

Warning, this story is Dropped. If you still want to continue reading, keep in mind that this story contains a lot of cliche scenes, the vast majority simply for the author's enjoyment, as well as spelling errors that would make a native English speaker cry blood, and several plot holes. you are warned.

Sekz318 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Current Information

*He will not be part of any peerage *

*This information may change as the novel progress.*


Age: 12


-Light blue eyes and black hair.

-His demonic mark is shaped like a claw

Skills showed:

-Dark snow

-Dark nebula

-Dark mantle (I can think of a good name, if you have a suggestion, please tell me.l)

For the moment, the girls for the harem are:




-Rias (Maybe. And I think about changing her personality and making her more useful, less dependent and more powerful. In the anime and the novel they made her too dependent on Issei making it seem useless.)



-Serafall (maybe)

For some girls who appear in the novel, I don't know what to do if I put them in Haren since my idea is to cover the arcs of the anime since I read the novel for a long time and I don't remember very well what was happening in the novel.

This is the information for the moment. I will update this as the story progresses

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