
Hunt for the Radiant Queen (Chronicles of Crossadon, Vol 1)

Cecealye Elleno is the last of her house. If she falls there will be no one else to sit on Ellizea's throne. Now the sky is blackened as her kingdom burns. An army spreads across Ellizea as a dark and brutal figure searches the world for one thing, her. Joined by four others, she must find a way to fight her unknown foe. Cecealye was never meant to be queen, but now she must allow herself to realize what she had not been willing to see, the life and death of Ellizea depends on her. Just how far must she go to redeem herself and her kingdom? What price must be paid? Will she be able to outrun the hunt? ---- The Chronicles of Crossadon begins on the planet of Hodesh Adoma. It is a world of good and evil, superhuman and sorcery, where some only have a brief life to make their mark while others seem to live forever. --- Cover art by Kirsi Salonen (Please don't copy or use the cover art as it is copyright protected)

RhiannonMoore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 3 (part 1)



Sophiapolis: realm of knowledge


A forest mist covered Sophiapolis, shielding it from sight. Darkness was coming as Ean and Cecealye approached the city gates. They stood fragile in place. Its wall towered with sculptures guarding it, peering down on all who entered. This city, unlike so many others, was not built with war in mind, but rather on knowledge and art. In comparison, its government was also unlike any other on the continent. It was called democracy, a word that was like vomit in the mouths of any leader like Cecealye.

The city was a nation unto its own and had no standing army. With it being the center of information on the continent, all the other nations both hated it and wanted it for their own. However, not one would make a move to seize the city because they knew once they did, it would cause another war and none were willing to risk such.

This fact made Sophiapolis arrogant. That arrogance spread to many of the people who called Sophiapolis home, like a disease passed down from father to son. Many had little to no respect for kings and queens of other nations.

The mere sight of the city made Cecealye want to vomit and the thought of it made her blood boil. Ean could feel her distaste for the place welling up inside her.

"Hey, calm down or they'll never let us in. If you're mad enough to chew nails by the time we get up there, it's going to be hard to convince them to do so."

"I know, I know, but it just … I am trying."

"Well, then, I won't ask any more of you."

A cold breeze passed them by, chilling Cecealye, causing her to cling tighter to Ean. After a short interrogation at the gates, they were allowed to enter the city. Shadows were cast everywhere, accompanied by a taunting soundlessness. Their attention was drawn to a well-lit pub as a man was thrown from it. Ean began to pace toward it, signaling Cecealye to follow. She did, with hesitation; she did not like where this was going.

As they entered, the air fell with a smothering alcoholic aroma, one that they could taste in their throats. Cecealye swallowed the urge to vomit and tried, without success, to bury her disgust. Ean swiftly arranged for them to rent a room and dragged her through the crowd and up the stairs.

She rushed to the window, swinging it open to allow fresh air to flood into the room. She stood there for a moment, as still as could be, gazing out on the starlit night as a gentle breeze blew her dark hair back over her shoulders.

Ean was busy getting the bed ready for her when he noticed her standing there silently, clinging to the windowsill. Looking at her, she seemed so fragile and then again, not. He remembered the day he had first seen her; he would've never thought that it would lead him here. He knew her heart was his to have but thinking about it made him sick to his stomach. His thoughts couldn't help but drift back to the conversation with his brother. He couldn't bear the thought of sharing her with another man; he would rather die, and he knew she felt the same way.

He shook his head at himself. 'I'm not going to think about that right now.' He went over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, you ready to get some sleep?"


"I figured you could sleep on the bed and I could snag the floor,"

They slept relatively well that night and Cecealye awoke to rays of sunlight scattered in her room and a bird chirping cheerfully not too far off. She rolled out of bed stretching and yawning. Looking around she found that Ean was not in the room but she did notice that there was a note on the table.

'Join me downstairs when you're ready.'

She freshened up and then went and had breakfast. The food, to her surprise, actually tasted pretty good, but perhaps that was because she was very hungry. After finishing her food, she turned her attention to Ean.

"So, do we have a plan?"

"Yeah, we're going to walk right up into that library and hope that no one notices you."

"Well, I'd have to say that's the most *brilliant* plan I've ever heard."

