

Lucas could not believe his eyes nor could he stand but that did not matter. She was there and alive but not really alive. She looked faded as if she was hallow. Alora looked annoyed still. her eyes said something different from her expression. Her eyes portrayed a scene of sorrow and loneliness while expression showed she was pissed. Lucas new those eyes they where so familiar he knew deep down that she needed help. She needed to feel belonging.

         As Lucas got his balance back he smirked. "So if you really don't know me, then how do i know you?" She looked dumbfound and stopped to think " Maybe your a stalker, i don't know you which means you're a stalker." Lucas's smirk started to fade. " I am not a stalker i am your one true love." he said cockily. Then he began to laugh while she was sitting still with a raised eyebrow. Alora slowly began to make her hand into a fist. "Wait, wait I'm joking please don't hit me again." Lucas squeaked.  " You know normally people laugh at my jokes." He Chirped.  

    "Well I'm not a normal person that you know, i also don't know you." She exclaimed. Lucas felt a small amount of regret for the joke he made. He used to be able to make jokes like that with here but now things are different. She does not know who he is.