
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 40: Bone King? Shield Girl? SAO? What kind of game is this!

At this moment, the happy Alexander directly picked up the phone in his hand and dialed the number of his personal secretary and said, "Hi, is this Henrietta? I'm Alexander, prepare a base that can accommodate ten thousand people right away, it's best if it's in the suburbs, yes, yes, accommodation and dining halls and other facilities are all available, and prepare 10,000 computers and virtual helmets, prepare the money and go to the finance department to ask for it tomorrow, OK, goodbye."

Alexander put down the phone and no longer cared about the affairs of the base. Henrietta is his personal secretary, and she is also a gamer who loves games. Alexander is very relieved to entrust this kind of matter to her. As for the remaining time, Alexander has to think about which game to let the Mikasa sisters choose.

"It's been a long time since I played games, and I don't know what games are more fun now." Alexander came to the computer and began to search for the latest popular games.

"NewWorldOnline? It will be launched soon, and game helmets are now on sale."

"The old game YGGDRASIL is about to close the server, and the countdown is 30 days…this kind of game, I won't let the Sisters go, what can they do in ten days?"

"The new game SAO is only 100 days away from the release. There are still 100 days until the release, so there is still a long wait… wait! SAO!???"

Seeing SAO, Alexander suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the few games he had just read. If you just talk about SAO, many people may not understand it, but if you talk about Sword Art Online, then this matter is very serious.

The game of the first season of Sword Art Online is this SAO! Wait, if this game appears here, then that means, Kirito and his harem should all be in this world? It's a pity, when you think about it carefully, Kirito and Asuna are ordinary people after all, and it's not surprising that Alexander has never heard of their names.

If Alexander's guess is correct, then…

Alexander looked at the previous two games, NewWorldOnline… he is still thinking why is it so familiar, it turns out to be The Shield Girl, I mean isn't that the name of the game that uses all defensive power because the MC is too afraid of pain? 

As for YGGDRASIL, this is also very familiar. Thinking about it carefully, isn't that the game where the MC got transported to the Great Tomb of Nazarick as Ainz Ooal Gown!?

Damn, what kind of operations are these?! One is the daughter of the game, one is playing the game and got time travel, and the other is more direct, if you die in game your brain will be fried!

Looking at the few games in front of him, Alexander fell into deep thought for a while. Sure enough, did he still underestimate the world he was in too much? Even a group of ordinary people, these ordinary people can play themselves to death. Thinking about it this way, playing games is not so safe…

"Should I draw the manga of these anime first?"

Alexander looked at the three games in front of him and began to think,

"I won't talk about SAO, it's not on sale yet, and it's still dangerous, no, I can't let Mikasa sisters go there." Alexander directly drew an x ​​on SAO, let's talk about it later.

Shield Girl's game is easy and enjoyable, it's a standard game world, so let's put it there first. According to Alexander's original idea, this game is very good, and it's also the most suitable.

However, if you switch to the Bone King game, among other things, if you are crazy about leveling, one month is enough to reach a very high level, and then you can match it with giving money to Mikasa sisters so that they can collect guilds and props everywhere. Then 10,000 younger sisters will immediately become stronger as soon as they cross over, and it will be able to bring the Mikasa sisters to another world when the world opens. The most important thing is that no one in the Otherworld knows the Mikasa sisters, and the sisters can live quietly in that world.

But now there is a problem, that is, he haven't drawn the Overlord anime himself, and it will take a week at the fastest to draw the first season if no one bothers him, and it will take at least two months to make the anime, and then promote it for sale (this world has a high level of technology , it is normal to be faster), that is to say, there is a blank period for a while…

"Should I ask Mikoto when the time comes and let her choose one of the two games." Thinking of this, Alexander stopped thinking about it. It was already late, so he didn't bother Mikoto, and then he went back to his room.

At the same time, in Alexander's room, a comic flew up silently, and then, the comic began to depict a magic circle glowing with magic power on the ground, and then, a graceful figure emerged from the magic circle.

Blonde hair, green eyes, dull hair, loli body, wearing a red dress, holding a strangely shaped long sword, the front of the skirt is designed to reveal the translucency of the underwear, and the upper body is also quite bold. At this moment, this figure directly opened her mouth and said

"Servant, Saber, Nero Claudius, came here in response to the call, huh? Where's my summoner?