
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 147: Another Descendant!

Of course Alexander would not kill Altair, he still likes the role of Altair very much. As for why he left without saying a word..., that's because Alexander understands Altair's character, her dead-headedness. Instead of saying a lot of nothing, why not just turn around and leave, leaving behind a back view that makes people think about it, isn't it good?

However, although the way he looks from the back is really handsome, it is a pity that it is very embarrassing to walk to Teitan Elementary School step by step.

"Forget it, after picking up the two little girls, let's take a taxi home. Also what's wrong with this world? I'll be hunted down even if I come out to pick up a child. I really can't live a peaceful day."

At this moment, standing at the gate of Teitan Elementary School, Alexander couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

On the other side, Altair's figure was constantly wandering on the street, and after a long time, she finally returned to her "home" in this world.

It is said to be a home, but in fact this is an abandoned unfinished building. Although Altair is powerful, and as long as she moves her fingers, a lot of money will be in her hands, but she does not allow herself to do that. If she really did that, wouldn't she be more hateful than those who persecuted her in the past?

"Altair, you are back."

In the unfinished building, a figure came out. This is a beautiful girl with long black hair and Akame. Her eyes revealed an attitude of not admitting defeat. A very pretty face with any make-up gives a stunning beauty.

Seeing the figure in front of her, Altair couldn't help showing a smile. This figure was the only friend she knew here. At that time, she had just come to this world, came here when she was looking for a foothold, and then met the girl. The two fought like this, and thus knew the identity of the other party as descendants, and finally became friends after knowing each other.

Altair entered the unfinished building, then took a small bench made of tree stumps and sat there, she just kept looking at the figure in front of her in silence.

"Akame, I met your Creator today."

Altair suddenly said while looking at the expression of the girl named Akame in front of her, she had also been in this world for a long time, and naturally she had read the story of this girl, Akame, the heroine who Akame ga Kill.

When she was a child, she lived on the street with her sister Kurome, and the two were sold to the empire to be cultivated as birds to harvest the seeds of rebellion, and they became the killers of the empire. The sisters passed the cruel elite selection together, but because the elite team cannot have blood relatives, the younger sister was taken away from her.

Later, after 'awakening', she joined the Night Raid and wanted to overthrow the decaying empire by her own strength.

However, overthrowing tyranny has never been a play, and blood and flesh must be paid, and it is based on death.

As the key to success, Night Raid naturally needs to pay more.

When the reform was successful, most of the members of Night Raid were already in the kingdom of heaven, and the living members also had to carry the infamy of a killer and go to the end of their lives alone until they reunited with others in heaven.

In short, this is an alternative anime, there is no halo of the protagonist, only the life that is lost for faith, although it is very heart-wrenching to watch, but everything is taken for granted, after all, this is a cruel war!

Altair knew that Akame's fate was ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times more miserable than her own. So now that she knew that all her fate was determined by the "creator", she would definitely rush to kill him.

Altair has already decided that if Akame wants to go, she will go with her. Anyway, she alone is definitely not the opponent of Alexander, but if the two of them make a move together, the ending may be different.


"Really? That's great."

However, Akame showed a smile at this moment, that's right, there was no murderous look on her face, only a smile! It was definitely not a sneer or a mocking smile, it was a gentle and kind smile.

"Akame, you…aren't you angry?" Altair couldn't help asking, how could it be that Akame is the most tragic anime character written by that guy Alexander, yet she isn't angry? At this moment, Altair wondered if this girl was crazy…

"Altair, tell me where Alexander is, I want to visit him." Akame suddenly said to Altair, this sentence made Altair's face show an expression of excitement.

"Oh? Are you going to kill him? Well, let's go together." Altair was about to pull Akame away after speaking, but Akame shook her head.

"Well... Actually, I just want to ask him if there is any way for me to go back to our world. I have been missing for several days, and I need to go back to help in the Night Raid.

"What? Are you serious?" Altair asked again, "you don't want to kill that Alexander? Are you sure?"

However, Akame just nodded. "Yes, I will not kill him."

"Why?" Altair couldn't help asking.

"Maybe… it's just because I never kill innocent people." Akame thought for a while, and then said her thoughts. "For Alexander, that might just be a story, he probably didn't know that we actually existed, and as for our tragic fate of night raids…"

That being said, Akame shifted her gaze to the sword in her hand, a smile creeping onto her face as she thought of something and said. "And if I let Mine and the others know that we've truly succeeded in overthrowing the evil empire in the end, it would bring them great joy."

Hearing Akame's words, Altair finally couldn't help it! Akame in front of her! She finally went crazy!?