
Humans and Gods

This is story about Michikatsu Kamado, descendant of Tanjiro Kamado, a man who killed Demon King Muzan, but in different reality where worlds of Highschool DxD and Kimetsu no Yaiba cross each other. After tragedy 14 years ago, Michikatsu's friend contact him and request him to do some job. Michikatsu stopped hesitating when his friend said he has information about the culprits of his family's death. This is how one of the strongest Demons Slayers become teacher in school and bodyguard of certain heiress. _____________________________ I know what you think "Another fic of DxD, meh", but don't be surprised. Dxd world have amazing background and potential for writers, you can place any character there and it will fit anyway. Besides I think Demon Slayers will fit perfectly xD. And yes, MC will stick with Rias group. I see that majority of fics decide to avoid them, so I want to write something opposite. I hope that someone will like it. I don't own Highschool DxD, Kimetsu no Yaiba and cover (it's from Pinterest). And yes, I know it's Yoriichi on the cover, not the Michikatsu, I just like both brothers so I mixed them ;P I'm still a student so I only know English this much that they teach me at School and sometimes I have to use Google Translator, so please be lenient with me and I'm sorry if your eyes will bleed. And please write in comment if I have to correct or change something to make this fan-fic better. It was long time ago when I last watched DxD so minor events may not be chronological and I advice to think of it as a parallel world and don't compare it to the original. Just think of it as a completely different story. I don't know if it will be Harem or Romance, it depends on how the story goes, but for Harem is Max 4 girls, more is just too much to handle. I will add one girl for sure but if it turn out to be harem story, then it's for you to decide about 3 other girls.

Ice_Pillar · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hahahahaha, Michikatsu-nii-san!! Look, a butterfly!!"

"Haha, I see Tanjuro! Look, there! There is more of them!!"

Two kids were running in the meadow holding hands. Taller boy, called Michikatsu, had long deep red and black hair, tied in high ponytail. He was holding a hand of a boy that was a head and half lower than him. Younger boy's name was Tanjuro and like his older brother, he had hairs in the same color, but much shorter. Both of them wore black and white hakama.

"Michikatsuuu!! Don't run too far, the dinner will be ready in a moment! And don't both of you dare to get dirty!! It's freshly washed clothes!!"

Duo of brothers turned their heads back and saw their mother shouting from the kitchen window. She had black hairs tied in low ponytail and wore light pink clothes. Her eyes were purple and had small nose that with addition of her pink lips made her look very charming.

"Okay mom!"

"We will back in few minutes!!"

After that, both of them run for few more moments until Michikatsu stopped.

"Nee, Tanjuro? When father come back he will teach you Dance of the Fire God. Are you sure you want to start learning it? I mean, it will be cool if we could train together, but it's really hard you know?"

Michikatsu asked in worried tone, concerned about his younger brother. Tanjuro looked at him and smiled brightly.

"It's okay Nii-san! You are 8 while I'm still 5! If I don't get stronger enough I wouldn't be able to protect you and mom and dad and auntie! Besides, I want to learn how to make that cool fire dragon with sword! Remember when father showed it to us?! He was so fast!! He run and then he was in air and then he make that cool dragon with fshhhh and then it hit the rock with whaaam and that was sooo cool!!"

Michikatsu was staring at his brother with blank face and kept blinking for some time.

"Pfttt-! Hahaha hahaha!!"

He couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing at Tanjuro. He forgot that his brother tend to be very talkative sometimes, especially when he's excited and start gesturing with his arms around. It's always make Michikatsu laugh.

"Moo! Stop laughing! I will become stronger than you and protect everyone!"

"Hahaha. We will see who will protect who, snot. Now, wanna race to home? If you win I will give you my earrings~"

He said and started playing with his hanafuda earrings. Tanjuro had stars in the eyes and kept nodding like a chicken.

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's go!! But wiat!! You can't use the Breath!! It's cheating! Mom told you last time! And if I won, you really have to give them to me!! "

"Tsk... Fine. But to be clear, I don't need it to outrun you. And now that you reminded me, I still owe you a beating for snitching!"

