
HTTYD: The White Wolf

What if there was another man in Berk, who was weary and tired of war and fighting, who had chosen to seclude himself from all problems and people...

Karito_ · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

'This is Berk.'

'Its twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery.'

'My village... in a word, Sturdy. It's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets.'

'The only problems are the pests.'

'You see most places have mice, or mosquitoes. We have...'


'Most people would leave, but not us. We're Vikings. We stubbornness issues.'

'My name is Hiccup.'

'Great name, I know. But it's not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off Gnomes and Trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanour wouldn't do that.'

While running towards the forge, Hiccup passed by a few Vikings and was met with utter disdain and disappointment.

"What are you doing here?" "Get inside!"

The words hurt, although they did have a point. Hiccup was useless to them at the moment. What could he do, his frail body wouldn't let him kill a dragon. Running while distracted was also another thing to mind. Being burned alive is not a good way to go.

Luckily for him, someone pulled him out of the incoming inferno... Before proceeding to tell him off.

"Hiccup! What is he doing out again... What are you doing out? Get inside!" The massive man ordered Hiccup.

'That's Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe. They say that when he was a baby he popped a Dragon's head clean off its shoulders.'

'Do I believe it? Yes, I do.'

"What have we got?" Stoick asked the closest Viking. He was busy with village affairs before, hearing the signalling bells for a dragon attack.

"Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks... Oh, and Hoark saw a Monstrous Nightmare." The man recounted quickly. He knew the chief had a strategy, for each type of attack. Most varied because of specific dragons such as...

The man immediately ducked under his shield, trying to stop any fire from hitting him. Stoick, on the other hand, brushed off the blame that had landed on his shoulder plate.

"Any Night Furys?" Stoick asked without hesitation. His plan's would fall apart, if a night fury appeared. If it did appear, it would be safer to just take the loss, instead of sacrificing people, for some food.

"None so far." was the relieving response.

"Good." He sighed before choosing a plan out of the plethora of plans he had made for each type of dragon raid.

"What about him?" He asked. The person he was referring to would be of huge help in sending the blasted pests flying.

"Arkant went to bring him a few moments after the raid started." The man reported.

"Light the torches!" He order his men, after receiving all the useful information, who followed without hesitation


Somewhere in the centre of the village...

"Oh, nice of you to join the party. I thought you'd been carried off." A man, with a crooked smile and missing teeth, asked Hiccup the moment he had entered the smithy.

"Who? Me? Nah, come on... I'm way too muscular for their taste. They wouldn't know what to do with all... this." Hiccup pointed at himself, while his voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?" The one-armed crook retorted back. The meathead with the attitude and interchangeable hands, is Gobber. I have been his apprentice ever since I was little. Well, littler...

Hiccup sighed before grabbing a few of the weapons on the counter and brining them to the forge, for reshaping.


At the front lines of the fight.

"We move to the moor defenses. We'll counterattack with the catapults." Stoick ordered after assessing the situation himself. Although, it looked bad, it wasn't something they couldn't recover from.

One of the houses they were running past, lit aflame with the help of a dragons breath.

'See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses.'

"AND WHERE IS HE?" He yelled out towards the people who had stayed behind, near the centre of the town, making them hesitatingly look towards the forest.


Back near Hiccup,

"Fire!" a Viking yelled out.

In Berk, each person had a role. If you were able-bodied, you were a fighter, if not you were on fire-duty.

Hiccup looked over the window counter to see what was happening outside. The people on fire duty, were running back an forth towards the well, with buckets of water. He looked towards the most chubby of the bunch

'Oh, and that's Fishlegs' He moved his gaze to the person behind Fishlegs. A guy who would have been the perfect example of a viking, if not for his terrible character and obsession over every person with tits.


The twins behind him, who would fight over the slightest of things were Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

Hiccup look even further back and saw the figure of a person who he has had a crush on since he hit puberty.

'Astrid...' He looked at the embodiment of a perfect viking woman with reverence. The explosion behind her seemed to just bring out her... coolness.

"Aww, their job is so much cooler."He muttered to himself after following the group that was running back towards the well, before he was grabbed and pulled back from the window like a kitten.

"Oh, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark!" He tried to plead a case to convince Gobber that he was serious.

"Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places." Bobber shot back at the skinny teenager. Some times his 'suicidal attempts' truly entertained him. However now was not the time. He had promised to the kid's father to keep him out of trouble.

"Please, 2 minutes. I'll kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date."

"You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe. "Gobber pointed out with a smirk. 'How was he going to try to get out of this one' He thought to himself, "You can't even throw one of these." He pulled out a catcher which was immediately grabbed by a viking outside, who threw it at a Gronckle.

"Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me." He tried to argue, before pointing out his newest invention and patting it, which cause it to misfire and hit a viking, outside , on the head.

"See, now this right here is what I'm talking about." He pointed at the catcher crossbow. He was getting tired of arguing with the boy.

"But it... it's a mild calibration issue." Hiccup tried to justify his misfire but was interrupted almost instantly

"Hiccup, if you ever want to get out there to fight dragons you need to stop all...." He pointed at Hiccup vaguely to show what he meant.

"... this."

"But you just pointed to all of me." Gobber nodded at his remark. It seemed the boy was finally getting it. "Yes, that's it. Stop being all of you."


"Oh, yes." The Gobber retorted back at the boy.

"You sir, are playing a dangerous game..." Gobber sighed at the kid. It stilled seemed he didn't understand.

"... keeping this much raw Vikingness contained. There will be consequences!" Hiccup used his usual sarcasm with dramatics.

"I take my chances." Gobber muttered. If Hiccup was not serious about this, then he should just do what he was only useful for.

"Sword, sharpened, now!" He said while handing him double edged sword. Hiccup complied with the man who his father referred to as his friend. He begun sharpening the sword on the grind stone.

'One day I'll get out there. Because killing a dragon is everything around here. A Nadderhead is sure to get me at least noticed.'

'Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend.'

'A Zippleback, exotic, two heads, twice the status.'

"They found the ship!" One of people station by the bay reported to the chief, who had climbed up the catapult tower. It was bad news for the village if the ship with most of the livestock was stolen or destroyed.

Hearing this, Stoick immediately adapted his plan "Concentrate fire over the lower bank. Hurry up!

"Fire!" The Vikings in charge of the catapult had fired another shot towards the lower bank of the village before the tower started to shake.

'And then, there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire.' The dragon in question was climing up the tower, destroying it as it climbed higher.

"I'll take care of this." Stoick calmed his men before using his trusty hammer to bash around the head of the unwanted fiery pest. A quiet yet far reaching whistle, however, stopped him from killing the Monstrous Nightmare. It was a whistle unlike any other. It was a whistle that promised death,

'But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen. We call it the...'

"Night Fury!"


Hey guys, after some consideration and though I had decided to use httyd, one of the hardest plots to use as a fanfic. I do not promise that this will be any good, although I do hope you guys can enjoy it.

Cya tomorrow...
