.

Rebecca shifted her gaze to the foremost seat in the same window row as her. The girl sitting there watched Basara leaving the classroom.

A beautiful girl with a cold aura. It was Naruse Yuki, the new transfer student. Yuki, watching Marco's back suddenly noticed Rebecca's gaze and returned it with a cold stare before she left the classroom.

"She always stare at him whenever he gets the chance, I wonder why." She wondered the new student would stare at Marco as if she knew him. Marco never told her anything relating to his past. Whenever she asked, he would always find a way to avoid the topic.

"Rebecca~ let's have lunch." "If we don't hurry, all seats will be taken." Bright voices called out to her. Therefore.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Rebecca stopped pondering further and slowly stood up from her seat.

In the end, time passed by and the school have ended. When Rebecca made a sigh of relief, Marco came over right after picking up his bag.

"Okay, Let's go."

"Y- Yeah…" Rebecca mumbled and stood up. At that time.

"Yuhiko and Oslov, got a minute?" The homeroom teacher called the two to a stop. Marco asked "Yes?" by turning around.

"Sorry, but I want you two to help me organize the summer vacation assignments," The homeroom teacher said with a refreshing smile.

"But why me though." That was the question in Marco's mind but he decided not to voice it out. Marco nodded and turned to face Rebecca.

"So, Rebecca, will you wait until we're done? or." Before he could finish. Rebecca felt a sharp pain in her head. Noticing her state, Marco hastily supported Mio's body. With just that,


Rebecca's body trembled with a shiver. Right after, her breathing got rough.

"H- Hey, are you okay, Rebecca…? is she anemic or something?"

"I think so-- Excuse me, I'll take her to the infirmary." Marco replied to Jack, then he lifted up Rebecca and took her to the infirmary.

After they arrived, Marco discovered that the nurse was absent. No helper was there either and all the beds were empty. It was completely deserted. But that was convenient for him and he laid Rebecca onto one of the three beds.

"Are you okay" Marco asked worried about her condition. On the curtained off bed, Mio replied by just nodding while seemingly having a hard time.

"Ah… Mm, Fuh… Mmg…"

While enduring the riling up sensation, Rebecca bit down on her lips to prevent her moaning. Her cheeks got red and dampened. Her breasts, so big that they were recognizable over her clothes, moved up and down many times over.

"This is bad." If he were to keep watching, he would get nasty thoughts.

"Ehm, Wait here for a bit, I'll go outside and fetch the nurse." Saying so, he turned his back to her.

"P- Please… Don't leave."

"but …Okay. I'll stay. So stop looking at me like that."

"But sorry… At least let me keep my back to you." He added. If he were to look at her current state, it seemed that his reasoning would be blown away.

Without saying anything, Rebecca tightly grabbed Marco's clothes--- the sleeve of his right arm. Marco, taking that as a sign of her approval, sat down on a chair besides the bed with his back to her.

In the infirmary with just the two of them, only Rebecca's erotic moaning sounded. Then, Rebecca's breathing calmed down before long.

"…How's it? Feel better now?"

When he turned around, Rebecca let go of his sleeve and placed the back of her hand on her forehead.

"Mm… I think, it calmed down… a bit." She said so while still laying down.

"Still, how did this happen?" Marco thought to himself. She was completely fine when they were in the classroom, then she suddenly had a fever. This has never happened before.

"Soo h-hot, Marco p-please help unbutton my top a bit." Hearing that, Marco positioned himself well and then loosened the ribbon on Rebecca's uniform.

At the same time his fingertips touched her--- the door of the infirmary suddenly opened clattering.

Hastily jumping back, Marco distanced himself from Rebecca.

"Mh? What are you guys doing?" A woman in a white robe looked at them from the entrance. And then, she suddenly noticed Rebecca.

"Oh, Rebecca… Anemic again?

