
chapter three

After Ron Jc's grandfather saw that Jc had run for almost 3 kilometres,he secluded the particular place then mtwo masked individuals appeared.

"Though he's still young his power has increased but sadly though you allowed him leave",one of the masked person said.

That small outburst of the masked man was able to destroy trees which were 50 metres around him.

"You came for the boy but here you are ranting like a little girl. Am so dissapointed and here i thought you'd fight like a man. " Ron said to the masked person. "And if I may ask which species are you and why are you after the boy?"

"Since you are going to die eventually might as well tell you. We are from the same place as that wretched woman who decided to tarnish the clan by marrying a lowly human being.And that son of hers is an anomallity. He is so strong despite his young age and since he was born in this human world he will pose a threat to us following our plans. "

After hearing this,Ron was conflicted since what plans were they planning and why did they want to take his grandson away. He was not even given a chance to fight back. The second masked man just cut off his neck with a blade which changed its appearance from silvery to crimson red by Ron's blood.

Jc on the other hand had witnessed and heard everything which was said. This was so because when he felt his grandfather's magic he thought he was able to survive so he ran back as fast as he could. On reaching a particular point he was unable to enter. He stayed on the closest tree. And that was how he was able to hear everything. 'After seeing his grandfather's head roll on the ground Jc was convicted to either kill those two or to scream so all he did was to just stare at the headless lifeless body of his grandfather which was falling to the ground. At the same moment the two masked people disappeared from his line of view.

After that the force field created by his grandfather weakened and shattered so Jc was able to advance and burry his grandfather's body.

After that incident Jc was able to deduce that those two were responsible for the killing of his parents. Jc hated them and he vowed he would get strong to be able to beat them to death. With that conviction in mind,Jc madw his way back to where his home was located previously. He went there for he feared that the path he decided to take would not allow him return back there again. He went to pick something to always remind him of home.

While still there Jc was able to find a book in his parents room which was written his name. Jc took the book and a picture of him and his parents when he was still alive. He did not even open the book he just walked back to the forest.

Back in the forest,he read the book and it was what he needed to learn how to use his power. Jc spent a lot of his days reading the book but since it was all on a theoretical level he was getting worried on how he would get to start to practice. When he finished reading there materialized a kind of ancient hollogram which spoke to him.

"This is an ancient method used by the demigods to achieve their godly power. That you were able to activate this hologram it means you are compatible with the teaching and you are willing to endure every hardship that comes your way just so you can get what you aim for. To continue learning fuse with the book by clicking yes. At that moment Jc took the initiative and fused with the book but as that happened a strange and immense pain racked through his body. Jc passed out .......