

" Aina! Come go get me somthin' from the market!" Aina's mom called and Aina ran towards her.

"What should I get from the market?". Aina asked, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Her mom was cooking her favorite meal. Marinated cauliflower and chicken.

"Cauliflower, worth three dollars". Her mom replied.

" Okay, I'll b back in a jiffy!" She then ran off.

"Be careful!" Her mom shouted after her but she was long gon

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Daisy sat up in her comfortable couch. Two men squatted before her.

"Before noon, I want ten female girls! No matter what he place you get them from".

"But ma'am, we have nine girls". One of the men spoke with a quivering tone.

"You imp! How dare you speak? You are nothing but a piece of shit! I said I need ten girls and you say nine? Who gave you the guts to Doo such?" She spoke atmost authority and courage which made them cower in fear.

"We're sorry ma'am". The other man apologized.

" Better be. Now get out you imps!" As she said that, the men scrambled for space and immediately ran out.



Aina had both the cauliflower and was coming back home. As she walked and sang to herself, she heard some rustle coming from the bushes, snapping of twigs and some footsteps.

"Who's there?" She asked but got no reply. As she turned to go, she heard more footsteps then she became scared and took to her heels. Unfortunately,she was too slow. A pair of large palms drew her back. She tried to scream but her voice got stuck in her throat. She gritted her teeth as everything went black.

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