
She needs to be mine

Crystal Snow

I can't believe I let myself dragged here. This party should be just for wealthy people, not for all of us. While I was married to Hunter I experienced a few parties where the hostess invited people with not the same money as the others with booming businesses and was a disaster.

Wealthy people don't respect anyone, just themselves. Many times neither themselves but who I am to judge? I am a simple woman, and my colleagues convinced me to pop in for this party, not only to have a little bit of fun but because all knew I was Hunter's ex-wife and in their stupid minds have the impression that I knew a lot of people and I have a lot of connections. But nobody knows this thought is just a myth. While with Hunter I didn't make too many friends besides Seth and Angela, more because Hunter was not so impressed with me and he didn't want me to speak with people too much, being convinced that I will embarrass him.

So I was in a corner most of the time to special events with him and left alone, while he gets drunk and most of the time forget about me at the party while he left with another woman and didn't come back until maybe the next day or days after.

I can't forget when he left me alone at one of their stupid parties, and I was so scared because so many drunk idiots were looking at me like I am a piece of meat and don't give a shit about the fact I'm Hunter's wife. Maybe because he permitted them this type of behaviour with me. I was lucky that night with our driver, that he take me home safely while I didn't see Hunter for another two days after.

Hunter had done a lot of mistakes in these two years, and I was ready to forgive everything. I was ready to give him so many chances that will destroy me. In the end, I realized is just me trying and it was not fair for me to fight for something that will not be happening in this life.

But look at me now, after seven months dressed in a long black dress, with an open back, deep V between my breasts and my long and red hair falling down my back like a fire cascade, entering the big hall where the event was going on.

I felt my heart in my throat because of the pressure. I didn't know if I should be here. This event was made like a fundraiser for cancer research and raising money for hospitals, one of them being the one I was working for. My colleagues were more than happy to participate and convinced me that will be a lot of fun.

Believe me, guys are not fun at all. You can see the difference between millionaires and working society people. The moves, the looks and the fancy clothes are visibly different between these two parts of society.

From the start, I was a hardworking person, and I didn't like to have somebody else money. I worked as a cleaning girl when I was an adolescent for food money and my father's habit to drink. I was a person fighting in this life for everything, and I hated to have unworked money.

Every person asked me why I divorce Hunter because he had everything. Yes, he had unlimited money, he had power, he had prestige, he was known as a playboy in woman's society, and he had everything a woman can dream of. But while I can appreciate his work for his money, I'm not appreciating cheating and being such a cold-hearted person with the person who should be your wife. Maybe you don't love me but respect me, that was what I wanted.

I hoped that Hunter is not coming to this type of event, and I will just go in and out faster than I can realize. I don't like being around so many billionaires, because I know very well they like to show off and treat the rest of the community like trash.

I woke up from my thoughts when a hand touch my shoulder, and I turned around.

"Look at you cheeky monkey, you look amazing." the words coming from my friend Angela made me smile instantly. I don't have so many people telling me I'm looking decent so coming from her was very nice. I loved Angela for her big soul. She loved Seth to pieces, and she was my type of person. She was very strong, beautiful and as well with the biggest heart on the entire planet.

"You're beautiful Angela". I told her back with a big smile. She hugs me instantly, and I hug her back with a lot of love.

"Oh, hey sis, you're stunning tonight." The words coming from her husband, Seth and my so say, big brother made me smile, and he jumps and hugs me as well. They were the only persons I knew at this party besides a few of my colleagues who just split on the entire room and left me alone of course.

"Thank you guys, how are you?" My question was innocent, just trying to see how they are because I didn't see them for months. After we divorced, I tried to keep in touch with this two, because they were the only humans to speak to and trust.

"We are amazing. Happy like usual. I miss you, darling. How are you? Seth told me you're working in the hospital."

"Yes, I am. I'm in training now to be a nurse"

"This is amazing, I'm very proud of you Crystal. Wish I could be so strong like you. "

I start laughing.

"You are Angela. Ahem, quick question. Is a...Hunter coming here tonight?"

The two of them fixed their eyes on me straight away, and I can see their disappointment in them.

"No, apparently he doesn't have a partner for the event, and he refused to come".

For a second I felt disappointment as well. Why did I feel like that? I taught I get over it by now. But the fact he refused to come because he doesn't have a partner sounds very strange. Hunter can find a partner for any event at any second. Any woman will just jump on him like on a Christmas tree just to be on his arm tonight at this fancy event.

"Hello, my lady. Hello, both of you."

Our discussion was cut short when the voice beside me caught my attention. Was Chef Andrew, dressed very smart, with a nice creamy costume and a black tie.

I turn to him, and I give him a very big smile. Somehow I liked him but I just start having like a nagging feeling of bad. Like something is not right. I remember his proposal to go out with him for a dinner and I felt myself blushing again. His sandy hair was a little curled through the end and in that strong white light seemed like was glowing. His big blue eyes were clear but very cold and I can tell that something was off.

"Hi, Chef Andrew, nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you too beautiful. Nice to meet you both. I hear a lot from you guys. Angela, right? and Seth?"

Both of them confirmed with a nod of their heads, and Seth is shaking his hand with a big smile while Angela is smiling when Andrew is kissing her hand very politely.

"Nice to meet you..."

"Andrew, Chef of Surgery in The Angels Hospital, honoured to meet you guys."

