
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 170: The Descendant—Iskandar!

"You? Conquer all worlds?" Alexander looked at the Great Emperor in front of him. The Great Emperor at this moment may be trying to gain Alexander's approval. This guy even deliberately showed off his calf-thick arm twice, looking at this appearance, Alexander could not help but remain silent.

"Conquering all worlds, isn't that impossible."

"Really?!" Hearing Alexander's words, Iskandar's eyes lit up, and it was really possible! Alexander didn't joke with him!

"Of course, after all, there are still many Boundless Realms. Many countries are not very good, and people's lives are not very good. If you are the king, it should be better. Alexander thought of many anime, for example, The same is true for Guilty Crown and Reincarnated Slime. Of course, the Overlord world and the world of Akame Ga Kill are also available, but obviously, Alexander has already regarded these two worlds as his back garden, so it is naturally impossible to exchange these two worlds for Iskandar to conquer. And to be honest, if Iskandar really confronted Momonga, he would probably be beaten badly. The strength of the great tomb is very terrifying.

And at this moment, listening to Alexander's words, Iskandar also became excited

"You are serious!? You really want me to conquer the Boundless World?!" Iskandar's greatest interest is to conquer, and what he enjoys is the pleasure of conquering everything, but, as a heroic spirit, he does not have a way to conquer. Among other things, if Iskandar stepped forward to conquer the world right now, he would be directly suppressed by the clock tower the next day.

Don't think that the magicians in the clock tower are not strong enough to defeat the heroic spirits. Indeed, the middle and lower levels are indeed unable to defeat the heroic spirits, but the top existences can completely fight against the heroic spirits, especially the legendary King Solomon, his strength is even more important to the existence of stars.

Iskandar strength is really not an opponent. So, looking at it this way, it is really a good choice for Iskandar to conquer some worlds with lower levels

Alexander thought for a while, and then began to say to Iskandar, "Iskandar, I can let you conquer the Boundless World, and I can also give you the opportunity to win the real Holy Grail, but I have one request."

"Is there a request? Well, I'm really afraid that you didn't ask." Iskandar looked at Alexander in front of him excitedly. He was telling the truth. Sometimes, people who have requests are easier to accept. Because for him, it's scary to have someone who wants nothing but a saint helping you, like Artoria over there.

"Iskandar, I will grant you the ability to travel through the Boundless Worlds, but in return, if I need something, you must provide it directly to me." Alexander's plan was still very comprehensive, as he intended to build his own country, making materials indispensable. The Boundless Worlds offered a plethora of resources from each world.

The flying dragons in Star Carved Dragon Knight, the magical artifacts in Otherworld, and various advanced equipment in the Science and Technology World were all highly valuable. With free labor to help him collect these resources, why wouldn't he take advantage of it?

Upon hearing Alexander's proposal, Iskandar pondered for a moment. As one of the four most famous commanders in the world, Iskandar was no fool. He soon understood that this was a win-win situation. While he possessed the power of a king, it came with many restrictions. However, with Alexander's support, everything could change.

Realizing this, Iskandar nodded slightly and said, "Deal!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Alexander smiled slightly, and then directly put his hand on Iskandar's chest and said, "Don't resist." Then, Alexander directly used a thousand points to turn Iskandar into a descendant. Then he remembered that Iskandar is a heroic spirit and needs the master to provide magic power. Alexander then converted Waver on one side into a descendant.

Seeing Alexander's actions, neither Waver nor Iskandar resisted. Iskandar did so because of his trust in Alexander's ally, while Waver, was entirely because he couldn't beat Alexander. 

With the completion of Alexander's conversion goal, the voice of the system also sounded in Alexander's mind,

"Ding dong, congratulations to the master for converting the descendant, Iskandar (Rider), and getting random rewards, inherent enchantment, Army of the King(Ionioi Hetairoi)! Character mission, let Iskandar successfully conquer a country, reward, unknown."

Army of the King!

Holy! It turned out to be the most powerful skill of Iskandar. It seems that my luck is really good, and the lucky EX is awesome!