
Hunted by characters I Drew!!

In this tale, follow Alexander, a reincarnated soul thrust into an ordinary world where he leads a mundane life as an author, drawing from his memories of popular books/anime series from his past life. However, his tranquil existence is upended when the very characters he once penned come to life in his world! From ghouls to ninjas, and even pirates, Alexander's once ordinary life transforms into a whirlwind of chaos and adventure, as he navigates the extraordinary challenges brought forth by his own creations! ... ... ... Chapters Update: 2 chapters everyday Additional Chapters: Every 100 stones = +1 chapter ... [[This is a Fan-Translation.]] .... [Tl/n: Enjoying the story? You can read 20+ advanced chapters on my patre0n. Your support helps a lot!] https://www.p@treon.com/Fanpiece] ... CCTO for the book cover.

ChasingTheWind · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 145: Unlucky Altair!

"Resurrection? It's a bit difficult. The ending I drew is already the best ending." Alexander felt a little helpless. It's not so easy to resurrect a person, and resurrection itself violates the rules of the world, okay?

It's not that Alexander doesn't have ways to resurrect others, such as the resurrection using 'Philosopher's Stone', the Rinne Tensei Technique, and 'The Seven Dragon Balls, etc.

But these resurrection methods all have requirements, among 'normal' ones, at least you need to have a corpse. Shimazaki Setsuna seems to be cremation, a method that can revive the ashes, but Alexander can't figure it out for a while. He can use Impure World Reincarnation, but Altair will definitely not agree.

"I don't want a no answer," Altair still insisted. She loved her creator so deeply, but the man in front of her killed her with the paintbrush in his hand.

"If you answer with 'no',... I can only let you be buried with my creator. If she can get along with a top-level existence like you, Setsuna shouldn't be lonely in heaven.

Altair has made up her mind at this moment. In fact, although Altair is very violent in the anime, in fact, she has never seriously killed a person at all. As for those descendants in the anime, after being killed, they just lose their memory of coming back to the time point when they were summoned. So it cannot be said to be killing.

But now, Alexander really felt the murderous aura from Altair. "I can't help it, so I can only fight?"

"Of course, when you killed my Creator, all of this was already doomed!" With a wave of Altair's hand, sharp sabers fell from the sky, fifty-eight sabers! Enough for Alexander to be cut into pieces! 

Seeing Altair's attack, Alexander also stretched out his hand helplessly, and in his hand, Fantasy Scythe appeared directly!


With a wave of Fantasy Scythe, in an instant, all the sabers that touched Fantasy Scythe turned into magic power and disappeared into the sky! Don't forget, strictly speaking, Altair is also imagined by anime characters! Anime characters imagined by anime characters , For such an existence, Fantasy Scythe is too deadly, as long as it touches her, Altair's existence will be directly obliterated! Not to mention the sabers she made, there is no resistance in front of Fantasy Scythe.

"This… how is it possible! How could you have such an ability! Aren't you a 'creator'!" Altair was stunned, she had seen many creators, and all of them were ordinary people. An existence like Alexander who conjures a sickle out of thin air and then wipes out her own saber with one swing, how can this exist in this world full of ordinary people?!

Seeing Altair's shocked expression, Alexander couldn't help laughing, "Altair, I would like to advise you, don't think of me as the creator of your world, after all... there are some differences between me and them."

As soon as Alexander's voice fell, the infinite sword system opened directly from Alexander's feet, and then, this inherent barrier directly sucked Altair into it. It's broad daylight, and it's still outside. If a passer-by sees them, how will he explain it? It's safer to use the inherent barrier.

At this moment, looking at the New World that appeared in front of her, Altair couldn't help being stunned, and she couldn't help muttering to herself, "Is this… the real creator?"

Obliterate her own attacks at will, and create a world at will! Compared with such a creator, those creators in her own world really don't have the demeanor of creator at all!

Naturally, Alexander would not give up the attack because of Altair's shock. After all, Alexander knew that with Altair's personality of not turning back and hitting the south wall, if he did not completely defeat her, she would never give up.


Trace, on!

Swish, Swoosh, Swish!

A handful of treasures appeared from Alexander's back, each of these treasures had a grade of B, and each treasure was aimed at Altair in front of him at this moment!

Is Altair strong? Of course she is strong. As a world boss, her strength is terrifying.

——The power of everything, the flow of everything, the power of reincarnation in the real world.

She possesses various perverted abilities such as causal transformation, soul transfer, and setting restoration.

Possesses the ability to move between dimensions and worlds, in addition to being able to counter space-based skills.

She can also reorganize herself to be almost indestructible.

It can be said that she is an existence that is almost perfect in terms of attack, defense, and support. She has no weaknesses. However, Alexander is in front of her, with a more complicated ability.

A more advanced and more perfect existence!

Altair, it's really her bad luck. If she had come a few days earlier, maybe Alexander would have died at that time, but now,

Altair is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Alexander who has grown up and got rid of the novice stage!