

"The fault was mine, Professor!" Hermione said, her voice echoing down the hallway as she drew everyone's attention to herself. Her eyes gleamed with a mixture of guilt and determination.

"Don't be foolish, Hermione," I interrupted before she could say anything else.

"Today in the hall, we couldn't find Hermione. We were worried about her since there was a troll on the loose. We were afraid she hadn't heard the news, so we came to look for her, but soon we found the troll." Ron paused dramatically, his heavy breath echoing in the tense silence of the hallway.

"We couldn't do anything, we were scared, there was no one to help us, but we couldn't give up, not yet! We persisted, fought bravely like the great Gryffindors we are - and like Ravenclaws. After a heroic struggle, full of twists of fate, we emerged victorious, we subdued this powerful beast!" Ron said, puffing out his chest. His foot was on top of the fallen troll, and he struck a knightly pose, as if challenging the world to doubt his bravery.

Everyone in the hall stood with their mouths agape, astonished by such shamelessness.

"Do you expect us to believe this nonsense!?" Professor Snape said, his voice dripping with disdain down the hallway.

"An adult troll being defeated by three first-year children, nonsense in my opinion," Snape spoke with a certain irritation in his voice, his cold gaze sweeping over the students gathered before him.

Before anyone could say anything, a calm voice came - "There is no arguing with facts, Severus." Dumbledore said, his imposing presence filling the space as he walked calmly through the hallway, his wise and penetrating gaze observing each face.

"There is no other explanation but to accept that they really defeated the troll."

"I'm sure they fought bravely, and they're tired, you can go now." Dumbledore said with a gentle smile as he looked at Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

"But before you go... 20 points will be awarded to Gryffindor house."

"And 10 points to Ravenclaw, for such courage and for fighting bravely."

We smiled at each other as we bid farewell to the professors and headed towards the dormitory, saying goodbye to Hermione, who thanked us once again.

[Great Hall]

As we entered through the doors of the great hall, all eyes turned to us, whispers could be heard from afar.

"Man... I still can't believe you guys went to face a troll last night and didn't call us." Isaac said with a resentful tone as we walked to the table.

"We didn't plan any of that, I went to save Harry's girlfriend." I said with some indignation.

"Shut up, Ron!" Harry exclaimed.

"Tell us again how it went!" Neville said with stars in his eyes, his curious expression betraying an insatiable desire for details.

"Cough... there I was, face to face with the bloodthirsty beast. I couldn't show any weakness, after all, lives were at stake at that moment. I looked at Harry and said - 'Go, save your beloved, I will sacrifice myself for love!' - Harry, with tears in his eyes, hesitated for a moment, but as I am a defender of love, I pushed him towards her."

"Harry, walking towards his damsel like a knight in shining armor, said - 'Fear not, fair lady, I am here to save you' - you could see in Hermione's eyes that it was at that moment she fell in love."

Ron continued telling his version of the story, making various hand gestures to emphasize the story, his enthusiasm evident in every word.

His group burst into laughter, and a blushing Harry avoided eye contact, his face turning a shade of red.

"So Harry, are you excited for your first Quidditch match?" I asked Harry as I ate a piece of toast.

"!! I had forgotten!" Harry said, his eyes widening with excitement, his expression instantly changing to one of surprise and concern.

"How could you forget something so important?!" Isaac asked amazed, his voice filled with disbelief.

"I faced a troll last night, my life was at risk!" Harry said, his words carrying a mix of apologies and justifications.

"You've trained enough, you'll do fine." Neville said, his reassuring tone conveying confidence and support.

"Yeah, man, Neville's right. There's no reason to be so alarmed." I said in a relaxed tone.

*[Hoot]* An owl sound was heard in the distance, everyone turned to look, curiosity spreading through the hall like wildfire.

"Look, it's bringing a broomstick."

"It's for Harry."

Murmurs could be heard in the hall as curiosity bubbled among the students.

"Come on, Harry, open it." Isaac said.

Harry, with trembling hands of excitement, carefully unwrapped the package. A brand new broomstick, with a shiny brown color, appeared before them. Its mahogany handle was polished to a shine, and a long tail of clean and straight straws completed its impeccable appearance. Near the handle, the golden mark "Nimbus 2000" gleamed with a special shine.

"Wow, a Nimbus 2000, the fastest broomstick of today! It will help you a lot today." I said.

"Look, it came with a letter." Neville said, handing the small message to Harry.

Harry opened the letter and read it aloud, his eyes filling with tears of emotion. "Enjoy it, champion. We are proud of you, with love, James and Lily."

Determination shone in Harry's eyes as he stood up from the table with confidence. "Let's win this game."

Isaac, Neville, and Ron exchanged knowing looks before rising in unison.