"Do you have a better idea?"

Aggravation firmly radiated from her face.

"I didn't think so." He wiped off his mouth and stood up. "Let's go." They went out onto the street, which was full of people. "So where is this library?"

"It's in the middle of the city. You can't miss it," she answered.

They began making their way through the obstacle course of people, when suddenly a hand caught Cecealye's right shoulder. Alarmed, she spun around swiftly to see Supreany's face smiling back at her.

"Hey, there lady. You surprised to see us?"

"Supreany, Orckle, we feared the worst. I'm so glad to see you're all right."

"Yeah, how'd you guys get out of that mess in one piece?" Ean asked.

Orckle patted Supreany on the shoulder. "It was this girl's skillful flying."

"Yeah right, mister I-struck-a-dragon-dead." Ean and Cecealye gave them a strange look. "We'll explain it later."

Supreany caught Ean eyeballing the young man with them. "Oh, where are our manners? This is Blaizen. He's a...n interesting character." They couldn't help but notice how strangely dressed he was.

Ean stepped forward and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, the name's Ean, and this is CC."

Cecealye nodded her head.

"Can I speak to you?" Ean seemed slightly aggravated as he pulled Supreany and Orckle away from Blaizen. He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Who is this man?"

"I ..." Supreany didn't know quite what to say.

"Get rid of him."

"Ean, I understand. However, I believe he is harmless." Orckle paused.

"He thinks he's from another planet," Supreany added.

Blaizen looked at them; his eyes drifted around and back onto his new companions. 'They all think I'm crazy. Let's hope they don't have a psych ward.' The thought of parting ways with the four had crossed his mind. But then, where would he go and what would he do? He knew nothing of this world. So he figured he might as well just stay with them, that is, if they would let him.

"I just have this strange sense that Theos meant for us to meet him. I don't know why," Orckle stated.

"All right. I'll let him stick around for a little while and we'll see," Ean huffed.

"So, what is your plan?" Orckle inquired.

"We're just going to walk in there and hope that no one notices me," Cecealye answered.

"Simple and to the point. Works for me; let's do it," Supreany remarked. She then leaned over to Blaizen. "Just follow our lead and don't ask any questions until later, okay?"

"Sure. If you say so."

They began ascending the steps of the massive building. It, like the rest of the city, had incredibly intricate architecture. Upon its heavy top were angel-like sculptures, and massive columns sculpted like swords held its extended roof up.

Blaizen's eyes were wide with amazement; he'd never seen anything quite like it. 'This actually looks really cool. It must have taken a lot of work to do this.'

They entered into a rather remarkable large room. There were books upon books as far as the eye could see, literally hundreds of books laid before their eyes. Promptly, a young woman approached them.         

"May I help you?" The words themselves weren't necessarily rude; it was just the way she said them. It was almost like she'd asked, *who are you, and what do you want?* instead of *may I help you?*

Ean stepped forward. "Yes ..."

The woman looked right past him and straight at Cecealye, an unfriendly glare upon her face. She turned up her nose. "I can't serve you; you're going to have to leave."

Ean's eyes narrowed. "Excuse me …"

"We don't serve scum like her or any in her company."

Cecealye lunged forward. "Why, you stuck up …" She took a fighting stance. "I ought to just wipe that smug look off your face and then we'd see who's the greater scum!"

Other workers began to approach. Blaizen began backing away from everyone. 'There's about to be a knock-down drag-out fight going on here … huh.' He noticed Supreany was not with the others. Upon checking the perimeter, he saw her slip out of sight behind some bookshelves. Stepping away from the crowd, he turned and took the liberty of following her.

When Ean had calmed Cecealye, he turned to the library workers. "Fine. Don't serve us." He turned toward the door. "Let's get out of here."

They had almost made it to the door when someone yelled, "Stop!" at them. The young woman, along with a couple others, rushed to them. "Where are the others?"

Ean looked around; Supreany and Blaizen were nowhere in sight.

"The other two, where are they?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. There were only the three of us."

"You're lying." She inhaled sharply and turned to the others. "Start searching for two people, a man and a woman who clearly don't belong." She turned back around to see that Ean, Cecealye, and Orckle were gone.