
Hunter DxD

Marco Oslov was a normal highschool student studying at Faith academy until he meets a new student named Yuki, who came from overseas. After his father Jin leaves for his job appointment in Dubai. He discovers that Yuki was sent by the hunters, a group of humans who hunt devils and other supernatural beings that threaten humanity to observe his friend Rebecca as a potential threat. He soon realizes his peaceful school days are numbered. Is he prepared for the changes in his life for the better or worse?

NinjaKilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 3


A race of malevolent beings originating from the world of darkness, the demon realm. Most demons are generally very selfish, power-hungry, and cruel; often seeking to increase their own power or influence at the expense of either other demons or humans. Very rarely do demons ever show remorse or pity, particularly when regarding humans.

The devils were sealed in the demon realm during the Great War so it shouldn't be possible for the devils to travel between realms. However as years goes by, the seal placed by the Four Great Powers slowly weakens, allowing low ranking demons to cross in-between realms.

Low ranking devils usually isolate their prey from the outside so that their prey cannot escape. Normally, those aware of the supernatural like the hunters can easily escape or kill the devils responsible but normal humans have no hope of surviving.

Marco quicky kicked the floor and dashed towards his right as his blue eyes survey his surroundings. Normally, he would ignore sush a thing since it wasn't his business, especially now that he doesn't have ties to the supernatural. But he didn't want those kids to experience the horrors of a demon at such a young age. They do not have a chance of survival against the demons because of even low ranking demons are several times more powerful than the average man. So a group of kids surviving a demon attack is near impossible.

Marco expanded his senses as he continued running on the streets. It is possible to track a demon based on the aura they give off. The aura of a demon is different from that's of humans. Marco maxed out his concentration as he tried to sense the aura of the demon.

"Got You" Marco finally sensed the aura of the demon but another problem soon arose.

"Damn it" He sensed multiple demons at different locations. Three at the west and four at the east. That was not the problem itself, the problem was that he sensed the aura that matched that of humans.

After two minutes of thinking, Marco decided to go to the one at the east since the numbers of the demons there were higher and it was closer to him compared to the others.

"Please be safe" Marco mumbled as he increase his speed and moved at speeds faster than the eye can perceive.

-- Somewhere in the east

In the middle of the streets of Night city, three kids were being chased by four animal-like beasts. Before their current predicament, they were playing like they usually do until they suddenly attacked by demonic beasts, causing them to separate to different directions. The worst part is that no matter how they screamed and ran, no one came to their aid and they haven't seen anyone ever since they started running. It almost as if the city had become deserted.

They needed help and they needed it fast. They were scared, the beasts were slowly getting closer and they were slowly getting tired but if they stopped running, they will die. They imagined the sight of the monsters biting and tearing their fresh apart, and that terrified them. They didn't want to die, they wanted to see their mommy, they wanted to sleep and forget about today events as if it was one big nightmare.

So they gathered their strength and kept running. While running they made a sharp turn to the alley at the right. They made this move because if they kept running forwards, they will especially get tired and monster will get them so they decided to turn so they could lose them or hide if possible but it turns out they made the wrong choice. It turned out that the alley was a dead end and they were forced to stop.

They turned to see if they could go back but it was too late. The beasts have caught up to them, in order words, they were trapped. Seeing that they had no way to go, they started moving backwards slowly as tears form in their eyes. One of the kids fall down on his butt as strange liquid came out from his pants.

The beasts seeing their prey is cornered and have no way to run. They started approaching their prey slowly as they were not in a rush to feast on their flesh. After all, they created this isolated space so they can comfortably hunt and feast on their prey. Time was not issue to them because while in this isolated space, time does not flow in the outside world.

One of the beast grew impatient and dashed to the kid on the floor. The other kids turned their heads as the disgusting beast was able to feast on their friend. The kids were filled with despair and prayed for a miracle to happen but the chances of that happening was slim.

The kid with his butt kissing the floor began to scream as he saw one of the beast approach him with inhuman speed. He shifted his gaze to the sky as he continued screaming and saw a black silhouette.

At first, he thought it was bird but quicky dismissed that thought as the figure was too big to be a bird and the figure was approaching his location with inhuman speed.

Just as the beast was about to bite upon his feast. The black silhouette crashed on the beast, crushing the beast and the ground underneath at once, creating craters on the ground. The force of the impact threw the boy backwards, landing underneath the two kids.

