
Hundred Fold Rewarding System In Cultivation World......

 Xu Yi came to a world of immortality Were All people Was Cultivator. At the age of eighteen, everyone began to contact the Chaotic world and entered countless large and small worlds to practice. When His Became Eighteen and Go to A Small World Xu Yi received a hundred times reward system.....      Hunt the first-level monsters and find a first-level magic core.     System reward (optional):     1: One hundred first-order magic cores.     Two: One second-order magic core.      Discovered a Gengjin elementary exercise.     System rewards (optional):     1: One hundred Gengjin primary exercises.     Two: One of the five element reincarnation exercises.      The one-week return time has come, get reward time.     System reward (optional):     1: Stay in this world for 700 days.     Two: Give Up Reward, And return immediately.      Oh my God, I have a hundred times more training time than others, Then I will Become A Invincible in the future!!!!     .... If u want To support Me and want to Read Some Chapter in Advance Plz Go to My Patreon Channel https://www.patreon.com/DragonNecromancer. ________________ Started Proof reading The Chapters, But Needed Some Time because Only I am Doing All the Things.If U Have Suggestions plz Comment. ... Done 1- 12 chapters for now....

DragonNecromancer · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 70: The Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Technique.....

   Converging his mind, Xu Yi silently sensed the power of the five elements in his body. He found that after the five elements completed the cycle of reincarnation, not only his spiritual power had been greatly improved, but his spiritual power had also taken a huge step forward.

    If the spiritual power was a small pond before the five elements reincarnation, then at this moment, his small pond has expanded more than ten times.

    After the five elements came into being, everything became very different.

    Xu Yi moved and stood up, his mouth was muttering.

    And with this voice, a cloud of clouds began to condense above his head.

    Xu Yi stopped immediately.

    No, even if he wants to try spells, he must not be here.

    Spells are different from physical arts, and their control difficulty is also very different.

    The divine mind was released, and everything around him was under his observation.

    Xu Yi immediately saw that many special people were living around him.

    These people have all moved here over the years, and they surrounded him with their yard as the centre.

    Xu Yi certainly knew where they came from.

    Young Master Leng did this for his safety, but he was more likely to be watching him.

    Fortunately, Xu Yi is withdrawn and doesn't like people to visit. He has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in these years.

    And he goes out every month to buy pills and sell magic    Converging his mind, Xu Yi silently sensed the power of the five elements in his body. He found that after the five elements completed the cycle of reincarnation, not only his spiritual power had been greatly improved, but his spiritual power had also taken a huge step forward.

    If actual power was a small pond before the five elements reincarnation, then at this moment, his small pond has expanded more than ten times.

    After the five elements came into being, everything became very different.

    Xu Yi moved and stood up, his mouth was muttering.

    And with this voice, a cloud of clouds began to condense above his head.

    Xu Yi stopped immediately.

    No, even if he wants to try spells, he must not be here.

    Spells are different from physical arts, and their control difficulty is also very different.

    The divine mind was released, and everything around him was under his observation.

    Xu Yi immediately saw that many special people were living around him.

    These people have all moved here over the years, and they surrounded him with their yard as the centre.

    Xu Yi certainly knew where they came from.

    Young Master Leng did this for his safety, but he was more likely to be watching him.

    Fortunately, Xu Yi is withdrawn and doesn't like people to visit. He has been devoted to the hearts of the people in these years.

    And he goes out every month to buy pills and sell magical instruments, which is quite fixed.

    Therefore, no one will visit on weekdays.

    Because all the people who come here will be refused to persuade them from the neighbors around them.

    Xu Yi has been able to cultivate his savings with peace of mind for decades, and these people are indispensable.

    However, now he wants to go out.

    The spiritual power in the body was running, and it reached the third level of the high-level invisibility technique, and the aura on Xu Yi's body suddenly dropped to the point of almost completely disappearing.

    If there are strong Nascent Souls here, they may be able to discover them inadvertently.

    But it is a pity that the highest cultivation base nearby is just building a foundation.

    As a result, Xu Yi easily left this not tight encirclement and went outside the city without disturbing anyone.

    Such a monk city must be heavily guarded, but in Xu Yi's eyes, it is full of loopholes.

    The advanced invisibility technique is not a display, and no one notices it until he is far away from the city.

    Arriving far away, Xu Yi began to use his spiritual power.

    If you want to use spells, you must have a strong spiritual power. This spiritual power is used to communicate with the world, that is, a bridge between inside and outside.

    And spiritual power is the energy source of spells.

    In an instant, the strength of the five elements in Xu Yi's body was reduced by about one-third.

    Xu Yi's face changed slightly, this was a full one-third of his spiritual power.

