

The next morning it the same Ari wakes Storm up they head to class. After classes Shark says a friend of mine is having a party tonight yall want to go? they all agree, and Shark asked if Ari and Storm wanted to get ready at her dorm room they agree, and Matt says what about me then Shark says you're not a girl Matt acts like he offended he then says true and asked to meet up OutFront? they agree and go to their dorm rooms. Once they make it to Shark dorm room she opens her closet and pulls out three dresses a grey, blue, and black Shark takes the grey one , Ari takes the blue and Storm gets black they all get matching shoes and makeup an hour later they are ready Shark says she will tell Matt they are heading out, once they make it outside they spot Matt waiting for them he walks up and ask how are we getting there Shark says her friend is coming to get them he says okie and they wait 5 minutes later a black jeep pulls up and her friend hops out Shark then says guys i like you to meet my friend sky they all greet her then sky says yall ready to party or what they say yeah and get in the jeep on the way there Storm looks at Shark and see her eyes are back to that garnet color and this time it didn't change she then sees sky look back at Shark and says you okie back there Shark shakes her head and says yeah her eyes then go back to hazel few minutes later they arrive at the party they hop out the jeep and head in. Once inside Sky yells over the loud music asking if they want something to drink, they agree and follow Sky into the kitchen she asked what they wanted to drink Storm and Shark got a coke while Matt, Sky and Ari got a beer and they all headed outside where it quiet they chatted, and Sky introduced them to some of her friends, Sky and Matt then had a few more beers. An hour later Storm and Shark are picking Sky and Matt off the floor while calling a taxi few minutes later taxi showed up and they try getting them into the cab once in the cab Shark gives the driver the address 20 minutes later, they make it back to campus Storm says we should take them back to our dorm room since her and Ari are roommates Shark agrees and they carry them to their dorm room. Once inside Ari throws up on Shark and Matt on Storm, they end up carrying them into Ari room Storm tells Matt he needs to take off his shirt since it has vomit on it, but Matt won't listen, so she ends up having to fight to take it off of him then tells him to get in the bed and sleep he does meanwhile Shark gets Ari into the bed next to Matt Storm them offers Shark a change of clothes she gladly accepts and follows Storm into her room she hands her short and a tank top and Shark goes to take a shower Storm gets her clothes and goes to take a shower in Ari bathroom after they take a shower Storm says she can share her bed with her Shark replies okie they get in bed and chat till they fall asleep. The next morning Ari wakes up goes to take a shower then make coffee while she is making coffee Matt comes into the kitchen and says morning Ari replies morning and ask if he wanted to take a shower, she has some clothes from her brother when he would come over Matt accepts and goes to take a shower while Ari gets him clothes, she puts the clothes on the bed and goes to wake Storm and Shark when she walks in the room she finds Storm laying on Shark stomach and Shark had her arms around her Ari took her phone out and took a picture and left them to sleep she walks back to the kitchen and finds Matt making him a cup of coffee she shows him the picture and he said they look so cute few minutes later Shark walks into the kitchen she sits at the island while Matt makes her a cup of coffee he then ask how was your night she replies besides getting vomited on great Matt then rubs his neck and says my bad I had to many beers Shark laughs and says no shit Ari then ask what up with you and Storm, Shark then says nothing we helped your drunk assess back yall threw up on us helped you guys to bed she let me barrow some clothes then we chatted till we fell asleep Ari then says yall look pretty close this morning Shark goes to ask what she is talking about when she shows her the picture she took Shark face then goes red and Matt and Ari start laughing and teasing her about it then Storm comes into the kitchen asking what all the noise was about Matt goes to make her a thing of coffee while saying just about how you and Shark were all Cuddly this morning Storm face then goes red Ari and Matt start laughing again then saying we should get ready we have classes today they all groin Ari and Storm offer Shark and Matt some clothes to barrow an hour later they were ready and heading to class. After classes they headed over to Matt dorm room hanging out and trying to get rid of their hangover, they turn on the movie fantastic 4 halfway through the movie Matt and Ari fell asleep, Shark goes to get them a blanket while Storm goes into the kitchen to get something to drink, after Shark covers them with the blanket, she goes to join Storm in the kitchen they chat for a little bit then Matt comes walking in the kitchen he says yall can take the bed he will take the other couch they said okie and headed off in the direction of his room they strip down to their underwear and get in the bed few minutes later they fall asleep.