
Chapter 1

In a forest a shadow can be seen moving. The shadow in question is a young boy running around chasing after his grandfather. Jc the boys name had been left to die by the assasins .

One night while the boy was still young he heard the screams of his parents.The boy knew that something bad was happening since he was just five. He crawled out of his bed and hid in a hole under it as his father had asked him to do that incase of danger.

"son i want you to promise me one thing " he rembered what his father had said two weeks earlier "when you hear any screams near the house run and get in this hole and never get out until grandpa comes to get you. Do you promise?"Jc just nodded his head in confirmation.

After the screams had stopped he could hear whispers of people in his room he lifted the carpet and saw people looking for him. He muted his own breatging fearing they might hear him. As soon as they left he heard a gentle voice of his grandpa calling him to come out. He did not go out until his grandfather went to get him. Jc on seeing his grandfather allowed tears flow freely down his checks as his grandfather carried him away.

After the death of his parents Jc was cared for by his grandfather. He was raised in the forest and was trained since he turned six. As he is aprroaching ten years his grandfather saw it best to tell him about his background and the reason behind his parents killings.