    You know he has just been promoted to the eighth level of Qi training, and the five elements are revolving. The total amount of spiritual power is at least five times more than before.

    But even so, the use of a nine-day imperial thunder tactic used up one-third of his spiritual power.

    At this time, he finally understood why he had been working hard for so long, but he couldn't use it all the time.

    It turns out that the fundamental reason is that his strength is not good.

    Just like a computer, you can play the king with an i5 level cup naturally, but if you use the legendary 386, then you can't even play the game.

    "Boom..." On

    top of his head, with him as the centre, within a radius of 500 meters, suddenly black clouds rolled, lightning and thunder.

    Xu Yi looked up, and he found that his mental power could sense every ray of thunder and lightning in this endless black cloud.

    My heart moved slightly,

    "pop." With

    a loud noise, I saw a falling thunder in the clouds, and it slammed on a huge boulder in the distance.

    The boulder immediately became scorched.

    Xu Yi stepped forward and glanced at it, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice that the stone was chopped into a pile of powder.

    The power of this lightning is so powerful that it is not at all under the palm of the giant spirit.

    Moreover, thunder and lightning also contain a powerful paralysis ability, as well as a destructive power that is different from ordinary energy.

    It can be said that the power of this magic technique far surpasses all the attack methods Xu Yi currently masters.

    It's just that there are still some flaws in this technique. First of all, it consumes too much spiritual power.

    During the Qi training period, I am afraid that apart from him, there is no other Qi training period that can support it.

    Even if it was him, he could only use it desperately, and could never use it as a giant spirit palm.

    In addition, it is necessary to recite mantras and use spiritual power to communicate with heaven and earth, which is far less convenient than the giant spirit palm.

    However, relying on his power, Xu Yi recognized it!

    The tenth floor, right, let's... wait and see.

    Therefore, no one will visit on weekdays.

    Because all the people who come here will be refused to persuade them from the neighbors around them.

    Xu Yi has been able to cultivate his savings with peace of mind for decades, and these people are indispensable.

    However, now he wants to go out.

    The spiritual power in the body was running, and it reached the third level of the high-level invisibility technique, and the aura on Xu Yi's body suddenly dropped to the point of almost completely disappearing.

    If there are strong Nascent Souls here, they may be able to discover them inadvertently.

    But it is a pity that the highest cultivation base nearby is just building a foundation.

    As a result, Xu Yi easily left this not tight encirclement and went outside the city without disturbing anyone.

    Such a monk city must be heavily guarded, but in Xu Yi's eyes, it is full of loopholes.

    The advanced invisibility technique is not a display, and no one notices it until he is far away from the city.

    Arriving far away, Xu Yi began to use his spiritual power.

    If you want to use spells, you must have a strong spiritual power. This spiritual power is used to communicate with the world, that is, a bridge between inside and outside.

    And spiritual power is the energy source of spells.

    In an instant, the strength of the five elements in Xu Yi's body was reduced by about one-third.

    Xu Yi's face changed slightly, this was a full one-third of his spiritual power.

    You know he has just been promoted to the eighth level of Qi training, and the five elements are revolving. The total amount of spiritual power is at least five times more than before.

    But even so, the use of a nine-day imperial thunder tactic used up one-third of his spiritual power.

    At this time, he finally understood why he had been working hard for so long, but he couldn't use it all the time.

    It turns out that the fundamental reason is that his strength is not good.

    Just like a computer, you can play the king with an i5 level cup naturally, but if you use the legendary 386, then you can't even play the game.

    "Boom..." On

    top of his head, with him as the centre, within a radius of 500 meters, suddenly black clouds rolled, lightning and thunder.

    Xu Yi looked up, and he found that his mental power could sense every ray of thunder and lightning in this endless black cloud.

    My heart moved slightly,

    "pop." With

    a loud noise, I saw a falling thunder in the clouds, and it slammed on a huge boulder in the distance.

    The boulder immediately became scorched.

    Xu Yi stepped forward and glanced at it, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice that the stone was chopped into a pile of powder.

    The power of this lightning is so powerful that it is not at all under the palm of the giant spirit.

    Moreover, thunder and lightning also contain a powerful paralysis ability, as well as a destructive power that is different from ordinary energy.

    It can be said that the power of this magic technique far surpasses all the attack methods Xu Yi currently masters.

    It's just that there are still some flaws in this technique. First of all, it consumes too much spiritual power.

    During the Qi training period, I am afraid that apart from him, there is no other Qi training period that can support it.

    Even if it was him, he could only use it desperately, and could never use it as a giant spirit palm.

    In addition, it is necessary to recite mantras and use spiritual power to communicate with heaven and earth, which is far less convenient than the giant spirit palm.

    However, relying on his power, Xu Yi recognized it!

    The tenth floor, right, let's... wait and see.