
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 16: New Arrival!

Alexander took Mikoto to the basement of his home. Alexander didn't have much stuff, so the basement had a lot of space. Except for the bookshelves on both sides full of various comics, the rest of the space was useless.

"Alexander, what did you bring us here for?" Mikoto looked at Alexander in confusion.

"Of course it is to open the portal to your world, otherwise how would you go back? Do you go back through the comics?"

When Alexander said this, he stretched out his hand to the void in front of him,

Listening to Alexander's words, Mikoto couldn't help but start to think, "The portal sounds like a mysterious ability, I don't know what it will be like?" In the comics, there are many strange-looking portals, there are splendid ancient gates, there's also technological metal doors etc... These portals are all pictures of Mikoto thinking. In the next second, Mikoto sees that the space in front of her was distorted for a while.

"It's forming!" Mikoto saw that the space slowly stopped twisting. When she widened her eyes and wanted to see this miraculous portal in excitement, at this moment, a door that was the same as an ordinary family security door opened. Standing upright like that.

Mikoto: "..."

"Alexander, don't tell me that this security door, which is exactly the same as the door of my house, is the legendary teleportation door?" Mikoto looked at Alexander in front of her with a kind of "are you kidding me?" expression.

Alexander was also quite helpless, "This…this is called returning to basics."

Alexander could only say embarrassingly, he also didn't expect the portal to look like this, the portal with this appearance is really a shame.

"Ahem, okay, come on, we can all go to the world of the magic forbidden book catalog." Perhaps because his expectations is broken, Alexander has no intention of appreciating this portal at the moment, he follows the instructions from the system, on the bookshelf on his side, he found a few comics of the catalog of forbidden books of magic, and said to Mikoto

"Mikoto, you have to take this manga with you. When you want to come back, just open the manga and think about the picture here, and finally shout out "Prajnaparamita!" and you can come back." Alexander said very seriously, of course, what he said is actually half-truth. When you want to come back, you just need to open the manga and think about the picture here and you can summon the portal back to this world, but he is obviously joking about shouting about Prajnaparamita. But it's a pity that the innocent girl really believed it when she saw Alexander's serious face.

Alexander took out a total of four comics, and then he gave two of them to Mikoto, and kept the remaining two for himself, one for normal use and one for backup in case of loss.

After Alexander handed over the two comics to Mikoto in front of him, he directly opened the portal in front of them.

"Mikoto, you will be teleported back to where you came from, and I will go find you when the time passes." Alexander considered that he still had to prepare a strategy to save the Misaka sisters, so he won't follow Mikoto, and listening to Alexander's words, Mikoto also nodded slightly. "Ok, I will wait for you."


As the portal was opened, a strong energy fluctuation directly enveloped Mikoto in front of him, and the next second, Mikoto disappeared into the room in a stream of light. But at this moment, Alexander, who was watching Mikoto disappear, didn't notice it. With Mikoto's disappearance, in Alexander's bedroom, the book Schwi took out of the first season of Date A Live radiated a bright brilliance.

The manga for the first season of Date A Live opened directly to a page featuring the character in the Spirit world—Kurumi Tokisaki!

Colorful lights flew out from the comic book, and in the colorful lights, a beautiful girl in a gothic dress appeared out of nowhere.

Her long black hair was tied into two braids and fell naturally on her beautiful shoulders. Her slender limbs seemed to be easily broken with a slight force full of charm.

At this moment, her amazingly beautiful face is full of confusion. At this moment, she is looking at everything in this room with her wine red eyes. After she confirmed the situation here, she used her delicate lips like sakura petals, she said softly, "What is this place? How did I appear here? Was it done by AST? Or was it some Spirit's prank?"

Kurumi couldn't help but start thinking about the current situation at this moment. She appeared here inexplicably just after enjoying a big meal in a dark alley.

Kurumi Tokisaki, the Spirit in charge of time, as for the big meal in her mouth, it is to devour other people's time, her goal is to devour other people's time, and then time travel after saving enough time, to protect the world by killing the first Spirit, and she doesn't care if it gets bloody for it.

It's just, why did she come here, and it looks so ordinary here, and the style looks more like a boy's bedroom, and it should be a boy who likes anime. 

It can be seen that…

Wait! Why is the girl in this manga so familiar! ! Also, I just came out from here!?

And with Mikoto disappearing, inside the dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School

"This is… I'm back?"

At this moment, Mikoto is sitting on the head of her bed, looking at her hands a little at a loss, where is Alexander? Where's Schwi? Why aren't they by my side? Could it be that everything that happened to her these two days was just a dream?