Tanjuro paled a little and start running towards home. He rise his head and shouted.


Michikatsu opened his mouth in shock but in the next moment he smiled wryly. Corner of mouth started twitching slightly.

"You little..."

He started running after his brother and in the middle of the way left to their house, he overtook Tanjuro and started widening the gap between them. He looked behind him and sent his brother a smirk. Tanjuro puted and started running faster.

"No fair! You have longer legs!! That's not fair!"

"Hahaha ha, a loser whiny! Hahaha"

Michikatsu liked to tease his little brother because it always gave him lot of fun. Well, not when he go to mom to complain, though. He began slowing down to not make his brother cry and stops his complains about not being fair and etc.

"What's wrong? Run out of a breath?"

No one responded to him.

"Oh come on. Don't get mad. It's just a race!"

Again he was greated with silence. He looked behind him and spoke again.

"Hey, you can at least resp... Huh? Where is he?"

When he looked behind he saw that his brother was gone. He stopped and narrowed his eyes, then he shouted little louder.

"Hey, don't hide! If you dirty your clothes mom will get mad! Not even dad will save you then!!"

It always works when he used his mom as a threat. After all, his mother was truly terrifying existence for him.

"Hey, it's not funny! Come out!"

He felt that something was wrong. They were in the middle of meadow where grass reach only their ankles and forest was few hundreds meters away so it's impossible to hide in there for Tanjuro.

Michikatsu took a deep breathe and closed his eyes, focusing on his smelling sense. He tried to feel his brother's scent and find him that way. After few moments he picked up a smell, very intense and unpleasant smell.

*Crack* *Crack*


He shot his eyes open and quickly turned around. A world that was brightened by sunrays a moment ago, now was bathed in the darkness of the night. The only thing that illuminated the surrounding wasn't a moon... But Michikatsu's house that was set on fire. The intense and nose-pinching smell was coming out from the burning wood. Flames started dancing wildly on the wooden structure and surrounding grass.

He widen his eyes and started running.

"Mooom!! Mooooom!!!"

*Rumble* *Bam*

The house's wall and piece of the roof crumbled because it was too damaged to withstood its own weight. In the now visible insides of the house, Michikatsu saw something that shook him to his core.

"Mom!! Tanjuro!! Noo!!!"

Under the burning pieces of wood, his mother and little brother were trapped. His mother tried to cover Tanjuro, whose head was bleeding, which resulted in both of them being trapped under the debris, with half of their bodies under them. He saw his mother looking at him with eyes full of tears and face full of pain. She extended her arm as if to reach to him.

Michikatsu was terrified. He used Breath to get faster to them but he realized that no matter how much he tried to run, he didn't move from his place. Tears welled up in his eyes.


*Crack* *Crack*

He saw that pillars supporting rest of the roof were almost half burned and started bending, threatening to snap in any moment. 'No, no, no, nonononono! Come on!' young boy started screaming inside his head, frustrated that his legs didn't budge an inch.


He heard his mother saying under her breath. Despite the loud noises of raging flames and cracking wood, he heard her very clearly, as if she was whispering to his ear. Focusing his sight on his mother, he didn't saw pained expression anymore. Instead, she was smiling reassuringly, as if she wanted to calm her crying child. Michikatsu felt something wet rolling down his cheeks, pain clenched his chest making him unable to breath. In the next moment...




Whole roof collapsed. Only then Michikatsu woke up from his daze. "NOOOOOO!!!" He used breathe to the utmost limit, even beyond that. His chest was burning with pain and blood started oozing from his nose and mouth. His legs finally moved, but instead of getting closer, the more he run, the further he goes from house. He started putting more strength in his legs, until he realized that he could no longer see the house. All Michikatsu saw was darkness and nothing more.

"Fufufufu- Hahaha hahaha!!"

Light chuckle that turned into full laughter spread through the surrounding world. Young boy quickly turned behind, only to take few steps back. He saw huge pair of yellow eyes with slit pupils looking at him. The eyes gave him suffocating feeling.

Darkness below the eyes separated, forming two meters wide mouth, with uneven, big and sharp teeth. Behind the teeth fire was burning that occasionally leaked through the gaps between them.

