
Hungman -M

Cat is a 17 year old whose strong qualities are her sarcasm and brains. Her happiness stands on fighting the school's bullies and getting into trouble. Everything gets twisted when a strange series of crimes start to happen in her town and her father gets in the middle of it. She uses her brains, her friends and her perseverance to try and solve the mysteries

mdlnbunea · Urban
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7 Chs

Anger issues

The night took over and Will walked through the door right when she finished her homework. Cat was not really into school work, but her brains were naturally gathering any information they could. It was easy for her to learn something new and she was thankful for that since she wanted to follow her dad's steps and work as a detective or anything crime related.

-I brought Millie's!

She jolted from her desk and ran down the stairs to the kitchen. Millie's was her one and only favorite place to eat in town. The room was filled with chatting and laughing along with the rusting of the paper as they opened their dinner.

-What case are you working on right now?

Cat saw the files on the counter and she asked about them while eating.

-There's a creepy guy wondering the streets. A bunch of kids said he asked them about their families and other personal stuff and then he left.

-And they were stupid enough to answer?

-The oldest was 7. Still, I'm wondering how the hell their parents left them walk alone at sunset.

The dinner was quiet after their talk and after they said their goodnights Cat took a shower and fell fast asleep on her bed. She was not frequently thinking about her parents. She used to think about them as a little girl, but after she turned 13 she realized Will was everything she needed. He had a wife, but right after they finished the papers for adopting Cat, she was killed by cancer. So just like that he woke up with no wife and a kid. When he took her, Cat was 6 months old. She doesn't even know life without him.


After an usual morning she got to school and she stopped by Mr. Hallway's office. He was her history teacher and also her favorite one.

-Good morning!

-Mornin', Cat! How you doing?

-Pretty good. I had Millie's last night.

He laughed at her giving her a sign with his finger to take a seat.

-Oh, no. Sorry. I can't today. I'll go look for Lee.

-Made a new friend?

-Kind of. You know after Angela moved to London, I've been quite lonely and Lee seems to be a nice kid.

-A nice, rich, young man actually. He already turned eighteen.

-Oh... Um... yeah... anyway, I'll just...

-Go look for Lee. Yeah.

The teacher giggled as Cat stumbled out the door. Was he more than what he showed? He seemed a quiet nerd, but than again he didn't chickened out when he got into trouble, he was ready to get arrested for being pushed down to the floor. The memory made her chuckle and shake her head.

-Hey, Erin! Nice skirt!

She heard the voice from her side, but she didn't even look to see who said it. She just threw them her middle finger and continued her way to her first class, hoping to see Lee around there.

-What the hell?!

She turned on her heels ready to slap the boy's face who was behind her after he slapped her bum. But as she turned, her wrist was caught by no other than Adrian Burke's hand. He was towering her grinning down locking his dark eyes with hers.

-Is your girlfriend not giving you enough?

Cat's tone was sarcastic. She was kind of scared, but she wouldn't let it show for nothing in the world. As she spoke through her clenched teeth she raised herself on her tiptoes to get to his level.

-Shut up, Einar!

Adrian looked intimidating, but his angry voice just showed her how much control she has over the situation and his emotions.

-You shut up, Burke! And get your hands off of her!

She looked surprised over her shoulder only to see Lee standing there threatening Adrian. He was wearing an all black outfit with a t-shirt, jacket, jeans and sneakers. A few locks of his hair were leaning casually on his forehead, touching slightly the thick black frame of his glasses. That combined with his attitude just made Cat forget the situation she was in until she found herself feeling Adrian's hand on her waist.

-Get off, you doofus!

-Haven't you get enough the other day?

Lee was getting closer, a dangerous look on his face.

-What are you going to do about it?

-So you are not at day with the gossips?

Adrian and Cat's faces took a confused look at Lee's words.

-I'm eighteen. That means I am repeating this year. Yes I am a nerd. But I am a nerd with anger issues.

As impossible as it seemed he took one more step closer to the big guy, now leaving barely an inch between them. Cat looked up at them and then she realized that either Burke was not as tall as he seemed either Lee was taller than he looked like. He was definitely hotter.

-You don't want to know what that is like, do you?

The tension between them was increasing holding a mischievous eye contact, until Adrian let go of Cat's waist.

-Good doofus.

Lee took Cat's wrist and dragged her after him into an empty classroom where he let go of her and started pacing angrily between the desks.

-Are you ok?

Cat was talking to him like he was the most fragile thing she ever laid hands on.

-Yes. Yeah, I'll be fine. I just have to chill a bit.

He was pacing faster and faster scratching the back of his head. When he suddenly stopped and leaned on one desk keeping himself standing by his arms, Cat got closer and grabbed his arm.

-Come with me.

-I can't go to class right now.

-Not to class, come on.

He walked after her climbing the stairs, trying to keep up with her. Cat's pace didn't slow down until they reached the last set of stairs that lead to the roof. She stopped and looked around to see if there's anyone there to see them, then she made a sign to Lee to follow her again. They climbed and walked casually to a spot where was a backpack, a blanket and a little box laid under some kind of old window. Now that the window was broken there was a small gap in the roof to cover the things from rain.

-What is this?

-I'll calm you down.

He raised a cheeky eyebrow at the girl facing him and she punched his shoulder playfully.

-Shove off, Hunter.

Cat took her place on the blanket and took the little box in her hands throwing an invitation to the angry Lee. As he took a seat beside her she opened the box and started to roll a small joint. She was expecting a kind of reaction from Lee, but he just leaned on the wall from behind him admiring her handy work with a smirk.

-Where did you get that?

Cat nodded lighting it up and taking a long drag from it then she handed it to Lee.

-My dad's a cop, you know?

Lee just smiled in response taking a long drag himself from the joint. He had his knees to his chest, his arms resting on them with the joint between his fingers. He let out the smoke from his lungs and he looked noticeable more relaxed. He took one more and handed it back to Cat.

-So. Anger issues, huh?

-So. Daddy issues, huh?

Cat's cheeks flushed red and Lee laughed silently letting his head fall between his shoulders. The girl punched him once again, this time with more strength.

-How on earth did you know that?!

-I didn't. But now I do.

He laughed and jolted up taking a few steps away from her to defend himself from another punch.

-You are such a dick.

-You have no idea.

-Shut up!

-I can't help it. You are fun to mess up with.

-Oh, bite me!

A mischievous grin took over his lips.

-Don't you dare answer that!