
HTTYD: The White Wolf

What if there was another man in Berk, who was weary and tired of war and fighting, who had chosen to seclude himself from all problems and people...

Karito_ · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Hoping the dragon didn't take any offence, Hiccup quickly backed away, while the dragon chose to change its resting spot with a grumble.


After choosing a branch and flipping over like a bat, the dragon fell into a nap. While Hiccup sat on a rock nearby and started to doodle.


A couple hours passed and the dragon woke up from its slumber. It looked around to find that Hiccup was not around it, but was busy with something else in the sand. It slowly approached him and looked over his shoulder to see him sketching a drawing of its self.

Hiccup himself noticed the dragon near him, however chose to ignore it and continued on with his sketch.

After a short while though, the dragon walked off and broke a small tree before coming back and starting to doodle around him. It was random and had no pattern, but Hiccup chose to watch it mess around. It started circle around him and nearly whipped him with a branch, and yet once the Night Fury was finished, he still had no clue to what it was.

'Maybe from another angle it could make sense.' He thought to himself before accidentally stepping on a line, which the dragon promptly reacted to with a growl.

Hiccup flinched before noticing where he stepped. He lifted his foot and the dragon stopped growling and return its more docile look. He stepped again on the line this time intentionally and the dragon reacted the same way as before, with a growl. He lifted his foot once more and the dragon stopped.

He realised that the dragon did not want him to step on any lines so he stepped over the line. He looked back and saw no reaction. 'So it wanted to play?' He thought to himself before following the Night Fury's rules.

Hiccup smirked and proceeded to walk through the maze of lines with care, he was so distracted by the doodles and not stepping on them, that once he finished, he did not realise that he was right in front of the dragon, with the Night Fury breathing down on him, with a docile look in its eyes. He saw that the so called dangerous dragon meant no harm towards him and took a leap of faith. He closed his eye's and brough his hand forwards, with slight hope. He stood there with his eye's closed, until he felt the dragons snout in his palm, which made him open his eyes with surprise.

The dragon, after seconds of hesitation, chose to come closer. It had finally trusted him!

The dragon after a bit of contact brough its head back and looked at the surprised Hiccup before flying off. Hiccup however stayed in his spot with a surprised face.


At one of the towers near the shore,

"And with one twist, he took my hand and swallowed it whole." Gobber narrated, while swinging a whole chicken around "And I saw the look in his face. I was delicious. He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month before another one of them took my leg." He stated before bringing his leg stump upwards to prove his point.

As always the curious Fishlegs started overthinking things," Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon? Like, if your mind was still in control of it, you could have killed the dragon from the inside by crushing his heart or something." While everyone looked at him with weird glance, which he definitely missed.

Hiccup was sitting in between Gobber and Tuffnut, keeping his thoughts to himself knowing that he would not fit in no matter how hard he tried. He wasn't like them and he knew that.

"I swear, I'm so angry right now. I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. I'll chop of the legs of every dragon l fight... with my face!" Hiccup was surprised, was Snotlout bragging, sucking up to Gobber or being an idiot.

Gobber shook his head, before pointing out Snotlout's mistake. "No. Its the wings and the tails you really want." He lectured while ripping of the wing from the chicken. "If it can't fly, it can't get away. A downed dragon is a dead dragon." The sentence however made Hiccup realise something. If Geralt could find the dragon, then other people could as well. And if the Night Fury was not able to fly away, someone would kill it.

He started thinking about what his next plan of action is before Gobber yawned loudly and stood up.

"Alright, I'm off to bed. You should be too. Tomorrow we get to the big boys. Slowly but surely, making our way up to Monstruous Nightmare." He stated with a smirk.

"But who'll win the honour of killing it?" He asked rhetorically, and yet the muscle brained Vikings answered anyways.

"It's gonna be me. It's my destiny. See?" Tuffnut stated, while lifting his shirt upwards to reveal a small tattoo on the side of his torso

"Your mom let you get a tattoo?" Fishlegs asked with excitement.

"It's not a tattoo. It's a birth mark." Tuffnut said

"Okay, I've been stuck with you since birth and that was never there before." Ruffnut countered with Tuffnut trying to make it seem believable

"Yes, it was. You've just never seen me to the left side until now."

And while everybody was busy arguing about the tattoo's authenticity, nobody noticed the missing Hiccup who had run off the tower. Nobody except a peculiar female Viking.


The forge,

It had a slight possibility of working however, Hiccup started jotting down his idea. After calculating the measurements of the Night Fury's tail, he grabbed a large piece of steel, put into to the working forge and got to work, bringing his idea into reality. The final product? A back tail...


The next day, in the pit hole,

"Hey Toothless" Hiccup called out to the dragon, who had become more reasonable and docile around him. He dropped a large basket, filled with a large number of fish, he randomly took from one of the fishermen's barges.

"I brought breakfast. I hope..." He paused, stopping himself from retching, "I hope you're hungry." He stated drily while kicking the basket over making it's content spill out, onto the ground.

The Night Fury carefully walked closer to the large number of fish and started sniffing around, while Hiccup was barely able to stop himself from vomiting his breakfast, from the terrible fishy smell.

"Okay, that's disgusting." He muttered to himself.

He paused for a second before recounting all of the different fish he brought with him: "I got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod, and a whole smoked eel." At that moment, Toothless let out a dangerous growl but this time not towards Hiccup but towards the yellow-striped eel.

"No, no, no, no,... no.... Okay." Seeing the horrible reaction towards the eel he grabbed the marine snake and threw it further away. "Yeah, I don't really like eel much either." He pointed out.

After another sniff at the pile of fish, Toothless started to dig in with vigour. This made Hiccup satisfied as he had time to fix the wing to the tail. "That's it. That's the good stuff. Aah, don't you mind me. I'll just be back here, minding my own business." He muttered, while slowly walking around the dragon and came close to its tail. He set down the wing which he just made, next to the tail.

The tail however seemed to have other plans, every time Hiccup placed the metal wing next to the tail, it would move.

"Its okay..." He looked over, believing that it was the dragon that was consciously moving the tail, but after a glanced, he realised Toothless was far too interested in the fish to care, so the tail was moving unconsciously.

It took him a while, however at one point he managed to sit on the tail to keep it steady. Hiccup fastened the wing onto the wing

"Okay," He muttered to himself.

Toothless, after finishing the fish, realised what was happening a spread out its wings. Hiccup was clueless. He was too busy checking whether everything fit well, and did not look behind him.

"Okay, that's not too bad. It works." He muttered while opening and closing the tail multiple times. He was now planning on getting off the dragon, however Toothless had other plans. He jumped upwards and started trying to fly over the wall of the pit hole

"No, no, no, no, no, no... !" Hiccup, sensing that they were in the air, grabbed the tail, with both of his hands, before screaming out. The sudden declaration was not missed by him. They were falling and he knew why. He stretched out his hand and opened the wing to its full form.

The duo barely missed the ground, before Toothless started flying upwards into the sky. "Oh my... Its working!" He shouted out in joy, before the Night Fury started hovering over the lake in the clearing.

"Yes! Yes, I did it!" He was shouting out, excited that his invention had finally worked. However Toothless, noticing the unwanted passenger on its tail, decided to fling him into the water, which promptly made himself fall into the water right after.

But Hiccup was too excited to notice that. Neither did he notice somebody else watching him.


Hey guys. Check out my other fanfiction ATLA: The Master

Cya tomorrow...
