
Hungry Traveler

A certain Pervert that has an extreme hunger for anime oppai's died in his sleep, pretty peaceful death. And reincarnated into an anime that has many heroines to breed, unfortunately for him he's a just a normal human that has no abilities but suffer hunger. Until he awaken something after his first kill. Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside of the MC Warning: This book is worst thsn MTL as this is my first writing Pandemic makes me feel bored. So bear with me.

MTLSect_GrandElder · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

Snow do another series of experiment on the corpse but didn't find anything out of ordinary aside from the ability to enchance the accelerated healing factor.

"I can't really do further studies on this thing, i don't if he's able to inherit my skills and enchance it especially the telepathy one of my most scary abilities in my arsenal of skills"

He took out many scientific equipment, and he started re designing the room into a laboratory.

After he finished the laboratory, he suddenly felt a holy energy burst on the body.

He immediately took a blood sample, and placed it on pitri dish and placed it under the microscope. He then took a drop of his own blood and placed it on another pitri dish.

First, he look to the blood of the body, what he saw was surprising. 'If i remember, if i remember correctly when i' m x-men: wolverine origins i took a research file '

He then look for it in his shadow storage, he quickly found it under the body of variant deadpool. "I forgot this guy is also here"

Snow starting to read, the content of the research. He slowly starting to under how genes work, he further read the study. Most of it is about mutant and how to fuse every mutant gene to create a powerful mutant. Which is quite ironic to him, then he found what he needed the human genes structure.

He look to the image, and to the microscope.Then, he look to the fuse mutant cell structure "Sure enough, this one isn't a human, then, what about mine'

He look place the dish with his blood under the microscope, he saw the 10% similarity on his cells to the cells of the body and he injected it with his blood earlier.

" Wait a minute, this body might be a product of alchemy. A human chimera no it should be an angel chimera?"

He noticed that Hinata, started wake up, he quickly took the body and store it. "I'll create a device, that able to gauge the status of a body via DNA"

After muttering, he left and went back to the surface. He directly went to the room where he left Hinata.

When he open the door a kicked greeted him but he quickly ducked down. It didn't finish and the foot went downward he caught it with his hand.

"Tsk tsk... Hina-chan, really have a strong long leg" he said as he started rubbing it.

Hinata clicked her tongue, she then remembered of their deeds and blushed. Seeing her reaction Snow let go of her foot "Good Morning, how are you now. I didn't expect you to passed out after Cumming on my hand" he said with mocking smile.

Hinata stormed out, but before do it she asked"Where's the bath?"

" On that door over there " He said, pointing the other door in the room.

She instantly go inside the bathroom. Snow sighed and look on his right hand" She's strong not a bad one, she don't need a protection maybe i should give her a regenerative healing factor it's useful to her after all healing potion is not effective to her"


Hinata faced the mirror she saw the reflection of her naked body. Then saw the read seal on her groin 'Did he place a seal on me? Did i become his sex slave? Is this my fate? I didn't even avenge Shizue-Sensei' there's a hint of sadness on her eyes.

She rubbed the seal, then hwr finger reached her crack. 'My purity was rubbed from me too, it seems i'm now his property but why the seal didn't react when a attacked him?'

Hinata suddenly heard a whisper on her ears "You wondered why it didn't react right?" a hand touched her seal she release a moan.

"Did my touch did make you feel good?" Snow asked with playful voice. Hinata didn't answer instead she back handed his face.

"Pervert, you take responsibility since you own me now" She said with serious tone.

Snow laughs "The seal is indeed a slave seal but with much freedom as you can attack me but not to betray me. The seal also acts as tracking device, it can also make able to use holy magic and Demon magic at will since your connection with her didn't existed anymore that reality was destroyed"

"Rhen, were are we now?" She asked, though the house design were familiar, she still doubting it.

"Well, we are in Japan more to be specific we're in Kouh" Snow said.

"No way i would believe you, this place has demon aura in the air, i didn't notice it but you emitting holy and demonic aura" She said looking at his eyes.

"Your response is in the range of my expectation, let me explain but before that let me ask before you got summoned you heard about angel, and devils right?" Hinata nodded

"Little did you know they existed, angels, fallen angels, devil, even mythical gods existed" He said shocking Hinata, she didn't expect that even Earth is mysterious and magical place like the place she was summoned.

'I thought that i don't need power, but i'm wrong' Her expression were serious.

Seeing her serious expression, Snow decided to give her a space "Alright, i will go out now. By the way, everyone in the neighborhood knows we're husband and wife"

Hinata face and fingers twitched, she wanted to strangle the shameless bastard. After Snow left, Hinata decided to have a warm bath.


Snow teleported in an alley near the Mall, he checked his outfit knowing it didn't have a blood. He went inside of the mall. He explore the mall as he find the chothing section.

After, few minutes of exploring the Mall he finally found it, he quickly went inside many look at him

""Kyaa!! So handsome!!""

"Is he a model?"

"Do you think he's married?"

Snow ignore them as he's too focus finding the right clothes for her with exact size.

Then a petite woman approached him and asked "Hello sir, what clothes are you trying find"

Snow thought and responded "Something suitable for a sexy boyish woman"

She asked "Is it for your wife?"

"Yes, since it's her birthday i want to gift her something she like." He showed them a warm smile.

"What a lucky woman his wife is!"

"I'm envious, i hope i'm that woman"

'Idiots, Hinata is strong not a burden'


After he bought clothes for her, heck he even bought 12 set of lace underwear for her. Which is quite embarrassing, as many women staring at him.

He exited the mall and went to the alley and teleported back to his house. He went to the bedroom he saw Hinata wearing a towel "Did you went to buy my clothes, did you make sure that it's my sizes"

Snow smiled faintly "Of course, my wife it would be a shame, if i won't know your sizes are. Since i touch your body for many times"

Hinata coldly stare at him "Say 'Wife' again, i will strangle you to death"

Snow sarcastically "Wow, i'm scared, look i'm trembling"

Hinata calmed herself 'The more i stay with the more i can't use my mind'

"Get out, i will change my clothes" Hinata said to him pointing the door.

"And what gonna miss the show?" He went to the bed and lay down on the bed.

"Tsk, suit yourself... Enjoy the show pervert" she drop the towel on the floor, Snow could clearly see her curves, flawless skin "You're really a stunning woman"

Hinata didn't reply as she opened the shopping bag and pick the black lace underwear set, she look at him weirdly "Really? You bought underwear, i respect your bravery"

She then wore the lace panties and bra 'He really accurately, know my sizes as expected of pervert "

She then wore a shorts and a black sleeveless shirt. Snow got off the bed, and stretched his body

"Let's have some breakfast" Hinata nodded and they both gone to the dining room.


Another Boring Chapter hahaha! That's life for ya!

Alright, See ya Next Time!