
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 24: To The World Of No Game No Life Zero!

"Cheater. It's clear that you set what people like." Kurumi covered her small mouth with one hand while she looked at Alexander in front of her with a smile on her face, "If you really pursue me like this, I'm afraid I don't have the slightest resistance. So, Alexander, why don't you give it a try, I'm easy to coax, so you can easily conquer me~"

Looking at Kurumi, who was quite interested in what he said, Alexander finally understood the meaning of the other party, which is equivalent to someone else thinking hard about the final exam but you, you're copying it from a copy of the answer. It is difficult not to come first in the Bar exam. Thinking of this, Alexander couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Kurumi, you are really a genius."

"I don't dare to be a genius. However, although I told you that you can conquer all the spirits, I don't want to give them to you so easily. So why don't we rehearse first?"

"Forget it, I still have things to do, I'm going to the otherworld to replenish the time of my Time Emperor, do you want to come with me?" Alexander said as he stared at the girl's beautiful eyes, and when she heard his words, Kurumi's eyes lit up! Time, this is too attractive to her!

"In that case, I will accompany you to have a look~"

. . . . . . . .

No Game No Life World, Zero Period.

In this world, there are wars everywhere, sixteen races are constantly fighting, and the human race is naturally the weakest one in the world, they can only survive in the cracks.

At this moment, in this world, three figures are running with a package. They protect the things in their arms very tightly, as if it is something more important than their life.

Perhaps in their eyes, this strategic map called the world map is indeed more important, so important that they didn't give up even if there was another monster over six meters behind them chasing them.

"Damn! It's a demon species!!"

Among the three, a man with a strong body couldn't help shouting angrily, his name is Ivan, and beside him, the hope of the human race, Riku.

And behind them, it was a monster upgraded by fantasy species. Basically, they are monsters with low intelligence, and it can be said that they are beasts with half-intelligence. But a monster is a monster, and it possesses terrifying power. With the strength of Ivan and Riku, it is impossible to fight against it. All they can do at this moment is to run away. However, that figure is getting closer and closer. Ivan already knows that the three of them can't get rid of the demon.

As for counter-killing the opponent, with the weapons on their body? Impossible, no matter how hard they prepare, there is no demon species that humans can kill.

So now all they can think about is where to die, when to die, and that's all.

Thinking of this, Ivan has already made a decision, "Riku, you must not die; Aley, you are still young; then it will be obvious who to let go."

"But—even so!" Riku looked at Ivan beside him, and he already understood what the other party meant.

Ivan, however, smiled. He slowly loosened the strap under his chin, and slowly took off the dust mask on his face.

"Ivan! What are you doing!!"

Riku looked at Ivan in front of him, but Ivan just took a deep breath, and he looked at Riku beside him and smiled

"Never mind me, in order to protect your companions and family, there is no better ending than this, right?"

Ivan said so, and then handed the mask to Aley, whose shoulders were trembling. This mask can also be used by the next person. As for him… he can never used it again.

"...Damn it, bastard—— bastard! Ahhh!!" At this moment, Riku was extremely sad, he hated, he hated himself why he couldn't protect his friends, he hated why the demons behind him couldn't let them go, and he hated those races even more. He hated the Creator who made human beings so weak, and has no choice but to sacrifice for the future of human beings, again and again.

And Ivan patted his long-standing friend on the shoulder, then turned his head, Riku was looking at him silently——Ivan stared at his black eyes under the goggles and said:

"Then I'm leaving, Riku. My family—my children are in your care."

Riku didn't move. Without taking his eyes off, he stared at Ivan, nodded and replied, "Okay, leave it to me. And…I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize to me, just swear to your will."

Riku and Aley left. Seeing the monsters getting closer and closer in front of him, Ivan couldn't help but clenched the weapon in his hand. He faced the monsters in front of him to give enough time for his companions to escape.

However, the demon species opened its bloody mouth at this moment, and with just one breath, Ivan felt that he was about to be sucked into the demon species' mouth to become its feast. At this moment, Ivan had closed his eyes and waited for death. 


"City of Devouring Time!"


Suddenly, a black abyss appeared out of nowhere at the feet of the demon species in front of him. Immediately afterwards, a pair of white arms stretched out directly. These arms grabbed the demonia in front of him fiercely, and the demon who felt this force is also constantly struggling to break free, however, how can a mere lowest-ranking demon escape from the engulfment of the city of devouring time.

In three seconds, the demon completely disappeared in front of Ivan. And before Ivan could react, he saw two figures coming out from the corner. The man was very good looking and the woman was very beautiful. Very beautiful, this is the only adjective that Ivan can think of, and at this moment, the man is looking at the very beautiful woman helplessly and said:

"Kurumi, are you robbing me of monsters again? You have so much time, are you still short of them?"

And hearing the man's unhappy words, the beautiful girl took the man's hand and said with an extremely gentle voice, 

"Alexander, it's only a few hundred years, we can kill a few more in a while. Alright, don't be angry, okay, how about I give you a reward when we go back?"

... …

[Tl/n: If you guys want more chapters, I can provide 5 chapters daily. You just need to give me some stones as a motivation!!]