
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 73: How Many Girlfriends Do You Have!

"What's the relationship between you and Alexander?" Ashisu couldn't help asking after seeing Nero. After hearing Ashisu's question, Nero answered without thinking.

"Of course it's the closest relationship! Alexander and I will never be separated." Nero is right, she is Alexander's heroic spirit, and Alexander is her summoner, so Alexander and her are naturally an inseparable existence, but it is completely different if her words fall into the ears of others.

"You guys really have that kind of relationship!" Hearing Nero, Ashisu couldn't help exclaiming, she even changed into a beautiful dress today to show off her charm in front of Alexander, but looking at Nero in front of her, She suddenly felt that there was some gap between herself and the other party. Her face and identity must not be bad, but unfortunately, there was still a little gap in figure.

"Alexander, we're back." At this time, Kurumi also came to Alexander's side, and she naturally hugged Alexander's arm. The skinship between the two is naturally nothing but in Ashisu's eyes, it's completely different! What's the situation, why does this peerless beautiful girl suddenly hug Alexander! Could it be that she is Alexander's girlfriend?

"big brother, we're back!" Kanna ran over with Schwi following her, she opened her little hands and hugged Alexander in front of her, and Alexander picked up Kanna, "How is it, is the comic con interesting?"

Listening to Alexander's words, Kanna in front of her nodded obediently, "Interesting, a lot of beautiful sisters are giving me delicious food, and some big brothers who don't look good even brought me two cicadas and then chased away by Schwi."

Feeding a cicada to Kanna! Damn! Some guy must have regarded Kanna as someone who cos Kanna, and gave it to Kanna to eat the cicada. What a bastard.

Alexander secretly made up his mind to take good care of Kanna, and told her not to always think about new things with her mouth.

"Alexander, who are these?" Ashisu asked again, a Tohru wearing a maid outfit, that's right, that outfit must be Tohru, that's right, as Alexander's editor, it's absolutely impossible for her to not know, this is a top cosplayer? Also, here are Schwi and Kanna, both of them also cosplay very well. Whether it's facial expressions or movements, it's well done. If you don't know it, you might think it's a real person who came out of the anime.

Like everyone else, Ashisu directly regarded Kanna and the others as cosplayers participating in the comic exhibition.

Wait, something is wrong! 

For a moment, Ashisu seemed to have discovered something, that Tohru ran in front of Alexander, and Alexander is still rubbing the other person's head and that Tohru actually looks happy at the moment! "Alexander, what's the relationship between her and you?!"

"Me?" Tohru thought for a while, and then said directly, "I am the one who will be with Alexander for the rest of his life!"

For life!?

Ashisu was shocked again, another one! Another one! Alexander, how many girlfriends do you have! "Alexander, you actually have three such lovely girlfriends, so why are you still teasing me! "


Hearing what Ashisu said, Alexander was taken aback. What's the situation? He only has one real girlfriend!! Ashisu, what did you misunderstand! Also, what is teasing you! Okay , Maybe we have talked, but we have a pure relationship. If you say this, it may be misunderstood! No! It has already been misunderstood!

At this moment, all the men and women around Alexander set their eyes on him, looking at Alexander, three big, two small, five beautiful girls + loli, immediately glared at Alexander!

At the same time, in the next exhibition area,

"Good friends, do you need to buy a match?" A poorly dressed little girl asked in the crowd.

"Don't buy, we won't buy!" A couple ran away quickly.

The little girl who hit the wall one after another looked down helplessly at the matches in her basket. Sure enough, is the little girl who sells matches in Cos not welcome? At this moment, the little girl hugged her knees, curled up and shivered.

"Hello, I want all your matches," said the ten men shrouded in black robes in a hoarse voice.

"Okay, thank you sir! I wish you a good time!" The little girl's eyes lit up.

"We're really going to have a good time," the man said sarcastically.

At the same time the grease-soaked torch was lit with a match.

Under the light of the fire, the little girl found that there were countless men in black robes behind the man,

Their torches were lit in turn to reflect the capital "F" on the robes.

"You are..." The little girl was a little scared for a moment.

"Couples don't die, holy wars don't stop." The leading black-robed man said lightly, and then suddenly shouted, "Heaven is dead, and heaven is about to stand. An enemy of our life has appeared in the fourth exhibition area! Brothers from the fff group! Guys, take out your torches and charge with me!", Boom! Boom! After the order was given, more and more figures ran out, and a few of them were holding long guns that they didn't know which coser they snatched from. The guy yelling "Follow me with the gun in hand" looked at the situation in front of him and turned around to leave for the 680-song man.

"Wait! Can I join you?"

Suddenly, a girl's eyes radiated a light called "hope".

"The purpose of our FFF group is to achieve happiness together. If you achieve happiness alone, you will be condemned by all members. If you can do it, follow along!

The man in black robe took the uniform from a member behind him and threw it in front of the little girl.

The little girl hesitated for a while, looked at the large troops going away, picked up the uniform and put it on.

"This world...of course I want everyone to be happy together!" The little girl's voice was exceptionally firm.

The little girl chased after them and heard one of the group members talking to herself—

"The hunt... is about to begin!"

[tl/n: Additional Chapters

+50 Stones = 1 chapter

Top 5 = 5 chapters daily!]