
Huehuecoyotl ¿Can we see each other again after I die?

Struggling artist, Alvaro Gael, cares for his young daughter all alone. He has been since the day of the accident that took his loving wife away. Scarred and broken, hope remains in the form of his little miracle, Milagros. The pueblo comes under attack by the cruel Commandante. He pits neighbor against neighbor by using their ignorance to usurp control. A beautiful demogod reveals herself in time. She tries to strengthen Alvaro's heart and hope for the future. ¿But will it be enough to see him through the turbulent path ahead?

Joel_Portillo_1676 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 14

"Help!" I cry out as I approach my home. Several villagers run into their homes and close their doors behind them. I don't blame them for their fear. "Please, someone help…me." I stumble out of the saddle and my leg gets stuck in the stirrup. I crash onto the ground face-first.

"Papi!" I hear Milagro's voice just before succumbing to the darkness.