Suddenly, mouth turned into large grin. Michikatsu couldn't move. Before he could scream in fear, evil mouth shot open and devoured his whole body.


" Haah... Haah... Haah... That cursed dream again..."

In dimmed room, young man, seemingly in his early twenties, was sitting on the bed. He tried to calm his breathing that becomes uneven because of the nightmare he had. His body was covered in sweat.

"Nice, now I have laundry to do. Ugh.. Fucking brilliant."

Man cursed under his breath. He brushed through his long, black and red hairs, and picked up a cloth strip that he used to tie-up his hairs. Tying them into high ponytail, he walked toward the window and opened it widely.

What greeted him, was a Sun that lazily climbed the sky and the forest on the mountainside, where he lived for almost 2 years. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and stand up on his toes, stretching the whole body.

Sunrays brightened whole surrounding, making it easier to see man's appearance. He had long, slightly wavy, hairs, that turned from the black base to the red ends. Tied up in high ponytail, they reach his middle back and bangs of his hairs fell freely on the sides of his face. Eyes were dark red in color with with white pupils. His face was above average in the terms of the looks.

Because of pants he wore, only upper part of his body was visible. His muscle were well defined and clearly visible, showing explosive power that is dormant in them. Two big scars decorated his chest and abdomen. But what was most eye catching about him, was dark red, flame-like mark that began on his right side of forehead and spread down his face, until its reached his right collarbone. Overall, in his opinion, he was rather attractive, it was wild-kind of attractiveness though, but not to the point where ladies would start drool at the sight of him.

His room wasn't something which a king or millionaire could brag about, but had anything he needed. Bed for two persons, cupboard next to it, a wardrobe for his clothes, a bookshelf with traditional literature books, a pot with plant that was growing calmly in the corner and a holder for his sheathed katana. The room was traditional Japanese decor, with sliding doors and so on. But don't imagine that place was in bad shape or dirty, rather opposite. Whole place was carefully cleaned and tidy.

He walked to wardrobe and took out kimono he casually wore next moment. Taking katana from the holder, man walked out through the door and went to the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast. In the fridge he found a little bit of Casserole from yesterday. He shrugged and put the food in the microwave that he set up on 30 minutes. Seeing that he had nothing to do, he decided to walk outside and do some little stretches.

Behind the house was a small, Japanese style garden. Big tree with purple flowers was growing in the middle of the garden. It has smooth, brown colored stems and its beautiful purple flowers were arranged in long, drooping clusters. A nice fragrance was coming out of the flowers. Under the clusters was a small pond with 2 fishes in them. Next to the garden was empty space of 70 square meters where 4 wooden dummies were standing.

At the center of the plaza, the same young man was standing with closed eyes and his katana unsheated. Blade was black but it's hamon was in shape of flames in red bright color. He started moving very slowly, waving his swords in calm and steady manner. His moves started getting faster over the time, but didn't lost their beauty. Slash downwards, upwards, step to side, diagonal slash from right to left, step forward and quick thrust ended with horizontal cut with rotation. This beautiful dance continued for few more minutes until moves become to fast to be seen, leaving blurry images and noises of sword cutting through air.

Suddenly, behind a man, red circle appeared illuminating bright light. He stopped his moves and started observing the circle with calm and intrigued expression, but hands on his sword tighten a little bit more. Next moment a young man, with handsome face and long, bright red hairs was standing. His blue eyes were looking around until he spotted young man with red mark on his face. He smiled brightly and started walking forward with his arms spread.

"Michikatsu! Old friend! It was hard to find you, you know?"

Man, now known as Michikatsu let out a disappointed sigh.

"Haaah... And here I thought that something interesting will happen in the morning, but it's only you, Sirzechs." Sirzechs halted in steps and his smile changed in the fake sad expression.

"It hurt, you know? You are bad person, Katsu-kun. You will end up as a Devil after you die if you don't change."

"Said the Devil. Pfft. And I told you earlier, don't call me that!"

