
Fate's Consequences






(Limbo/ Raphael POV)

"..Harry... The books series was based on a magical world... I have feeling you know exactly who."

Harry eyes widened in epiphany. 'Hermione... It's Hermione.' Harry asked after refocusing. "Was it Hermione Granger?

My mouth started to curl upwards in a grin. "There were seven books about an orphan child and his journey through the hidden world of witches and wizards." I watched Harry's face as he realized the books were about him. "Until ending up here with Death, I would've never thought they were books about my brother's life. They didn't have an exact detail of everything that happened while growing up at the Dursley's, but I can pretty much gue-" Harry had cut me off massive hug, because he felt a resonance between us. 

Both of us had terrible childhoods. Both of us were treated worse than slaves. Both of us eventually escaped our prisons, but the damage that had been caused had already dealt its toll. Harry and I both, never got to live long enough to find true happiness.

I had never been given a hug before, so I had frozen for a moment before embracing the comfort of it. No other words were spoken. They didn't need to be. 


(Limbo/ Death POV)

"~I will let you two finally reconnect.~" 

I didn't really leave, but watched the story telling from the beyond. Patiently waiting for the connection, '~Hmm?~'

"~I wasn't expecting company while watching this.~"

A single soul had directly come to watch as well.

"~No matter. You are more than welcome to observe this...~"

After some time Death spoke while watching as Harry was about to embrace his brother.

"~The soul eclipse.~"


The Soul Eclipse is the completion of a soul. It is a cosmic event that occurs when a damaged soul reunites with it's missing piece. It requires the embrace of everything that would have made one complete. In this instance, the twin bond. 


"~The bond that Fate had cut from those two was their connection to each other. This was the only reason that Harry had become a horcrux. The soul shard had occupied the absence of that bond.~" I continued speaking to this other soul. "~Watch now as the souls of your sons become whole.~"

Lily Evans Potter watched with absolute joy as her boys could finally become whole. 


Harry and Raph didn't even realize, as they hugged each other, they started to glow. It was a myriad of colors glowing out as if they were the northern lights. Their souls were reconnecting as they were meant to.


(Limbo/ Raph POV)

Something clicked. Like a missing piece, that I never knew existed had been put into place. "I never knew I needed a hug more than anything." Harry didn't say anything, but I could tell, he felt the same way. We connected somehow, like a long forgotten feeling that somehow just made sense.

After a long while, we finished our hug when he asked, "So wait, I just realized. You said you didn't know your own name?"

"I still don't. Hehe, I picked my own." Harry just laughed at my dry humor. "According to the bible that I read. -Archangel Raphael, often referred to as the "Divine Healer", is the patron saint of those who are ill and the caregivers who attend to them on Earth. He stands as a beacon of hope during our darkest hours, acting as the conduit for God's healing light.- So picked Raphael, but I didn't realized how correct I was picking the name Castor."


(Part of Raph's reason for castor)

Today, the two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini are named Castor and Pollux. Castor and Pollux are symbols of brotherhood and the bond that unites two people even after death. Castor and Pollux (known as Polydeuces to the Greeks) were twin brothers who appeared in several prominent myths. The twins were worshipped as gods who helped shipwrecked sailors and who brought favorable winds for those who made sacrifices to them. The Romans considered Castor and Pollux the gods who watched over horses and the Roman horsemen. 

Another story concerns the death of Castor. According to one of the Greek Myths, the twins wanted to marry their cousins Phoebe and Hilaria. The women, however, were already promised to two other cousins, Idas and Lynceus. Castor and Pollux carried the women away to Sparta, pursued by their male cousins. In the fight that followed, the twins succeeded in killing both Idas and Lynceus, but Castor was fatally wounded. Castor and Pollux can also be seen as a symbol of inequality: though they are twins, one is immortal while the other is not.

(A/N-Anyways, sorry about the lecture, I just really into myths and history like this.)


"... So yeah, I always thought that we were so similar. At least, according to the books, as close a brothers." 

I quit my little mythos lesson, because harry was giggling. "You're just like 'Mione'." He spoke. "But yeah, I can see the irony for the name. I can't believe you read the whole bible though."

"Yeah..." I sighed. "So, I guess now that we know about each other..."

Harry nodded to what I was implying. We both turned to look where Death was standing but realized he wasn't there. 

"Do we-"

"Call him?"



We broke out into laughter again, because we just did the twin speak, like Fred and George Weasley.

During the laughter, Death reappeared in another flash...

And with him...

"Harry? Raphael?" Her voice rung out and silenced us. 

We both robotically turned to see a beautiful red haired woman with brilliant green eyes. Harry recognized her immediately but I had no clue. I last female I had ever met, was my demonic torturer. Harry somehow realized my predicament almost immediately and smoothly diffused the tension.

"Raph, I want you to meet our mum. Lily."

"Umm... Hi. It's nice t-" I was cut off again by another hug. This hug felt just as good as Harry's, but different. Something I would only describe as motherly love. I hugged her back and for the first moment ever. I felt safe.

"I heard everything, Raph. You don't have to worry. I'm here. Mum's here."

Just hearing those words, broke the emotional damn that I have always held on something I've never had. I had a Mom. 

Death spoke out. "~Fate had purposefully cut your bonds away to play her little game. Lily was always supposed to be your mother.~"


I didn't know how long had passed since I hugged her. I just kept hugging her while she kept reassuring me that everything is all better. That she loved me. It worked too because I eventually calmed down.

'When the hell did Harry join the hug??' I thought as I realized he was there too.

"My two brave boys. I'm so proud of how strong you both have been."

We smiled at the praise. "I love you both so very much." We didn't have to look for confirmation from each other. "" We love you too.""

"~So now, What is your choice? Do you both want to live again, the way you were supposed to?~" Death spoke out once again.

Harry and I smiled with tears in our eyes and spoke.

"Yes" "Yes"

"~Very well.~"

Everything has begun to shift and twist as everything started to fade to darkness.


Unknowing to anyone else, Fate had been observing the reunion and decided to play around just one more time to spite Death.

Harry and Raphael were still hugging Lily.


(Gothic's Hollow/ Lily POV)

I woke up with a massive headache as memories from the unknown came rushing in. "Wha... Was that all real??" Looking around, she sees that it is early morning at the Potter cottage. She was still very pregnant looked as if she was to pop any day now.

James wasn't in the room so he must be busy. She was doing her morning stretch but she froze. She was still woozy for the new memories and the headache, but she needed to know. Even though she wasn't a Mediwitch, she had fixed up the marauders plenty of times and cast a diagnostic charm. She was pregnant with twins, and she couldn't wait to give them a hug.

Deciding to go through her new memories, she fell in love with her two boys. She realized from the memories that they were in fact the twins she carried now. Quickly running out of patience for the birth, she asked herself what day was it. She waved her wand and cast a modified tempus charm.

[Tempus Calendari]

/July 30, 1980. 0735 a.m.\

Lily choked up and smiled.

"Harry... Raphael... I'll see you soon"


Tempus charm- shows the current time relative to the position an time zone of the castor 

Hey guys. Not gonna lie this hard for to write because I've never experienced a touchy feely moment like this. But let me know what you guys think. and maybe some ideas on where to go now that I've included Lily into the mix.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rc_Turtlecreators' thoughts
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