
hungry stoves complete

about how i remixed my boring essay into a fun silly story, i did this when i was at highschool

Fun_terra_Dysonic · Fantasy
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travel to the angry earth

chapter 5.: angry earth

once there was a world called angry earth on that earth was angry people who ate yoghurt to be angry and one day there was a bad guy called angry troll he never wants to eat yoghurt and he trolls people that's really bad.

so one day at the yogurt place, the angry people have big buckets the size of wheels and the height of a rubbish bin and when the angry person was about to eat yogurt, the angry troll put ice in his bucket and the angry person ate the ice and got very angry and started dancing and the angry boss said oi 'who's dancing' and when he was talking to the angry person he said "you're sick you have to go home' and when the angry person got home

he got into bed and he was still dancing in bed and in the morning the sun was really hot so he went back to normal.

one day there was a building on ice so the firemen came and had fire came out of the truck and melted all the ice.

and one day I went to my brothers home his name is angry Adam when I knock on the door he got angry and started break dancing to the door and said 'who is it?"

I said wanna go to the pool?

he said"WHAT IM MAD NOW"

I said"oh ok lets go then"

I also then saw my dog she had was protecting her food, and she did a dance and cart wheeled over to bite my brother on the head and then she cart wheeled back to the food ball and fell asleep.


and started break dancing on the floor and gave he a nice warm hug and pat on the head.

I went outside to the pool and my nepthew was talking to my brother, and said

"hey I bet you can't do a better back flip than me"

my little brother said"what you say?!?!?"

"come on then!"

my nepthew did a 360 black flip

my littl brother said"HAH now im mad"

and he did a 360 black flip and a front flip at the same time.

then did a 420 noscope mlg.

my big brother adam said" THIS IS HOW ITS DONE BEEPERS"

and did a 360 front/back flip noscope 420 MLG break dance into the pool and turned into a super sayin and knocked both of the out, THE END.