Michikatsu said rolling his eyes with snort, but next he rushed at Sirzechs with his sword raised. Sirzechs made a serious expression and create barrier in front of him. In the exactly same moment the barrier was set, a sword collided with it, creating spider web-like cracks all over. Michikatsu smiled slightly, and put more strenght in his arms.



Barrier was shattered and sword hit the ground with powerful force. Sirzechs who managed to dodge, was looking at the place he was standing a moment ago and where a small crater was now. 'He take it little to seriously' thought red haired man with drop of sweat running down his neck.

Michikatsu took iado stance and again rushed at his opponent. Sirzechs created small orbs in both hands using his Destruction. Quick slash was blocked with orb and, surprisingly, sword didn't perish, but kept pushing his arm away. Seeing this, Sirzechs tried to use his second hand, but was met with strong kick on the abdomen.


Ignoring pain, he used the force behind the kick to create a distance between them and attack with long-range attacks. He unfurled his bat-like wings and flew in the air. Sirzechs created several spheres containing Destruction power and launched them at high speed towards Michikatsu.

'Seeing that he is losing in close combat, he moved to ranged attacks. Smart' Michikatsu thought with smile on face. Spheres were getting closer but Michikatsu instead of avoiding them, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When orbs were just few steps away from him, he suddenly opened his eyes.

*Whoosh* *Whosh* *Whoosh*

Sirzechs widen his eyes in surprise. All orbs he sent were cutted in half and disappeared in nothingness.


Loud noise of exhaling air snapped him out to reality. He saw the veins on Michikatsu's hands popping out and the air he exhaled turned into hot, visible steam. He had calm and serious expression.

'Ohh crap'



Suddenly, Michikatsu appeared before Sirzechs in the air. The ground he stand before was covered in cracks in two meters radius. Sirzechs casted several layers of barriers, knowing that it was better to try to defend himself instead of running away and getting exposed. But...



Event that couldn't stop Michikatsu. Several leyers of barriers shattered like broken glass. Seeing Michikatsu's cold eyes, frightened Sirzechs a bit. In the last moment, when sword almost cut Sirzechs, Michikatsu shifted his katana and hit Sirzechs with dull side of the blade.


Sirzechs body hit the ground like a meteor, creating loud noise. Cloud of dust covered the area.

"Ugh. *cough cough* that hurt, you could hold out a bit."

Sirzechs coughed and complained, last hit even hurt him a little. Dust settled down, showing scene where Michikatsu was putting tip of his sword on the Sirzechs throat.

"Yeaah. Sorry about that. I get bored of this guys over there so I got a little excited."

He said pointing fingers at the wooden dummies. He sheathed his swords and helped Sirzechs to stand up. Both of them started looking in each other's eyes with serious expression.

"Pffft- Haha! It's okay, okay. But I'm afraid Grayfia will scold me again. Look, my clothes get dirty."

Michikatsu smiled and fistbumped with Sirzechs.

"Hahaha. I thought she got used, that you will always back like that when visiting me."

"Heh, personally, she doesn't care, but as a maid, haaah. You don't want to know how she reacts when she see my robes rucked or hairs unkempt."

"Hahahaha. Amazing woman ain't she? Now, let's go to the garden, I will make a tea and you will tell me why are you here"

Michikatsu said while walking towards the house, leaving Sirzechs behind. Sirzechs smiled wryly and scratched back of his head.

"As always, straight to the point, huh? And why you said that?? You are my only friend, I can't visit you?"

"Hah, right. Human, the only friend of the Devil. Sounds nice."


The Devil smiled and followed Michikatsu.


After few minutes both of them were sitting on the wooden terrace, sipping tea and looking at the garden. Sirzechs had a calm smile on his face. Michikatsu put down the cup and asked.

"So, why are you here? I don't think because you missed me or get bored, you are Satan Lucifer, I bet you have a lot to do."

Sirzechs stopped smiling and made serious expression. The playful aura he had a moment ago was completely gone.

"I have request for you as a friend, or a contract if you like, as a Maou."

"And as a who you're asking me this?" he asked with raised eyebrow.

"As an older brother." Michikatsu narrowed his eyes. He felt like he wouldn't like the content of this conversation.

