
Human Race Demon Spirit: My Soul Is From The Modern World

The flakes will say you are disappointed with what the writer is recognize but remember this is a sacred story that will make this world soon to return, if you think the reincarnation in the world will not happen maybe it will make you do not want to read this story. The King of Devil in rebelling in the magic country who wants to change his life becomes more meaningful, the endless warfare will always be a history for the devil and man. The Devil's Ras Reburred to be a human race, but his magic ability is the devil who was once the King of Devil.

Nmou · Fantasy
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Prologue 1

The stone you want to live

Some people are filled with colors, some people in full color with but the color that is hollowed do not think that the stone wants to be alive.

It's like human and demons who always want to be the highest, threat is the usual thing.

In this world there will be someone named Evil who wants to destroy humans in 2000 years ago, facing his archious enemy is a knight of a kingdom.

It makes Evil's berritable, is not the evil name is the rare name in this world?

Perhaps the meaning of a human beings is the name of the market for the devil, a great warfare makes Evil the King of Satan who is cruel to want to join the war.

Maybe it's bad news for humans but there is not time, a rock will always be in place.

The development of future to be

The day will continue, the demoning king who wants to want to have the world is fed up with the words of the human being who want to defeat him for sure that the evil man is just a muste.

The death of the Devil has lived centuries, all the creatures created by God in this world have a separate feelings.

Maybe the demon has a nutrient nature but humans there are only some of which have such a majority of the human beings noble but it is a rare thing for the devils, humans will continue to do good in front but have its own bad intentions.

Is not that man in the devil's eyes? Yes, maybe it's like that his real and the devil will always want to dedest in the top and will always regret the people of humans because there are many weaknesses. But the devil has only one intent alone but it is in for being some bad and good part but partly the intention is bad that's the demon in the human eye and become a natural enemy.

Perhaps the devil's race will be extinct in the future of modern coming, but keep in mind the possibility of the devil will revenge with humans.

At a meeting between the Ennon knight and the death of the devil evil ...

"Do not you want to duel with my low-resistant mountain?"

"Cih, not you who want to be lowly, evil"

The visible, unbelievable conversation for hearing, using the time magic can be very spent of which or energy in this world.

The world consists of the magic power that can turn on this world is magic but if it is another world it will be different stories again.

Some believers are partly not a sign of the science, science will be more in believe because the magic is just as fiction that is usually in the novel.

Reversing a fact is impossible for being done but parties against it ...

Never mind it.

"Man and Satan will always remember each other but it's just remembered in the past year, the devil will be superior to humans in the field of strength but humans will be superior in his field of intelligence.

Do not be surprised if the author will not compare everything, it will not be easy if we tell you everyone who does not believe it. The death of the Devil King of Evil and Ennon's knight became an asa decision in two sides but there was no history that recorded it.

The magic that has not been in the presence makes magic as a fiction entertainment alone, in the mid-century ago human and the devil is agreed to make the boundary of the region. The human region and the demon region, this is the one who is in the peace of the peace while this is not a planet but because of the natural nature of the human being.

Man wants to drive all the territory, this is already 2000 years ago

And this is the ignorance between the two high part will be lower lower, in 2000 years who has passed this is the ignorance of the period that 2000 years ago is the death of the evil and the Ennon knights and did not make friends beyond after being reborn.

Because the two sides believe that he will be reborn with the same time ...

I will bring a protagonist

Which is firmly strong and has the magic power that is above average

The rewards that are not reused in the future are nonsense but other than that, it also helps all existing science research.

If you guess that this is the age in which the human and alien battle is that is true, some resistance using sophisticated equipment but some use magic.

How aid of magic in the future part of some of the great forces that are produced by magic is very huge but it is about by humans because of human beings are already no use again using magic magic this is the technology war.

This becomes a reality that presses some of the living magicians, because Magic will not be used again in the human war against Alien Karna is the technology war.

Magic experts are always speech

"Why is not there any other world better?"

"Why is not there a world that made up of magic?"

"Why not fictional fantasy world?"

Is not that excess fantasy?

If it is despives it, but it wants the magicians, the magician is not meaningful in the modern era like now but it may still foam in intensify.

That day there is a professor who does not trust a magic magic is just the fisci story of professor who is still firmly that is Svete, then Prof.Svete is doing research on aliens who want to draft the planet.

But in his research ongoing there is a unwanted by a fatal accident makes Prof.Svete in Hendaki by the death angel.

