

I wore a simple dress, nothing too fancy, but presentable and very comfortable. "Hey Luth, so where are we?" I ask.

Luth has taken us into the woods somewhere, after driving in the backroads for like, 40 minutes, we were nowhere near the city or any towns, there was nothing but woods here! "Is this a trick?" I question.

"No, it's just up ahead, riiiiiight here!" He says, he reaches out and removes a tree branch.

I see behind it is an entire town, but there isn't supposed to be a town here.. "A town? But why?" I ask.

"Those will be answered in just a sec, lemme speak to my friends here for a second, you should make some new friends." He says, then he leaves me there.

"What! You can't leave me here! What am I supposed to do?!" I run after him.

"Go to the bar down the street, he'll help you." Luth says,"Ask for Smith and tell him Luther sent you. Do not call me Luth to him, or anyone here okay, it's dangerous." He says, pointing to a log cabin down the street.

I walk towards the cabin, unsure of what to say or how to do this. I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Hey sweetie! You haven't come here yet! What's your name?" The bartender asks.

"Callisto. Is there a Smith here? Luther sent me here." I ask, putting on a confident front.

"He's in the back, the only one who goes back there but Mr.Luther." The bartender says, pointing to a door next to the counter.

"Thanks!" I say, walking through the door.

"Who are you?" Someone asks.

Deep voice, knee shaking, piercing eyes. I can tell by the way he sits he's tall. "Callisto. Luthers friend. He told me to find you, Smith right?" I inform him.

"Your the little lady Mr. L has been talking about! I've heard so much! But why aren't you calling him using his title? Everyone new has to bow to the king! As his left hand man I gotta keep everyone in line!" He says.

"What do you mean king? And what has he said about me? Am I really that short?" I ask.

"His father founded this place, but the king fell, and now a new king came, hes only said good things, I haven't heard a single complaint or anything bad about you, I can't tell you why, that's his business not mine, and yes, shortest person I've ever seen besides little kids." He says.

I mock being insulted. "When will he explain why he's only said good things?" I ask, needing more.

"Tonight if everything goes well, anyways, he should be here at any second now or he'll be late." Smith check his watch.

"Haha just on time then!" Luth says, waking in the door.

"Almost late! Oh~ I beat ya!" I tease.

Since we were kids Luth and I have always tried to beat each other wherever we go. It's silly but it's tradition. "Not late yet though! I'm 14 seconds early!" He says.

"Seconds don't count! Your on time at best!" I inform.

"What? Noooo. My perfect early score just went out the window! Just to be beaten by a small girl. Welp, may as well give you my title as king." He says, chuckling.

"I've beat you plenty of times, that title was gone a long time ago. And why didn't you ever tell me your a king!? Hm?" I ask, hitting his arm playfully.

"How dare you strike a king! Listen, I've also beat you just as many times as I lost to you! Plus I couldn't just tell you I was a king, you'd want more information and then you'd kill me if I didn't tell you!" He says, playfully hitting me back.

I pin his arms to his sides, he plays along, pretending to struggle out of my grip, and then he does and picks me up by my waist. I shriek as I go into the air, even though I know he won't drop me. Smith just stands there. "Smith! Smith you should help me!" I laugh.

He raises his hands as if telling me he can't. "Won't lay a finger on my king." He says.

I turn around in Luths arms, I shimmy up and then cling to his back. "Haha! Piggy back ride!"

"Cheater! Smith she cheated!" He whines.

"You used her height against her, now she's yawing it against you. I see that as very fair and the first time I've heard you complain about her." He says.

"Haha record broke!" I say.

He grabs my arms and flips me so I'm in his arms like a child. "Hey~ cheater!" I pout.

"Not a cheater and we're late." He says.

Then he takes off running, I flail and he grabs me tighter. Then we run to a building just down the road.