
Hunt for the Radiant Queen (Chronicles of Crossadon, Vol 1)

Cecealye Elleno is the last of her house. If she falls there will be no one else to sit on Ellizea's throne. Now the sky is blackened as her kingdom burns. An army spreads across Ellizea as a dark and brutal figure searches the world for one thing, her. Joined by four others, she must find a way to fight her unknown foe. Cecealye was never meant to be queen, but now she must allow herself to realize what she had not been willing to see, the life and death of Ellizea depends on her. Just how far must she go to redeem herself and her kingdom? What price must be paid? Will she be able to outrun the hunt? ---- The Chronicles of Crossadon begins on the planet of Hodesh Adoma. It is a world of good and evil, superhuman and sorcery, where some only have a brief life to make their mark while others seem to live forever. --- Cover art by Kirsi Salonen (Please don't copy or use the cover art as it is copyright protected)

RhiannonMoore · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 1 (part 2)

The Ellizean Castle was a grand one. With its five levels, one could easily get lost. It had many large windows in which the sun shined brightly through, flooding the castle's many corridors and rooms with light. Its floors were made up of many different kinds of beautiful stones and warm-colored woods. All throughout the castle was a sweet aroma that never became old in the nostrils of those who breathed it.

The first floor was where the public could go from time to time to see marvelous paintings and other works of art. It also held the kitchen and many storage areas, as well as the staff's quarters.

Its second floor was where the inside banquets were held and also had a pearl floor ballroom with a live orchestra and a huge library filled with books that reached to the ceiling.

The third was where the queen lived, and held the conference rooms, among other small rooms.

Atop the castle, there was a beautiful view that reached out to the sea. Its song sweet as the waves crashed in and its fragrance refreshing. All around the castle were many gardens and courtyards.

The lowest level of the five was the dungeon. An old wives tale had said once that there was a passageway in the ancient dungeon that led to the famed underground tunnel system that was spread throughout the northern part of the continent of Aleige. However, this had never officially been proven.

"Your Highness." Ean announced his presence as he walked out onto one of the many balconies.

"Oh, Ean ..." She stopped herself upon noticing they were not alone.

"Surely you remember Lord Orckle?"

"Indeed I do. It is such an honor to have you as a guest. Come, take a seat, and no doubt you would like some refreshment." They all pulled up a chair as a maid promptly came bearing drinks.

"Thank you. Tea would be splendid." Being served, they continued to converse.

"So what is it that brings you to my humble kingdom?"

"I'm in search of something."

Her attention was suddenly drawn away as a crispy burnt smell passed by. Looking out onto the city she could see nothing out of the ordinary. A low moan could be heard off in the distance. "Do you-"

"Yes." Ean rose from his chair.

"I hear it too," Orckle stated.

Ean's eyes were drawn to the sky. While searching them intently the clouds parted and a beast began to form. A roar that would frighten any man devoured the air. "Dragons!"

They began to rush off of the balcony and just as they cleared the door a burst of flames came scorching by them.

Ean grabbed Cecealye and slammed her against the wall away from the door. "Are you okay?"


A massive set of claws wrapped around the doorway and began to tug as if it was trying to rip down the wall.

"Orckle, are you all right?" Ean shouted.

"Yes. Let's get out of here!"

Another stream of flames came bursting through the doorway, the heat of it almost too much to bear. Seeing their opportunity as the flames subsided they took off for the other door. The room shook as the beast slammed up against it and another set of claws began to rip down the doorway, making the whole bigger. It hissed and roared as the three escaped the room and ran deeper inside the castle. A group of soldiers came running up to them.

"Gather the men; use our strongest weapons! Bring that beast down," Cecealye commanded Ean.

"You heard the queen; let's go!" Ean commanded as other soldiers approached the queen.

"Your Majesty, what will you have us do?"

"Evacuate the people. They must be protected," she continued to command.

Ean made his way to the battlements and found he was astonished at what he beheld. There wasn't merely one dragon but several, all saraphs, fire-breathers, at least three of which were attacking the castle directly. Men were dying faster than they could be replaced.