"Okay, to the point. I want to hear what you have to say first"

Sirzechs nodded and started explaining.

"I want you to protect my little sister and gremory heiress, Rias"

"Huh? You kidding me? You want me to babysit your sister? I refuse"

"Hey, you are only 4 years older than her. And not babysit but protect from harm"

"You know what I meant. Besides, can't Devils do the job? You are Maou, you sure have people more suitable for the job, your's peerages for example."

Red haired Devil shook his head in disagreement. He summoned a small stack of papers and handed them to Michikatsu. He took them and started reading them carefully. The more he read, the deeper frown on his face was. Sirzechs started speaking again.

"This are the intels my peerages personally gathered, the reliability is 100%. There are suspicious incidents happening in last few years and their number increased lately. Disappearance of random Devils, abandoned villages, actions of unknown cults and many more. It's hide from public, but more incidents like that started appearing and I'm afraid council must have their hands in it. Me and other Satans will investigate it, that's why I will need my peerages and someone I can trust even with my own life. And that person is you, Michikatsu. I trust you more than my own peerages, I can only entrust my sister's life to you."

Michikatsu who heard everything didn't respond but kept reading through the documents. He didn't really care about the Devils, but intels about the cult was bothering him. It's nothing new that some new cult appeared, there are lot of crazy people out there. But what he found strange is that, that they weren't worshipping any Gods, but a whole race. He turned the next page and his eyes widened in pure anger. Killing intent shoted out of his body, making Sirzechs shudder.

"Is this true? This part"

Michikatsu said in bone-chilling voice. Sirzechs looked at the part he was talking about and nodded. There was a picture of a sentence written in the language of Devils [The Return of Demon King Muzan is Close. Hail To The One Who Will Free Origin Evils Of This World. The Festival Of Demons Shall Begin!].

"Yes, that true. It's highly like the council is involved with the cult and if that's true, then Demons are involved. We don't have measures to fight them, so I hope the council isn't playing with fire that could burn us all. It's... It's also possible that the cult... They were responsible for the incident 14 years ago... "

Killing intent disappeared completely without a trace. But the chilling silence that descend was even more terrifying. Michikatsu's eyes were full of coldness. He looked at Sirzechs who flinched when theirs eyes met. The Devil gulped and continued.

"If you agree to help me, then I would focus one the matter without any worries. It's possible that both cases, the cult and incident, are connected with each other. I will provide you with any information I get and help you to find the culprits. What do you say?"

Michikatsu closed his eyes and started thinking. How long has it been since he found something regarding that matter? Two years? Three? He started giving up after he arrived at blind spot. But now, an opportunity arrived just in front of him. The dormant desire inside him aweken. The desire for revenge.

He opened his eyes that were burning with fire in them.

"I accept. But I want to deal with anything regarding the incident myself. You won't interrupt me and question my actions, deal?"

"No problem. But everything regarding Devils Council is up to me, you can't touch them without my permission"

"I will try. So what is my job exactly?"

Sirzechs smiled hearing that. Sentence 'I will try' from Michikatsu meant that he will truly try. If he didn't had any intention to do that, he would simply said it aloud and nothing will change his mind.

"You will act as a teacher in a highschool my sister attend. I will inform her about everything so just make sure that she is safe, okay? Everything is done with school and here is adress of your new apartment. Now, if everything is settled, I will go back. I should visit you at your new place in few weeks, soo, take care my friend. Oh, and you start tomorrow in Kuoh city."


He then disappeared in red magic circle, leaving speechless Michikatsu behind. He woke up from his daze and shouted angrily.

" You bastard bat!! You should at least told me few day earlier, you son of a bitch!! And where the hell is that Kuoh city?!"

Hey, I hope you don't mind my bad grammar and all. You think I give too detailed description of things?

What do you even thought of this? Write in comments ^^

I will try to post next chap ASAP, but I got internship so I'm lacking of free time.

What do you think of our MC btw? You may complain about this, but I like sirzechs character and think he is a good guy. So I make him and MC something like best buddies. Also Demon Slayers will be little OP and Demons too (Don't confuse with Devils).

Ice_Pillarcreators' thoughts