The kids were shocked and stared at the

person responsible for the incident. They stared in bewilderment as they took a closer look at the person.

He was a tall and lean teenager with unkempt black hair jutting in all directions and sky blue eyes. He was dressed in his Faith academy school uniform and it was now strained with the monster's blood.

Marco slowly got up after putting the beast into its sorry state and stared at the other animal type beasts. The beasts were wolves with reddish coat of fur. Looking at the beasts before him, he mumbled

"Blood Wolf"

After confirming the beasts Infront of him were of low rank. Marco quickly dashed towards the blood Wolf and the entire scene had turned quiet. The wolf movement was like a tortoise compared to Marco.

He quickly arrived at the right side of the blood wolf at the right and threw a fierce jab towards its side.


Bone cracking sounds can be heard as the wolf's lifeless body was sent flying towards the blood wolf on the left and slammed it heavily into the wall at the side.


It slammed into the wall with force.

The last blood wolf eyes were widened in shock as it looked at the person who killed his three companions in an instant.

The blood wolf's weight caused cracks across the wall.

The last blood wolf dashed towards Marco with a crazed look, slashing at him with Rage.

Marco dodged to the left and sent a fierce kick towards the blood wolf head. Upon impact, it was sent flying outside the alley and crushed against the wall at the far end.

Seeing that the blood wolves had been dealt with, Marco rushed towards the shaking kids at the end of the alley. The children looked at him with fright as he approached them.

That is to be expected, after all he just killed those blood wolves with ease and he also displayed inhuman strength. So he expected their reaction and decided to ease up the tense atmosphere.

"Are you kids okay, I'm sorry for getting here late. Don't worry, you're safe now." Marco said with a smile on his face.

Upon hearing his words, their expressions softened and the atmosphere became less tense.

Marco saw that the atmosphere had become less tense and thought about his next course of action. He still needed save the other kids that are currently missing but he will feel bad if he just leaves this kids like this. Marco made up his mind as he decided the best course of action

"You kids should find somewhere to stay while I look for your friends." Marco said while patting one of them on the kid.

The kids slowly nodded after hearing his words.

After conveying his message, he dashed out of the alley to rescue the other kids. There were six kids in total, he saved three while the other three are missing. Luckily, he already knows their current location and if he uses his fastest speed, he should get there in ten minutes.

Marco sucked in air into his lungs and then proceeded to sprint to their current location.

----In a cafe

Three kids are currently hiding under one of the table close to the window and had a look of fright on their faces. Two of them were girls with only one boy. These are obviously the kids marco is looking for.

Apparently, they are hiding from the beasts chasing him earlier but what they didn't know is that the animal type beasts have very sensitive noses, so it can easily them.

"Big sis, I'm scared" one of the girls said with a shaking voice.

"Don't worry Anna, help is on the way" The other girl said reassuring her little sister.

Although she said, they haven't seen since they have been here. But she said so to calm down her little sister. Its the older sibling duty to protect their little siblings.

"Hey, you guys be quiet, listen" The boy said shortly after.

After several moments of silence, they heard

several growling sounds from outside the cafe. It seems the beasts are drawing near to their location.

Upon that, the older sister quickly covered her little sister mouth with her right hand while the boy stayed still. They tried not to make noise to draw the beasts to their location but their efforts was futile as the growling sounds were getting closer.

Moments later, the growling sounds suddenly stopped. They thought the beast went away, but suddenly

Bang! Bang!

Several loud, sharp noises were heard as the beasts slammed into the door, trying to get their prey. The reason they haven't broken through yet, is because the kids somehow managed to barricade the door but they knew it will won't hold for long

Bang! Bang!

The beasts continued slamming into the door, with each second, the sound kept getting louder and louder. Clearly, the beasts were becoming more outraged as their prey continued resisting.

Bang! Bang!

They continued slamming the door with each second the door kept getting more bent. It obviously the door is on the verge of breaking.

Then suddenly the sound stopped, the kids thought beasts were about break through and steeled their hearts preparing for the worst.

But it never came. The kids expression changed from from fright to confusion. They wondered why the beasts will suddenly stop and they even thought that the beasts went away but that was unlikely.

They decided to be curious and stayed at hidden in the same spot. After several minutes had passed, they started to think that beasts had truly gone away because the place was strangely quiet. Suddenly, a silhouette broke through the window.