
Humanity's Last Hero

After reading an infinite number of novels of different genres ,a completely normal Teenager gets reborn in a world of Angels, Devils and Gods. Follow him as he tries to change the system and restore Humanity's Position in the hierarchy of the supernatural world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.: My first language is not English, so sorry if my grammar is wrong somewhere.

_Lazy_Guy · Fantasy
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8 Chs

First Day At School

A little more than four years have passed since I made the difficult trip to the study room.

In four years, I used my skill [All Roads Lead To Rome] many times, so many times that I lost count after 100 times. What? It was fun, and I had nothing to do. So as a healthy toddler, I did what I thought was the most fun way to spend my boring days.

Over the years, I learned to walk and learned Japanese; ah sorry, it's called Kyotonese here. You know what? I am planning to refer to the language as Japanese, to make sure there is no confusion.

My mother would meticulously take care of me. I still remember how she jumped with joy when I first mouthed "mama", joys of parenthood, I guess.

In the five years of me living here in this world, I tried to unlock my mana several times. I used my skills until I was dead tired. I meditated, I did Yoga, and whatnot, but nothing helped me. I also tried my so-called "soul power" but was unsuccessful.

I think establishing my foundation and physical fitness first would be better. I also decided to learn self-defense techniques, after all, I do not know when I might need them. My observations thus far suggest that this world is normal, but one glance at the "mana" column of my status screen encourages me to think otherwise.

I also discovered something weird about this place aside from the confusing country names. I found it after devouring all the books in my father's study.


It was a religion that became popular in the 1950s. It was a religion that was relatively young but was quickly able to conquer all other religions on the planet.

Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, etc. All either merged or were wiped out by this faith. By the 1990s, 90% of the world had become its followers.

Seeing this, I knew that something eerie was unfolding on this planet. It was strange how this religion gained so much popularity out of nowhere.

I pretended to sleep while my mother watched newspapers and news channels where the reporters raised the question of this religion's rapid growth but the believers and supporters of 'Gruzocism' attributed its growth to several factors, including the rise of communism in the '50s, proxy wars, the threat of nuclear annihilation, the growing number of non-believers, and many religious malpractices.

I suspect Being 'X' to be behind this.

"Mark, Darling. Are you ready for your first day of school?" My mother asked softly while dressing me. Hey! It's not like I cannot dress up on my own, okay?! It's just...just that my mother refuses to let me dress up on my own...

"I can do it on my own." I tried to say without sounding annoyed.

"I know." Mother said running her head through my head. "Just let your mother sometimes take care of her baby."


Now you see why I don't sound angry even though I should? (I shouldn't)

"Well, go comb your hair." Mother said in a gentle tone rubbing her hand through my small head. I did not say anything and walked to the nearest mirror.

Glancing at the mirror, I looked at my brand-new face. I had a childlike face full of baby fat. My white hair had grown into bangs that covered most of my iron-shaded eyes, which looked adorable with my childlike face and white hair.

'If only this face was attractive.' After all, I was only five. I have no idea how I would turn out as an adult, though I hope I would be handsome. My present face could be called cute. But white hair is not natural here (or anywhere except animes), so I don't know how others would react to this.

"Mark, let's go." yelled my mother from behind me. Ah. I didn't even notice you there, mother.

"Yes," I gave a short reply before walking to the door.

My mother and I were soon preparing to leave the house for school. The kindergarten was not far from here, it was just 2 blocks away and was within walking distance.

While I was putting on my shoes, my mother waited patiently at the door.

"Done?" My mother asked.

I nodded and started walking out.

When I was out of the house, my mother kept looking at me. What happened?

"You won't say it?" My mother asked.

"Say what?" I asked confused. Was there something I needed to say before leaving the house?

"That you will be back?"

Inquiringly, I asked, "But isn't there anyone in the house?".

Mother stared at me for a second. I was getting uncomfortable. What did I say that I was not supposed to? Was that 'I will be back' just an anime troupe? Perhaps my mother sensed my worries which were quite visible on my face and chuckled.


Did she laugh?

"Ever since you were born, you have always had a mature aura around you. It made me feel like a failure of a mother. After all, it was because I was not a responsible parent that you matured quickly." Mother spoke with a melancholic tone.


