
HP: The Magical Gamer

A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

Kitamari · Book&Literature
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101 Chs

Chapter 20: Christmas Skill?!

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"But..but..they are girls and I am a boy." Neville mumbled, blushing like crazy.

"Harry is a boy too." Hermione raised her one eyebrow which was actually very impressive.

"But he grew up with his sister. He has experience in being affectionate with girls. I don't." Neville answered defensively, still blushing like a maiden.

Hermione just shrugged in response.

When those four finally separated, Harry officially introduced Hermione to the two Slytherin girls.


Lord Voldemort, who was currently nothing more than a translucent spirit, had decided to go to the third floor corridor instead of fleeing, where the treasure was hidden. He chose to stay instead of escaping after Quirrell's sudden death.

He didn't know who was the one that killed him, but he wasn't just going to go away without getting his revenge from the anonymous killer. No one was allowed to stab him in the neck and get no comeuppance for such stupid act.

And he was definitely sure that it wasn't Dumbledore. That old man was a dramatic and righteous fool. He wouldn't resort to killing people with their backs turned to him.

So, that meant someone had realised the threat he posed while attached to the body of Quirrell other than Dumbledore. Also that someone was after The Philosopher's Stone. That was the only reason he could come up with.

He was very sure of that. Why else would anyone try to remove him from the game when he was just trying to scout the legendary stone? He hadn't even made any fuss for Hogwarts yet!

And this someone wasn't averse to killing people. That was troubling and kind of impressive. Not everyone had the guts to get their hands bloodied. This meant that the whole staff was innocent since he knew no one among them was daring or ruthless enough to attempt this.

Then, that left only the students as suspects. Which in itself was a surprise. Who among them was powerful enough to hide from him and sink a knife through this throat? Who among them was moronic enough to try to mess with his plans?... he didn't know. Not yet. But he would soon.

Yes, soon he would be able to know. He would be prepared and ready at the place where his killer would definitely come to reap his rewards. He would wait. He would wait for the right time to strike.

The one good thing being a ghost had done to him was force him to understand the virtue of patience.


Harry was lying on his side in the bed. It was nearing midnight but he couldn't sleep. His mind was trying to find a way to use this [Class] feature. He couldn't just ignore the Necromancer class, not after doing all the work to complete the quest. What was even the meaning of killing Quirrell if he couldn't make use of the rewards?

He opened the game menu and looked at his character stat.

[Character Sheet]

[Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 145(0%)

HP: 7250 (10 per second)

MP: 14500 (100 per second) ]





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)


[Ray of Light]

[Death Arrow]





[Energy Shield]

His level had increased to 145. And seeing that big number along with his HPs and MPs in thousands was deeply satisfying. But if he chose the Necromancer Class then he will start with very few MPs and HPs.

That was very annoying. Still, he wasn't going to ignore that Class. If he could master it, then he would have power over the dead. He would have the power to resurrect anyone.

That was undeniably a golden opportunity. In an off chance that someone close to him died then he would be able to bring them back to the land of living. Which just made it a very important goal to achieve.

But it wouldn't be easy again, levelling up to 100. And so much time would be wasted. Only if he had more...TIME. Yes. Now he knew what he wanted to use his Christmas Skill for.

[Christmas Skill? Seriously, Harry?]

'Hehe. It's not my fault that I can use the 'Create skills' option only two times a year. And it definitely isn't my fault that they are available on Christmas and my birthday. So, Christmas Skill for the skill which I get on Christmas while Birthday Skill for the skill which I receive on my birthday.'

[That's strangely logical and easy to remember.]

'I know.'

He needed time. And he had a very good idea how to achieve that. His 'Create Skill' was going to be very useful in making the [Necromancer] class accessible. He needed only to wait until Christmas to make use of that feature. Agh! Patience was never his thing. He hoped that Christmas would come soon.


The group of four Gryffindors were standing out in the courtyard where their first flying lesson was going to be held. And none of them were too excited about that.

Harry simply wasn't interested because he already had a way to fly without the limitations of the broom. Iris was the same since she knew that no broom would be able to surpass Harry's flying.

Since last year, she had been with Harry every evening, on his back, hanging on tight as they flew like crazy. Though she still was a little excited since she would finally be able to fly on her own.

Hermione and Neville on the other hand weren't happy a bit about this class. They practically were shaking from fear at the prospect of flying on brooms. But that was just them. Around them were first-years from Slytherin and Gryffindor and the majority was eager to ride a broom.

"Calm down, Nev. Everything will be fine." Harry whispered as Madam Hooch made an appearance and stood in front of the gathered students.

"Well, what are you all waiting for?" she barked. "Everyone, stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."


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