
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs

Chapter 31: Dark Arts

The next day, news of Arthur's defeating an adult troll spread throughout the entire school.

Especially during lunchtime, Hermione told the Ravenclaw students what happened, and they always talked about it. She explained the situation in an entire situation, which left everyone with no choice but to believe it was true.

Once again, Arthur caused an attraction in the school. Even though he had only been in school for less than two months, he was already a famous person.

From changing the Sorting Hat's decision during the Sorting Ceremony to his exciting rescue in Flying Class, to joining the Quidditch team as a first-year, and now defeating a troll all by himself, Arthur's popularity had surpassed even that of 'The Chosen One' Harry Potter himself.

After all, Harry had only shown his natural flying ability since he began attending Hogwarts.

Once again, Arthur became the focus of attention for everyone.

When dinner time came, Arthur went to the dining hall to eat, and a group of young wizards immediately looked at him with admiration.

Not only the Ravenclaw students, but also students from every other house had eyes full of excitement and admiration as they looked at him. Even Slytherin had some young wizards looking at him like that.

"What's going on?" Arthur sat nervously next to Cho and asked in a low voice, facing the stares of everyone.

"Nothing much, someone's heroic act of saving someone spread again last night," Cho said sarcastically, and Arthur's eyebrow twitched.

"There was no heroism or saving someone, I just wanted to fight the troll and accident saved Hermione," Arthur chuckled and felt a bit guilty thinking about the kiss from Hermione yesterday, then said to Cho.

Cho was still upset, so she ignored Arthur and went to talk to Marietta on the other side.

Arthur had no choice but to patiently coax the little girl back.


It was Saturday, the day of the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Arthur and Cho, who had finally coaxed her, sat with other Ravenclaw team members, preparing to watch the game.

"Slytherin plays dirty, Arthur. You have to do your best to protect our players and not let them get hurt," Roger Davis tells them, sitting in the row in front of Cho.

"Cho, pay close attention to the Seekers of both teams. If Wood picked Harry, he must have something special, so you should look his moves carefully," said Roger Davies, sitting in the row below Arthur and Cho

This time, only Cho and Arthur are the two new members selected, so Roger keeps introducing them to other players from both houses.

"Don't worry, Roger. I will definitely protect our seeker," Arthur says, holding Cho's slim waist.

Seeing Cho happily snuggled up in Arthur's arms, Roger Davis feels like he should be sitting in the underground. Roger decides not to say anything else.

He's said everything he needed to say, and now it's up to them.

Soon the game begins, with both teams' players flying into the air, ready to start the match.

The supporters from both houses didn't want to be defeated, so they brought out banners that were suddenly released to cheer on their teams.

The two sides were confronted in a fierce battle, but soon, many people noticed Harry's Nimbus 2000 constantly swinging.

Harry could only barely maintain his balance, preventing himself from falling off the broom.

Arthur stood up, watching the entire stadium with his eyes, and soon locked onto Professor Quirrell, who was muttering to himself. He also noticed Professor Snape doing the same.

Arthur knew that Professor Quirrell was the final antagonist, and he didn't hesitate. He stared his eyes at Professor Quirrell on the platform, his lips slightly parted, and softly spoke a spell.

The voice was extremely low, and the surrounding environment was too noisy. Even Cho sitting next to him, didn't hear what he was saying.

However, if someone could hear Arthur now and hear the word, they would definitely be horrified.


A flash of emerald green light glowed from his eyes.

Professor Quirrell on the platform instantly stopped his spell and suddenly fell to the ground, convulsing all over.

His expression was extremely painful.

At this point, Professor Snape also noticed that the counter-spell he had been using to fight Harry on broomsticks had disappeared.

After looking around for a while and not finding anything, he stopped the spell's incantation.

With the broomstick back to normal, Harry successfully caught the Golden Snitch with his excellent eye and reaction speed.

Finally, Gryffindor beat Slytherin at 160:60.

Arthur was very satisfied. He had many ways to stop Quirrell, but he tried using "Crucio" since he had obtained it as a Dark Arts spell not long ago.

The result is very good, such a long-distance spell without a wand and there is no trace of the spell.

This was definitely a master-level Dark Arts technique.

As the game ended, the Gryffindor team celebrated wildly while the Slytherin team hung their heads in defeat. Arthur had no intention of staying either.

Holding Cho's hand, he walked slowly towards the castle.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.