"Yes, Miss Charlotte." While hastily covering her chest, Rebecca nodded, whereupon the woman came over. Apparently she was the nurse. He knew of the infirmary, but as he had never used it, it was his first meeting with her. Still,

What a beauty

Beautiful features, A stunning beauty in all aspects. Her breasts were even bigger than Rebecca's and matched her sexy voice, albeit with a manly tone, her feminine charm stood out alluring. Her appearance of walking with her robe fluttering looked quite stunning as well.

"What's he doing here though? he isn't a first aid helper." Upon that, the merciless gaze of the nurse called Charlotte pierced Marco.

"No, I'm…" Marco voiced out immediately.

"I know who you are. Oslov right?

"You know me?" Marco was surprised that that the nurse knew who he was despite him never using the infirmary. There is only one logical explanation.

Charlotte nodded with a "Yeah" and said

"Bronze Tiger of the west." She didn't need to say anymore. Marco immediately understood how she knew who he was.

"Of course" Marco said while resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Seeing his expression, Charlotte laughed.

"But be careful though. Intentionally or not, when you stand out more than others, it naturally makes you a target. And not necessarily one of affection. People hate those who are greatly different from them or have what they lack. Also, different from physiological neighbor-hate, instinctive feelings like jealousy or fear have an amplitude. Simple on one hand, but troublesome when compounding."

"Right." On Charlotte words, Marco nodded with a depressed tone.

"What am I supposed to do when I make unwanted enemies?" Marco asked with a bitter smile. Charlotte said with a smile "It's easy".

"No matter what you do, people will still dislike or hate you for one reason or another. but if you do make enemies, you just have to make even more allies. Then you can win against them and naturally the other party will avoid a conflict with you."

"but almost all the boys in the school are my enemies." "The 'amount' isn't important for enemies or allies. The 'quality' is."

"That may be true." Currently, the only one speaking to Marco was his best friend, Jack and a few others. No matter how good their quality were, it certainly couldn't cover the overwhelming difference in numbers.

"Well I don't care."

The problem was the situation involving the increasing demon activity which may or may not the work of an unknown enemy and the only person who could help him was Yuki but he doesn't trust her. He still does not know her intentions.

Quality over quantity. That was certainly true, but at times it was just a mere consolation.

Right now, the enemy refrained from doing anything flashy to prevent the Hunters from interfering, so they could manage a resistance for now. However, if they forcefully outnumbered them without thinking of the consequences, they couldn't hope to win.

"Don't misunderstand the meaning of 'quality',"

A voice bought him back from his thoughts. When he raised his head,

You don't get it? I'm saying you can't weigh the odds of 'amount' and 'quality'." Saying so, Charlotte laughed. But, then suddenly the school broadcast sounded.

"Miss Charlotte, please come to the staff room at once. I repeat---"

"Oh, looks like I have to go." Charlotte said so wearily and headed for her own desk on the opposite wall from the beds. Then she took out documents from the drawer.

"Sorry Rebecca, I have to attend a meeting for a while. So can't look after you, but if you want, you can rest here a bit longer-- Also, Oslov." Saying so, she threw something silver to him and he promptly caught it.

It's the key for the infirmary. I'll tell the teachers about it, so lock the door and return the key later." After saying so, Charlotte left the room as gallant as she had come.

"Oh, I almost forgot." She turned towards them and her expression turned cold.

"Oslov, I hate idiots. I don't care about what you do, but I don't like cleaning up after idiots. You're at that age, so I won't tell you to not screw around, but that's a sickbed. At least do it somewhere where we teachers don't see it. There are various spots around like behind the school building or the gym storeroom."

"Huh." Marco was confused and thought about the reason causing her sudden harsh words.

Then it occurred to him, she came in when he was unbuttoning Rebecca's top so anyone will think they were about to do something indecent. So in other words, it was a misunderstanding. Marco and Rebecca inadvertently turned red. But before they could explain themselves.

"Teachers aren't gods. There are things we can do, and things we can't. But you know, when you, our students, at least abide by the school rules to a minimum, then I'll properly protect you. I know you want to have a merry youth, but… don't do anything that makes us turn against you." Saying so, Charlotte left the room this time.

--Both Marco and Rebecca were dumbfounded.