
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 18: Kuroko Read The Manga!

"Wow! Onee-sama even appeared on the stage! No wonder onee-sama kept this manga, wait, who is this hedgehog who is fighting against onee-sama? Never mind, the guy who fights with my onee-sama is definitely not a good person. That's it." When Kuroko saw the picture of Mikoto, Kuroko couldn't bear to continue thinking of others. Although Kuroko is not an otaku, she is the number one fan of Mikoto. Of course she is very interested in manga related to Mikoto.

Anyone who has experience knows that when a girl starts to take a bath, if the boy does not urge her to come out for an hour or two, it is impossible for her to come out, and for an hour or two, if she reads manga, she can read a lot.

And because the background of A Certain Magical Index is Academy City, it looks very similar to Kuroko's appetite, so in just a few minutes, Kuroko finished the first chapter, followed by the second chapter, the third chapter, Then she couldn't stop, and kept reading the eleventh chapter of the third volume of the manga, which is equivalent to the eleventh chapter of the anime. And when she saw the story of the Misaka sisters, Kuroko widened her eyes.

"This… this author has such a big brain hole, and there is a story about my onee-sama, it's so interesting... Wait, this plot, onee-sama sisters!!!" Looking at the panel where Mikoto faced the despair of the Misaka sister incident, Kuroko couldn't help worrying about her Onee-sama. "Onee-sama! Onee-sama!"

In an instant, Kuroko began to slap the bathroom door desperately. She was really worried about her Onee-sama at the moment. She slapped and shouted at the same time, and when Mikoto heard the sound of Kuroko slapping, she got dressed and came out of the bathroom, "Kuroko, what are you doing now, I have something to do and I don't have time to play with you now."

"That's not it! Onee-sama! The contents of your manga!" Kuroko showed Mikoto the manga in her hand, and seeing Kuroko holding her own manga, Mikoto quickly snatched it over, she was nervous holding the manga in her arms, she looked at Kuroko in front of her and said, "Kuroko, don't touch my things, this is very important!"

Mikoto is really anxious. This manga is the only connection between her and Alexander now. If she loses this, she may never see Alexander again. She is naturally very anxious at this moment, but seeing Mikoto looked so anxious, Kuroko seemed to understand something.

"Onee-sama, the content in that manga, is it true?"

"How is it possible? Did you see what happened inside?" Mikoto hastily denied, she was not afraid that Kuroko would slip up, but mainly because of her character, she didn't want others to worry about her, and, if Kuroko knew about her younger sisters, because she cares about her, she would definitely sit idly by! In that case, Kuroko would easily encounter danger. If Kuroko had any accident because of her, Mikoto would never forgive herself for the rest of her life.

"But why is there you in this manga, onee-sama?" Kuroko looked suspiciously at Mikoto in front of her, and she was smart enough to realize that things were not that simple. Fortunately, what Alexander gave her is the 'A Certain Magical Index' manga. If what Alexander gives here is the 'A Certain Scientific Railgun', it is estimated that Kuroko will find out that her experience with Mikoto has been revealed by people after reading the first three chapters and was drawn word for word in the manga!

As we all know, the Forbidden series is a very large content, if according to the story timeline, it should be

"A Certain Scientific Railgun" 1-3 →

"A Certain Magical Forbidden Book Catalog" Chapter 1-9 →

 "A Certain Scientific Railgun" 4-End →

"A Certain Scientific Railgun S" Chapter 1-16→ 

"A Certain Magic's Forbidden Book Catalog" Chapter 10-17 → 

"A Certain Science's Railgun S" Chapter 17-24 → 

 But due to Alexander, who has not updated the content of season 3, even Mikito doesn't know it now.

"This…" Mikoto thought for a while, and then suddenly remembered an excuse, "This is drawn by a friend of mine, really, I told him not to draw me on it, but he still disagrees, If you don't believe me, go to the market and have a look, there must be no bookstore that will have this comic."

Mikoto's excuse is still very useful. Everyone knows that their country is a big country with two-dimensional elements. According to incomplete statistics, one out of every ten students likes two-dimensional anime, and there are countless people who make their own fan books. As students It's quite normal for one of the most famous students in the Academy to be drawn as a cartoon character…but is it really that simple?

"Is that so?" Kuroko looked at Mikoto suspiciously, but she was smart enough not to ask, because she knew that if her onee-sama didn't want to talk about it, then she wouldn't ask, otherwise, Mikoto would be really angry. And what she can do is to help her secretly in places where her onee-sama can't see!

I have to say that Shirai Kuroko, a school girl, is really a good girlfriend, but unfortunately, she is a pervert.

At this moment, at Alexander's home, after seeing Mikoto leave, Alexander also began to think about how he should save Misaka's sister. Some things are easy to say but very difficult to do.

Alexander walked towards his room while thinking about the next countermeasures. However, he was shocked by the scene before him as soon as he left the basement.

"This…Is there a thief in my house?"

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