
Hunted From the Shadows

Emmry had spent her entire life on the run with her Mom. She never really knew why other than to keep her away from the animal that attacked her when she was younger. All of this came crashing when that animal murders her mother and Emmry is forced to go back to her home back where her father has been waiting. Terrified Emmry is trying to get use to this new pack life. That is until the animal decides he's not giving up the hunt.

EmmaSpaceLee · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

After the unfortunate discovery from earlier today I was very surprised that no one had asked me to talk about the scars or even sent me to the pack doctor. The first time they were discovered was when I went to a pack school for the first time. I was 14 and my mom thought it would be the best thing for me to get to know some kids my age. She also thought being around shifters would allow me to shift too. Of course, that was not going to happen but what was I going to do? Tell her no?

It was gym and we were playing volleyball. I know it sounds so very pedestrian and human to be playing simple sports, but I was so grateful. I wasn't unathletic I just couldn't do as much as them. I enjoyed the not as difficult team games. I was jumping up to spike the ball and I guess my shirt pulled up. There were a bunch of gasps on the other side of the net. I hadn't noticed what they were gasping at. I just landed and went back to getting ready for the ball to come over the net. It didn't. Instead everyone was staring at me. The whispers started getting louder and louder.

Until the gym teacher came over and asked me to follow him to the nurse's office. I didn't even know what was wrong with me until she asked me if my stomach hurt. That's when it clicked that someone must have seen the scars. They were brutal to look at even for shifters. I did my best to avoid answering and telling them that it was none of their business. They asked me over and over if I was being treated wrongly. If my mother had a boyfriend who wasn't exactly the kindest. They wouldn't listen to me. No one ever did after they saw the scars.

Eventually they called my mother and she brought me home. I didn't go back to the pack school or any pack school after that. My mom let me complete my schooling online. I think they hurt her more than they hurt me. She hated when people asked me about them. I know she felt guilt about it, but it wasn't her fault exactly. She didn't dig her claws into me. Though if you asked her, she would probably tell you she might as well have.

"Excuse me…" A soft voice brought me out of my memories and in front of me was a girl not too much younger than me.

"Yes?" I looked up from the table at her.

"You're Emmry right?" The girl smiled a little and played with the ends of her hair. It was the same color as my Uncle Matt's and she also had the same violet eyes that I had.

"Yeah, I am." I said quietly. She moved to sit across from me.

"I'm Hope. I'm…your cousin. My dad is the Beta Matt." The girl leaned forward towards me.

"I thought so. You look like him." I gave her a soft smile.

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment. I wasn't allowed to come up and say hi when you first got here. They didn't want to overload you with people." Her voice was high, much higher than most shifters I'd met even female ones.

"I don't do well with a bunch of new people. So, I'm sorry if it upset you but I'm kind of glad they did." I tried to sound empathetic, but I knew that I just sounded liked a jerk.

"No no we all understood. It's not like you chose to have your mom die or anything." As soon as the words left her mouth she gasped and covered her lips. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

She was right. I didn't choose to come her or for my mother to die. Though if you think about it who would really choose for their mother to die in front of them violently… I mean except sadists, I guess.

"It's alright Hope. You don't have to keep apologizing. You're starting to remind me of me." I laughed a little.

"Oh oh…good…I mean…Opps." Hope laughed more this time dropping her head to hit the table.

"I can't say anything right today."

I couldn't help but laugh at my cousin. She was being very ridiculous. Maybe if all shifters were like this, I'd be able to handle them.

"I never say the right things." I told her smiling reassuringly.

"I know they said people aren't your thing…and to not invite you anywhere but it's a super moon tonight. We know that we aren't forced to shift because of the moon but we kind of have a big party and a lot of people just dance and get drunk…do you wanna come? We don't have to stay long or anything…" She started to ramble obviously getting nervous.

I really didn't want to go… all those shifters…it would most likely make me uncomfortable. On the other hand, I could stay to the edges maybe just get a look and see all the shifters who were around my age in this pack. I know my mom would want me to go and I bet so would my dad.

"Yeah alright but I don't promise to be there for very long or to enjoy it." I mumbled.

"Wait did you just say yes? Oh, my goodness. That was unexpected. Okay cool. I'll tell Alpha you're coming to my house. Do you wanna go grab different clothes?" Hope sprang up and smiled brightly at me.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked as I stood up and looked down.

"Nothing nothing. You're fine. Come on then." Then my cousin practically dragged me out of the house.