I felt a sting in my chest.

"Mom. You are no-" I tried to say something but she beat me to it and spoke again.

"You were never a problematic child. You never begged for toys. You were like a miracle child. You learned to walk faster and talk faster. You always want to do everything independently. You never fought with me over anything. You always looked calm and collected. It was as if you knew everything around you. You ate everything, including the sour vegetables. Sometimes it led me to wonder if you were truly my child." Mother finished with a slight smile on her face though I could see the hidden sadness in her eyes.

Was it my reincarnation that made her like this? After all, if I was never reincarnated, then perhaps she could be like a normal mother. This means, she could take care of her son, and she could reprimand him while he is being silly. She could enjoy his silliness.

Doubts started appearing in my mind. Was my reincarnation wrong? Would she be better off without 'me'? Did I possess her unborn child's body? Had only my memories been passed on to my new life?

I did not notice but for the first time in my second life was I beginning to question the meaning of my rebirth. In my thoughts, I did notice my mother who had already come close to me and pulled me for a hug.

"But you see, it is because of such moments that I know that you are a child. You don't know everything. Sure, you might be a little bit more mature than other children. But." She paused and looked at my face. "Remember. You will always be my child." She replied smiling.


I must have committed virtuous deeds in my previous life to get a mother like you.


It is very likely that I did not perform any virtuous deeds in my previous life...Rather, I might have performed more sinful acts instead of holy ones...

"Anyway, you see, before leaving the house, it is a custom to say ' I will be back ' even if anyone is in the house so that it is an indication that this place is your house, and that even if there is no one waiting for you, this place will always...always remain your home." My mother spoke separating the hug.

I nodded, not knowing what to say after my simple question about a custom turned into a life question for my mother.

"Let's go now, we have already wasted enough time." My mother spoke offering her hand. At first, I wanted to reject it, but after listening to her speaking like that I nodded.

My mother was not like this, perhaps she was, it was just that I did not see her vulnerable state till now. Many a time, she had to leave the house to work and leave me alone even though I was just 3 or 4 years old. Maybe it was this guilt that made her speak these lines.

While walking, I kept thinking these thoughts, and soon we arrived at the school.

"Saki! Here!" A voice called mother. I turned to see a fair lady. She had black hair and black eyes, and her complexion was healthy. She had shoulder-length hair, thin lips, and a flat chest.

"Ah, Mizuki! How have you been?" My mother asked immediately recognizing the lady as Mizuki.

As she teasingly asked my mother, "I have been well, I haven't seen you around the neighborhood lately. I'm sure Mark must have been a challenge." she said looking at me for a moment.

"No, No, in fact, Mark has been relatively easy to take care of," Mother then continued talking with Mrs. Mizuki while I continued listening to their boring conversation.

"Ah, that's right. Ayumi, introduce yourself." In between the conversation, Mrs. Mizuki suddenly asked someone to introduce herself.

Hmm? Who is she referring to? Suddenly, the head of a small girl appeared behind Mrs. Mizuki. It was a small girl with shoulder-length brown hair and green eyes. 'Tiny' was the only thought I had in my head observing her height. She was shorter than me, even though we had the same age (I think)

"He-Hello, m-My name is Ayumi Chihiro, N-Nice to m-meet pou." The small blob bowed a bit and introduced her.

"Marcius Suzuki, it's a pleasure to meet you." I reciprocated the greeting.

Mrs. Mizuki was staring intently at me for a while before speaking "It's as you say Saki, he really is more mature than others his age."

I did not reply and just stared at the midget. Strange calling her a midget because even I could be called a midget by others.

"Mark, school is starting, so why don't you walk on your own?" My mother asked, to which I nodded and started walking away. While I was walking away, I heard

"No! No! I don't want to get away from you mom! Take me with you!"

"Now, Now Ayumi, you are a good girl, so you must listen to your mommy." "No! NO!"

I could hear the discussion, which sounded like an argument. Apparently, some children cry to ensure they don't have to separate from their parents. It seems it is the same for them. Not wanting to be a part of this, I started walking away quickly.

"Ayumi, see Mark does not have any problem, why don't you follow him" Mrs. Mizuki replied, throwing me under the speeding train.