But the angel of death was a chance to do a weird world of the world that only consists of a island that hovering in the sky of his profus.Svete was also shot at it, a person who does not believe in religious things see this is amazed.

At the meeting of the angel of the great death and seemed creepy to make a professor not wiped out and fainted, a few moments of Professor waking up and the angel of death was still in front of him. It was the Angel waiting for professors to wonder then professors dedicated himself to speak to the death angel

"Where are this and who are you?" Said Professor with a fear face

"I'm the angel of death and this is in a place where you want to continue yourself or not, but if you want to live back you may live in another world but you may also get back to his own world!"

"If I was born again but in a different world what happened to me?"

"You may be able to take a spirit of someone who is in the world but the spirit is a slave and ordinary living in a slum area, because you do not get too trust things that relate to your own funding based on your writings written in that you are given the spirit or body of a slave"

"If I have to believe it I can do things like that but will prove that I can make the body you give it a hero in the magic world"

"Just try as you think you're sure, the world is not like the world you know before"

"Well I'll receive and I'll show me a revenge because you take my life"

"Hahahhaha !!!! ... just try!"

The second said

A remedy of the light suddenly came to the professor ....

"Aaaahaaaa..aa !!!" Shouting a loud professor and woke up in a strange world.

"Hoi ... hoi ... hoi wakemen !!!"

"Dor..dor ... CIH"

A slave who was forced to wake up to work forced, the slave woke up with confusion and lingungung given the events he did not know.

Perhaps in these moments of the slave were working with the slave coercion received a not too fun news, sleeve were only half-conscious and the lidelines using a shabby shirt would be removed in the forest that said he said was the forest of death. The slave will be removed in the forest of the usual rim to use executing a person who violates the law

The slave looks desperate and still half realized he did not know himself, a while then the slave was removed in the forest of the rim of that many of the many animals.

The slave was thrust and in the drop, of the open, then wiped out the slave was awake.

"Who am I?"

The slave has a strange memory but he has never done that thing ...

"This is me ... Svete"

Professor saw his own hands, he realized that in his present is a slave that was removed and still in the younger age ...

Old castle

Professor took a walk in the wide and cool forest and studied various plants in the world and in the end he found an old castle that was abandoned professor curiously with the castle, professors approached the old castle and calculate his age from his appearance and his situation.

"Hey, is not this very long!"

But the heavy storm rain fell by his purpose, Professor thought that this angel was deliberately asked God's permission to lower rain and professors probably also consider it with science.

With a slightly coercured professor entering the castle, professor is increasingly curious what is in this castle is getting the more castle the dimper-light the study of the professor is doing how to use light magic but he accidentally touches the rock that is in the professor's hottest school is still shocked that he should shine after he touches the stone.

Professor felt that his new body was quite profitable that he used to be old, professors carry the stone for the light.

A large door open by itself, professor is very surprised with it because he has never seen such a strange item.

But behind the door it was the room in it as it had a lamp that had a high pressure so it was very bright.

This looks very luxurious maybe the owner of this castle is a rich person who sneaks into various curious space is highly creating professors find a place that many of the books.

This is the library, books here like manawat but here no one there is a professor taking some books then try to read it, some books use languages that do not professor know some can also professors know.

But it's a strange language, such a language use in animal if in the formulation in history has nothing to do but if in this intensify requires certain tools.

Professor almost climbed in the library because he was a high knowledge, at a table there was an old notebook of professors took the notebook.

It was written that there would be someone who entered this castle and took the magic power of the Devil King and there was a pent on it and a drain about this castle.

Professor is reluctant to follow the clues and finds an existence that there is a dark sword there according to the book if someone takes it then the Devil King who used to promote to be renicing to give his soul to a person who took the sword.

Sword of darkness

The dark sword there is a sword that has been by the Devil King of Evil who according to the legenda is the sorrow that is the sacred will be his strength.

At the time of the Devil King Evil died at that moment the demon king gave an appointment with the Ennon knight who promised to be friends to be reborn, the Devil King wanted to be a human but the Devil King needed someone to take the dark sword of his throne.

Then the King of Devil will give his spirit to the cable taker.

But professors are still very amateur and very alert with this, professors have an untreated body of the slavery but the body that he is in a very ordinary person and not knowledgeable in the sanitary.

And at the body the body includes the Professor Spirit when that the sustainability of professors was removed in a forest forest and found this old castle.

The dark sword is like trying to communicate with professors, professors consider this is just a game but can say so.