
HP: The Boy Who Indulged

''This... This is the boy who lived? Savior of the wizarding world, and they leave him like this? Pathetic fools... You know what? Let's see what hell you'll stir up... Blood to Blood, you will be my proxy.'' Harry Potter. 'The Boy Who Lived' but was left with muggles who hated anything 'abnormal', freakish, wrong. Who hated magic above all else. The 'Freak' that is Harry Potter. A traveling deity, just a passing God of 'Blood' decided that this was no way to treat the 'Savior' of the Wizarding World, and decided to change Harry's fate, by gifting him the gift of 'Blood' a power that if used correctly... Could turn the wizarding world on it's head. This Fanfic is 'Technically' a Vampire Fanfic! Creative liberties were taken to make it not so, sunshine=ash/sparkles type vampire! This world of Harry Potter is an AU. Things to note! Hogwarts now starts at the age of 18, and is considered a 'College' This change makes the difference between 'mud blood' and purebloods much worse, as they have had 18 years to cultivate their magic and strength while making it so the half-bloods have more wits to them, as they have all attended up to at least highschool education! This is not an Evil Dumbledore fanfic, whereas I like them, I feel there are too many. Hello everyone! Bulo here! This will be my first official Fanfic! I will try my best to make it a good one, I can't promise an upload schedule but I will try to do the best I can, and if it gets popular I will set time aside to get an official schedule! Looking to support me? https://ko-fi.com/bulodolu Buy me a coffee!... Even if my doctor told me to stay away from caffeine!

BuloDolu · Movies
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13 Chs

Yes, I'm Sirius

Harry stood at the entrance to Azkaban, Amelia had done well on her word, and was able to get Sirius Black a retrial, the only problem was it wouldn't be until a little into November when they would be able to officially start the trial.

It however was allow Harry to push to 'Re home' Sirius until the trial, since by wizarding law, since he was never trialed to be 'Guilty' he was still innocent, the Ministry 'Only' allowed this is Sirius was put under Auror watch, which of course was fine for Harry. The silly little lawmen could dance around his manor all they wanted to, hell.

He even encouraged it, the longer they were around him, and by proxy Pokka.

The better they would be inclined to 'trust' him.

He was now standing before the dreary prison here to retrieve his uncle with four Auror's flanking him as the gates rattles open.

The Dementors were, strangely calm creatures despite the many books about them, Harry felt as if he was with friends, at a family barbecue even as they hovered near them, Auror wands at the ready in case any of them got out of line.

It didn't happen often, but sometimes the Dementors wanted a 'nutrious' snack, compared to the ones the prison held... Maybe that is why Harry felt like he was similar to them? They both consumed a part of someone, even if memories were only a byproduct of their blood.

Either way he was lead through the prison, it getting worse and worse as they traveled until the smell was... Horrific, let alone for a normal person for someone with supernatural senses like Harry even without any empowering, it was hell.

Needing to use a handkerchief from his suit pocket that was enchanted to block scents to proceed further.

Soon they came in front of Sirius Black's cell and anger boiled in him, he knew it would be bad, but to see how own REAL blood here, suffering for no reason, to this extent drove him to a new anger, keeping his nose covered he ordered one of the escorts.

''Over saturate a cleaning charm and clean him, make it smell like vanilla and lavender.''

''I... Lord Potter, I don't think any of us have that much control over the cleaning charm...?'' One spoke, looking between the other three, all shaking their heads.

Harry scowled before speaking. ''May I do it then?''

The four of them looked between each other, even if they said no, it's not like they could stop them. A single burst of movement and he would have all their heads, he could have a whole story about it to. How one of them was curroupt and freed all the prisoners, and Harry saved only himself and two others while he valiantly fought to get out.

But, looks like he wouldn't need to play hero as they nodded.

Harry removed his registered wand out from his holster beneath his left arm beneath his suit jacket and gathered magic before casting an incredibly potent cleaning charm on his uncle.

