

God:well lookie what we got here

Me:hello, my name is-

God:I know your name

Me:may I ask how I died

God:well you see you had a disease which was caused because of your soul which had too many karma points

Me:that can kill a person?


Me:so how did I get that much

God:your novel was a inspiration for some people and some lived from reading it...literally they were gonna suicide but because of your novel they got more motivated

Me:really now

God:your taking this easy

Me:well I'm dead what else can I do

God:ok, so to clean up your karmic points and set a new limit which might be infinite so you don't die again

Me:die again? So I will be reborn

God:yeah something like that

Me:do I get to choose which world

God:we will get to that in a minute

Me:oh, ok

God:you have 15 billion karmic points so let's get started

Me:that is a lot

God:yes it is, so you can add a specific race for yourself but it will cost you

Me:ok show me

Dragon god-150 billion

Angel-125 billion

Demi-god-175 billion

Vampire god-500 billion

Chaos-200 trillion

Void-500 trillion

Origin-950 trillion


Super saiyin-75 billion

Vampire progenitor-75 billion

Vampire-2 billion


Me:this is a huge race or bloodline selection

God:yes it is, what will you pick

Me:vampire of course

God:ok you have 13 billion karmic points left let's go to skills/powers


Speed force-2 billion

Buddha's rage-1 billion

Shield of God-2 billion


Me:give me the first 3

God ok, you have 8 billion left, you want anything

Me:I want to be sent into my novel as the mc

God:that...will cost 3 billion

Me:ok I also want to see my status and want an inventory

God:the status is free but the inventory will be a billion

Me:what about wings

God:few hundred million, about 600 million, you have 3.4 billion left

Me:umm let's see, can I Get my own weapon

God:you want a growing one, it will start as trash tier


God:3 billion

Me:ok I want a boost to my cultivation

God:200 million left

Me:what about a boost to my strength cultivation?

God:sure, 100 million left

Me:Dang ok I want oooh a realm for training

God:ok that'll be all


God:you sure are right, ok now you shall go


God:i will give you instant mastery, bye


Before I said anything the scene changed and I woke up, as I woke up as a 12 year old and the strange memory which wasn't really strange since I wrote the whole memory myself, same with the whole story and I am the only one that knows the secret to the world which no one doesn't know.

I knew all the best places for cultivation, I know where all the treasures are located so I think I will do amazing but what I need to do now is train my body as it's not that good for cultivation but since I have a boost my training will be faster.

Also I can be considered the best alchemist as...I did create the novel and I created the way of alchemy in this novel but I need ingredients, some people don't see the ingredients lying in the field and just think it's grass but it's actually a rare herb that lets you train your body but there are different elements.

But I can't withstand those but to be sure I will just go pick some.

Me:how do I use the sword

???:just think of me

Me:you..are the sword

Sword:yes I am, I have conscious because I am a growth type

Me:that's good so how do I train you or upgrade your rank from trash

Sword:you have to kill, anything

Me:ok, with you right



After the small talk I headed outside and went to the back where there were flowers growing which are rare but some people consider them to be trash and unusable but I knew it had a use so I put it in my inventory and all I could find went right in my inventory.

After coming back in I decided to set up a plan or a daily routine for the next 5 years-

-wake up at 6 am start with working my body, pushups, sit ups, curl ups, squats etc

-at 7:30am I start running

-8:30am I eat break fast

-9:00am I start swinging my sword

-11:00am I will do little bit of martial arts

-12pm I will eat lunch

-12:30pm I will start jump roping

-1:30pm I will rest

-4pm I will start strengthening my body by either lifting huge rocks or punching a tree

-8pm I will take a long bath in hot water

-9pm I will start with martial arts

-11 pm I will take a bath and go to sleep.

(This might be a little hard to understand)

This was a good routine for me and now I had to pick a good martial arts so I just picked Muay Thai and then switch when I master it.

Me:how long will it take me to master Muay Thai

Sword:about 6 months to a year at best

Me:ok that's good

Sword:but with instant mastery it will take 3 to 7 months


My training began and in a month my body became as sturdy as bricks and it was pretty good my Muay Thai was going better than I expected, my strength was going up at a rapid rate with my boost, time passed and 5 months went by.

Me:ok I'm done with Muay Thai it was good now I need another martial arts.

The next chap might take longer but it will be 2k words.

Limitless_Beingcreators' thoughts