
All night out in rain

It was too dark to see his mother's face , but the boy heard his mother talking to his dad up in the sky . Lightening and thunder continued for hours . The 3-feet-veranda could not give a proper roof to the mother and son from rain . A thin blanket and a shabby bag inside which are some black and white photos and old red papers , were all with them .

The boy ( soft voice ) : Ema ! I am very cold .

The mother stopped talking at once and checked out her son .

The mother : Esh ! Your legs are all wet .

Saying that , she took off her body the blanket and covered up all her son's body . Then she continued talking again ; no worry about her body getting wet . The night reminded the boy of another terrifying night...

' The cold of winter night kept everyone locked in their rooms ; no one dared to go out . Only him and his mother were out there in the village crematorium where they found some heat remained of cremation done in the evening . His mother sat close to him and massaged his arms and legs thoroughly , that made him fall to asleep . When he woke up he found his mother missing .

He screamed , " Ema ! Ema ! Ema ! "( no reply )

His fear reached the peak that he could not even move from where he was . No words out of his mouth ; his eyes could see nothing .

He stood still shivering his body for sometime . The sound of barking dog brought his consciousness back to him that he was all alone in the crematorium , then he started crying and roaming around calling his mom . But how a six-year-old boy could know where his mother would be in the midnight . He thought his mother would surely be back to the crematorium , so he spent the night over there , but it was the longest and toughest night ever in his life . '

Dawn passed by thinking all those nights .

Different nights ; different places , no new night out .