He adjusted it to give the smell of Vanilla and Lavender because it was the smell his uncle liked the most, it one of his dairies it was even noted that he only chased after girls who wore it, and because of it being the few perfumes to come out, there were a lot of them.

His uncle seemed to rouse slightly from the smell, lifting his head a bit he stared forward, he looked a lot better now that he was cleaned, but some proper R&R would definitely be needed.

His dark brows furrowed as he stared at Harry, confusion washing over his face. ''James...? I thought you were...''

His face twisted as memories began to dance forward in his mind of him clutching his brothers body, sobbing uncontrollably. Even as Hagrid tried to talk to him, he couldn't hear anything, to overcome with grief.

The memory fading away as he blinked his eyes hard, trying to get a better look at the man before him.

''You aren't James... Who are you?''

Harry's eyes softened, not letting his powers suppress his mood or emotion as he took a deep breath before lowering the handkerchief, raising his hand he swept his hair back. His scar had long since healed, but he had found it... Easier to prove his identity with it, so a slight morph in that area has let him keep a scar there.

When Sirius saw the scar his eyes widened into saucers.

''Has it... Has it been so long? You're so grown...'' Sirius pushed forward, trying to get closer to his nephew only for the chains to block him once he got halfway from the room, tears streaming down his face as he reached for him.

''You have her eyes Harry... Her beautiful... Beautiful eyes... James would have liked that.''

''Aurors, remove my Uncle from his cell and prepare him from transport, hurt him... Even a fiber on his rags, and you won't have a job by the time we are back on the mainland.''

''W-What? Remove me, but?'' Sirius was confused as the cell door was open, men kept their wands on Sirius as two others began to unchain him from the wall.

''You never got a trial, it's taken to long, but I have been able to guarantee your trial later in November, of course since you technically had a trial to prove your guilt, you are not 'Technically' a quilty man, so I have been given permission to pull you out of here and to have you within my home, under my care as Lord Potter, last of my line until your retrial, under guard of course by Ministry Auror's.''

They had to catch Sirius as the weight of his chains dragged him down once they were removed from the wall, Harry spoke immediately.

''Incompetent as you four may be, one of you must know the levitation charm, and or the feather weight charm. I do not see my uncle being able to 'Run' away in his condition anyway.''

Again they looked between each other before one nodded, and casted the feather weight charm onto the chains, making them float softly into the air as they began to carry Sirius towards Harry.

Harry didn't want to do this, but to make sure he could salvage whatever was left of his uncle he put him under gentle compulsion to make his head sag forward as he fell asleep.

''Let us return to my estate, my house elf will have lunch ready for us by now, as well as the nurses from St. Mungo's ready to take my uncle into their very capable hands.'' Harry ordered as he turned and began to walk, being followed by the four guards and his passed out uncle.

The island itself had anti-apparition wards, and whereas that was nothing to Harry, he wasn't just going to show that he could get through them, so they would need to board the boat and head back to the mainland, so for once they were there they could apparate away.

Harry turned to stare at the Prison as the boat started to head back, there was one more Black within those walls, Bellatrix Black, his Aunt.

Someone that he wouldn't be able to get out as easily, even if he knew the charges against her were fake...

Should he break her out?

He pondered the idea for a few moments, before turning back to watch for the mainland. If he did decide to break her out, he wouldn't do it today. He might be able to compel all the guards on the island to think she was still there, but eventually, their shifts would change, and eventually, someone would find out she was gone, and it wasn't hard to find out how long she was gone.

So breaking her out the same day he was there, retrieving his uncle was too much of a risky move...

Not that Harry wasn't already thinking of ways to get her out as soon as possible, even if that did mean breaking her out.


Soon, chapters will have more fluidity between each chapter, as it seems rather choppy right now but that is because time is passing frequently as I skip past a lot of the 'footwork' of him training and mastering his abilities before school.

Feel I could've done better? Let me know!

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