Don't put me in the middle of your parental problems.

Ayumi turned her small blob of a head towards me and glanced for a second before speaking "No! He's weird! White hair, I do not like."

This Brat.

I had a tick on my head thinking about what she just said. It's not my fault for my hair being white, and I think white hair looks cool on me (right?). Also, I did not speak broken speech like you, so I won. Ha!

"Now, Now, Ayumi, that is not a kind thing to say to someone who might become your friend. Apologize now Ayumi" Her mother chided.


"Apologize." Her mother repeated, this time with a stern tone.

Ayumi turned towards me with a pout and whispered, "Sorry"

"What could you say again please, I could not hear that?" I replied. What did you all expect? I was a petty guy after all.

"Sorry, I said it okay?!" She spoke with her face red from embarrassment. Haa... This won't end well, will it? Now, she clearly holds a grudge against me. I've heard women never forget grudges. It seems she won't too, well let's just hope it won't end in a disaster.

"Bye Mark." My mother spoke through the school entrance gate as it was closing for the parents.

"Mark. Be sure to take care of Ayumi, okay?" Mrs. Mizuki spoke giving me a wink. Hey, woman, I am five, what do you expect? You have watched too many TV dramas. I ignored it and walked through the campus till I reached the classroom.

The day unfolded as one would expect, a normal one, with teachers giving us their introduction and them giving us information about what they planned to do with us for the day.

My day was relatively uneventful, except for a few things. Firstly, as I expected, my fellow students freaked out at the color of my hair. A few even tried to pick on me.

Haa... Children can be cruel sometimes.

Though it did not affect me. I, who had watched uncountable Instagram and Twitter roasts had replies that these mortals could not even comprehend.

Though, watching these brats go back crying did give me a sense of satisfaction. Maybe I was a sadist?


My goals...are beyond your understanding.

Anyway, the second thing that happened was that I was trying to not sleep during class. After all, I had already learned these things. Which modern man wants to repeat KG? Certainly not me.

Teachers saw me as a lazy loner because of this. Another thing that happened was that throughout the day Ayumi kept staring at me.

Not out of love, you maggots.

It was a gaze of hostility (of course- it was childish) I did not think that just a small comment would earn such detest from her. Though I had no intention of apologizing to her.

I also learned a Humph from her whenever we crossed paths, if I did not know better, I could call it to love at first sight. Though her being five and her hostile gaze could break my fantasies before they could properly form in my mind.

So... To summarize, on my first day of school, I gained the image of a lazy loner from the teachers. I lost any chance to make friends by...well...making those other brats cry. Also, the daughter of perhaps the only friend of my mother was now looking at me with a deadly gaze.

Yep. A complete disaster.


I thought 'Fate is really not kind to me, is it?'

"So how was your day, Mark?" My mother asked while we were returning home. Uhm...what should I say? Any help guys? Guys?

"I'm glad." As I spoke, I remembered a quote from my previous life, which spoke of lying in small sentences, as it made them more believable.

My mother said, not knowing of the day's disastrous outcome, "If that's so, then that's okay."

'Sorry.' I thought in my mind as I continued to walk home with her.

"Mom," I said, drawing her attention. All the books I read indicated that five is the age when kids start learning martial arts, so I thought of talking to her now about it. "I have a request."

Mom looked at me with a curious look on her face, as she wondered what request I had. If I recall correctly, I never actually requested anything from her, have I?

I sighed as she continued to look at me with curious eyes.Perhaps I should ask her later, after all, it was already evening. Yes, a day's delay would do no harm. Right?

Holding her hand, I replied, "Nevermind." She took my hand while keeping a smile on her face and spoke "You know, Mark, I am your mother. I can see something is bothering you. You know, you can tell me, I am your mother after all, and that fact will never change."

I was a tad surprised by her words. I did not reply, though in my heart for the first time in my life, I did not feel that I was an outsider in this world. Instead, I felt like I belonged here.

"I know Mom. I know." I said.

As the sun sets, a mother and her child walk hand in hand. Though the child wasn't smiling and had a neutral face, in his heart he was happy. He was jumping with joy. He was glad for his second life and the family he was born into.


That child was me.