"Retreat! Retreat!" Ean screamed, but even he could not hear himself over the dragons' roaring. Sweat streaming down his brow from the heat, he and the remaining men escaped into the castle. He ran up to Cecealye who had been making her way to the battlements.

"We have to go!" he demanded.

"What are you talking about?"

"There're too many."


"There are at least ten dragons attacking the city, which is nine too many for us to fend off. I must get you to safety."

"You want me to abandon the castle, the people!"

"Your Highness, I would have to agree with Sir Ean," Orckle inserted. The building shook as the stones within it were loosened. "They will bring this building down on top of you."

"All right. Have the remaining troops evacuate as many people as possible and then head south to the General."

"All right. Let's go!" Ean remarked.

Loosened sediment came sprinkling down on them as they departed. "We will use the dungeon to get out, the streets are too dangerous." Ean led the way down toward the lowest level. The ground shook with a sudden torment that knocked them off their feet. Dust kicked up into their nostrils as they could hear several crashes. Parts of the castle were falling apart, and rocks were coming down in a deafening way. They climbed to their feet and ran as fast as they could for the doorway that would lead them underground. But, to their dismay, the entrance was blocked. Heaping up high was a mound of rubble.

"We can't get past this. We have to take the streets." Ean spun them around as they made a mad dash to escape the castle before it was brought down upon them.

Scurrying out onto the streets, people could be seen running every which way, screaming in horror. Roars could be heard from all around them. Smoke rose from the city as it burned and the smell of it consumed the air. As they ran down the street, rocks from a nearby house came tumbling down, almost on top of them, as a dragon came down on it and engulfed an alleyway in flames.

Running out of the alley, just barely in time, was a familiar face, Supreany. Other dragons closed in on the queen and those who were nearby. Supreany put her hands up next to her head to muffle the sound of their roars. 'Oh Theos, please just make them go away.' As the roaring subsided, she looked up to the rooftops. They had left. 'That definitely deserves a thank you!'

A strong voice came from behind, "Supreany, you coming?"

She looked over her shoulder to see Ean. "I'm right behind you!"

They took off without hesitation. Rushing out of the city, they dared not look back. When they were about four miles away, Cecealye abruptly stopped and turned to look upon the destruction. Devastated, she fell to her knees, tears trickling down her face. It looked like a burning pile of rubble. Suddenly, everyone took cover as a large host of black armoured men could be seen marching toward the city.

Supreany squinted her eyes against the haze. "Who are they?" Her voice was as light as she could make it.

"I don't know," Ean replied, "but as soon as it's safe we've got to head south." He looked over to Cecealye. Her deep green eyes fixed upon the approaching army with a deadly content. He knew, Ellizea was now at war. They snuck through the tall fields until they were safely out of sight and proceeded to a small village to the south.

Cecealye's eyes rose to see a distant village coming into sight. A small host of men came running in approach to them. They were soldiers, ones that she had seen before. She looked down at herself. She was covered in torn clothing and her skin was matted with a mixture of dirt and blood. 'I wonder if they'll even recognize me.' Glancing over at her, it was as if Ean could hear her thoughts.

"Don't worry. They know who their queen is and no matter of dirt will change that."

She smiled up at him, thankful for his reassuring comment, as he wrapped a strong left arm around her shoulders and held her tight, if only for a moment before he released er hand stroked his hand across her shoulders before dropping to his side.

"My queen, you are alive! If you will please follow us, the General is inside the village. We will lead you straight to him."

"Yes. Let us go in haste."

Walking through the village the group found everyone staring at them as if they had seen a ghost.

Supreany huddled close up to the others. "Why are they all staring at us?"

Her whispers had traveled as far as the ears of the man leading them. "They stare because a rumor has been spread throughout the nation that the queen is dead."

Cecealye's eyes swelled. "Dead!"

"Yes. General Mavic will explain everything." He walked up to a building and opened the door. "He's right inside your Highness."

Without another word, she stepped inside along with Ean and Orckle. Supreany remained outside.

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