I can see very clearly this man's charm. He was well-spoken, charming and had a strong glare around him. He was nice-looking, tall and with a gentlemanly aura. I can see a lot of women in this place, looking at him and whispering to each other. But his blue piercing, cold eyes, looked just to me and I tried my best to not avoid his strong eyes on me.

It was feeling flattering, but at the same time, a strong feeling in my stomach told me to stay away from him. But why? Like I didn't feel anything like that from Hunter before or another man, but just him.

He is strong and had a good reputation among females so I don't know why I'm so unsure about this right now. But I didn't want to jump to conclusions, maybe it's just my anxiety coming here with no Hunter and having around me so many people.

"We are honoured to meet you, Doctor. So you know our friend here, Crystal?"

"Yes, she is a very good nurse and she is well-appreciated in our hospital. I asked her for a date but she refused me."

He said that with a big smile, and I felt my jaw falling on the floor. Angela and Seth glared at me, and I can see their questions coming through their clear eyes and colours. I give them a small and shy smile, and I looked at Andrew feeling my blood rushing straight to my cheeks.

"I didn't refuse you, I was not ready for a date. "

"Is ok beautiful. If we are both here, do you want a small drink with me? Having a chat? "

I turn my eyes to Angela, and she nods her head in approval fast, and she pushes me straight to him, forcing me to leave the couple and step aside to a table with Andrew. I walk with him, and I cursed Angela in my head. I did not want this. I am not feeling comfortable now with Andrew, and I don't have any reason for this. He proved to be very nice, and a gentleman and I am suspecting him of nothing and everything. But I didn't want to destroy his night, and we both stop in front of a long table, full of empty glasses and drinks.

"Hope you're not uncomfortable with me here. In the end, we are colleagues, so I just want to know you better if it is ok with you as well. "

I smiled a little bit forced, but I tried to enjoy it. Knowing that Hunter is not coming tonight made me somehow sad, so I was still looking around people in that enormous room I saw the glass of champagne Andrew was waiting for me to pick up from his hand.

"I'm sorry Andrew, is not like I don't like you, but I prefer to concentrate more on my career now and date after. Is not your fault, I apologise if you have seen me stiff with you. "

"Look beautiful, I know and I appreciate your honesty. Is ok, I can wait for you until you're ready again ."

I felt my heart melting that second, and I knew that my strange feeling of danger around him is just because of my anxiety. He was truly a gentleman.

"Thank you, Andrew. I appreciate your understanding. Cheers!"

He gives me a big smile, and we hit the glasses together while I take a big sip from it. I'm not a drinker at all but I knew that one glass of champagne will not kill me tonight.

We continue to have a chat for a few minutes while I take another few sips from that glass.

"So you're still in love with Hunter?"

I felt my head a little fuzzy, but I didn't think yo much, and I looked at Andrew with a sad smile.

"I think so. To be honest, I don't know Andrew. I don't know if I still love him or if I just miss him. I don't know. "

"Did he make love with you?"

That question comes from nowhere, and I felt myself hitting up quite quickly. Can't understand why he asks me something so personal. But I start not to like it. I am a very private person myself, and I like to keep everything to myself. Not important what Hunter did to me or not, what was in that house is staying in that house in respect for myself and Hunter's privacy.

"I don't like that question, and I hope you're ok not hearing any answer for me. Is not very nice to ask me about my personal life and private life."

I can see his eyes changing a little. From that cold but secure blue to a cold and wild blue, like I was the next target.

I did one step back, but just then I realized I was very dizzy. All the place was rotating, and I felt my breathing going very fast. My body started feeling very warm and fuzzy, and I put my shaky hand over my forehead and I just looked at Andrew very concerned. But he was looking at me like he hit the jackpot. His grim smile made my brain wake up a little and go into a big alert.

"I need to go to the restroom. I will be back"

I barely can hear myself speaking, and I'm feeling so heated up and ill at the same time that I don't know what is happening.

"Is ok, I will drive you home, ok?"

I felt the imminent danger when he told me he was driving me home, and I was looking around to find Seth or Angela. But the room was spinning so much that I can't distinguish the people in the room.

"No, I'm...I'm ok. I will find Seth..."

I told him, and I start trying to walk through the room in a desperate attempt to find my friends. In the back of my head, I knew very well I was drugged and I need to escape before it took full effect on me and I can't do anything about that.

But Andrew catches me fast and he drags my body to him, hugging me and he whispers in my ear.

"I'm so sorry. But I can't live without you. I will show you what a real man can do"

I was terrified. I can't move and my body is trapped in this drug, a drug is making me look like I'm drunk and horny probably because of the blood rushing on my cheeks and my blurry eyes. In the side of my head, I was conscious and I knew what is happening but my body just didn't listen anymore and I knew the drug is hitting now at full potential cause I can barely move or speak.

He started helping me go through people in the room and going through the big exit door. I tried my best to hold back but I couldn't. I knew I was in danger, but I was unable to alert anyone. I was scared, terrified and waiting now to go with Andrew and probably raped or anything like that. I start to pray in my head for a miracle, for somebody to help me before it's too late. But walking helped by Andrew very close to the entrance door I felt my eyes watery and I realized I start crying with no control over it.

I start losing my will to fight now, and I just felt that my fate is gruesome and I will end up in dark places. And the worst part of it? Nobody will know, nobody will care, and my life will be destroyed by a person I was thinking is a life saviour. "Please, somebody help me". That was my last prayer before I heard HIS voice.