
Moving to a New place

"Mini bunny-"


"… Mini bunny, I got the transfer to the new hospital so we'll be moving after school is over."

"But that's less than a month from now. Can't it be after summer?"

"Sorry bunny, but I already asked for more days but they really want to open and be operational on time. Three weeks should be enough to say bye to friends and you can always visit."

She pouted that curled mouth which earned her nickname mini bunny.

"I'm sorry that you'll have to start high school in a new town but I'm sure you'll find it interesting, Apparently there's a lot of Newtypes over there."

She looked at her father in shock. "Wait, what city are we moving to? Isn't it South something?"

"It's more like a subdivision of Alten, that town you'd never noticed but suddenly became popular to move to."

"Cities made for those designer humans??"

Her father softened his expression and laid his hand on her shoulder "They're called newtypes and no need to worry that… happened years ago. A lot has changed since then."

That's what they say, but what happened back then, well they said it should never have happened.

______ Time skip ______

"I'm leaving dad" Little bunny gave her dad who was asleep on the couch still in his medical scrubs, a peck on his forehead. She hears him breathe out 'luv yah' as she turns to leave for school. Coming out of their small apartment, her cell rang and bunny answered.

"Morning mom"

"Good Morning sweetie, I'm just making sure that you got the gifts for school I sent you?"

"Yes mom, I like the colors for the bag-"

"I'm glad you like it, sweetie. I have to get going. Have a great first day and sorry I couldn't be there for starting middle school."

"Its fine. Luv ya mom."

"you too, bye."

Well, I miss you. She thought to herself before entering the school grounds. Her friends from elementary ran up to hug her. They all giggled through orientation. Their community school wasn't that big with only a few hundred entering freshmen. They compared their schedules, glad to share some of the same classes.

The first week of school went by uneventfully. Mini bunny and the rest of the students were just getting into a routine.

I really don't like this early school time. How does dad do it? He leaves a whole hour before I wake up some days.

"Good morning Class, today it seems like we have someone new." said the teacher towards the door.

Gasps and hushing can be heard as the boy with bright lavender hair walks in to stand in front of the class.

"I'm sure you all guessed right that this young man is a newtype which is rare to meet outside their cities." The teacher smiled to the boy."Go ahead and introduce yourself."

"Hi, I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you all." The young boy waved, his eyes cast to the side.

Bunny was just as surprised as everyone but curiosity got the best of her and she raised her hand.

"Huh ___ we don't normally open for questions for new students."

"If it's alright with you teacher, I don't mind answering a few." His quiet voice perked up a bit.

The teacher gestured to Bunny to ask questions which led to the rest of the class asking questions. Without noticing, the end of the period came. Ryan had already taken his seat, flustered to keep up, but the questions kept coming and the teacher allowed for it as it was a learning opportunity for the students and best to get it all out of their system.

Bunny broke away from the crowd of people when class ended, to head to her next class when she overheard some comments.

"there's gotta be a reason why they stick to their cities right?'

"cool hair but something about him is just not… "

"ha, have you heard how he talks about himself? He thinks he's so great…"

"I don't know why but I feel weird being around him –"

"You think that cause he's too perfect"

That last comment bunny reflected over as she watched Ryan walk, surrounded by a group of students. She figured it was his new friends and thought how hard it would be to have to make all new friends and was happy to have her besties.



Malissa semi woke up not being able to clearly see as she was lying on the ground. she tries to push herself up by her hand only to feel the pinch coming from her ankle. From the clearing dust, she can see a silhouette behind the turnabout desks, it was swinging and throwing large objects like a tornado.

______End Time skip ______

"assessing candidate.. compatibility… level… competence…. current status… pending"